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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to eBay
Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to eBay

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Название: Absolute Beginner's Guide to eBay

Автор: Miller M.


eBay, the world's largest online trading community, has over 125 million registered users. According to the New York Times, more than 500,000 people make a full- or part-time living on eBay. On any given day there are close to 4 million items listed for auction on the eBay site. Want to make your mark on the eBay world?

Absolute Beginner's Guide to eBay, 4th Edition, is the perfect guide to help you conquer your first auction. The first three editions of this book were huge sellers, so it's only natural we would update this great book to reflect eBay's most recent upgrades and enhancements. This new edition is completely revamped to cover the way eBay is used today. It's more than just online auctions — users also buy and sell via fixed-price listings, Buy It Now, eBay Stores, Half.com, Trading Assistants, and more. You will find everything they need to know to get started in this book!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4th

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
categories (item listings), selecting      2nd 3rd
categories (item listings), subcategories, browsing      
categories (item listings), suggested category searches      
category listings (Home page)      
Category page      
Category page, navigating      
Category page, Second Category section      
checking accounts      
checking accounts, auction payments      
checking accounts, cashier's checks      
checking accounts, eCheck payments (PayPal)      
checking accounts, seller accounts, creating      
Choose a Listing Option page, pre-filled item information      
Choose User ID and Password page      
Choose Your Editing Options page (About Me page)      
claim forms (USPS)      
claims, filing (eBay fraud protection process)      
clients (Trading Assistants), finding      
clock, eBay clock, synchronizing bids (bidding tips)      
clock, Windows clock, sniping tips      
closeups      [See macro mode (digital cameras).]
collectibles, authentication services      
collectibles, grading abbreviations      
collectibles, grading services      
collectibles, grading systems      
color codes (HTML)      
communication, auction strategies      2nd
communication, bidding tips      
communication, international auctions      
Community hub, Discussion Boards link      
competition (auction strategies)      
complaints, handling      
completed auctions, market research      
completed item listings, displaying      
composition framing (item listing pictures)      
computer-generated labels      
Congratulations page      2nd
consignment sellers      [See Trading Assistants.]
Contact Customer Support page      
contracts (consignments)      
contrast (pictures), adjusting      
Cost list (Shipping section)      2nd
Create New Item window (Turbo Lister)      
Create Password dialog (Choose User ID and Password page)      
Create Seller's Account page      
Create Your Own ID dialog (Choose User ID and Password page)      
Create Your Page button (About Me page)      
Create Your Shipping Label page (PayPal website)      
credit cards      
credit cards, bidding tips      
credit cards, information, updating      
credit cards, registration information      
credit cards, seller accounts, creating      
Cricket Power Sniper software website      
cropping pictures      
Cross Promotions section (Selling Manager)      
cushioning materials (shipping & handling)
customer satisfaction (auction strategies)      
Customer service      
customer service, Contact Customer Support page      
customer service, mail address      
customer service, phone numbers      
customizing, email templates (Selling Manager)      
customizing, My eBay      
customizing, My Summary view (My eBay)      
deadbeat bidders      2nd
Describe Your Item page      
Describe Your Item page, Add Pictures window      
Describe Your Item page, bidder interest counters      
Describe Your Item page, Duration list      
Describe Your Item page, Item Description section      
Describe Your Item page, Item Specifics section      
Describe Your Item page, Item Title field      
Describe Your Item page, PayPal check box      
Describe Your Item page, pictures      
Describe Your Item page, Pictures section      
Describe Your Item page, Returns Accepted box      
Describe Your Item page, Selling section      
Describe Your Item page, Selling section, Buy It Now (BIN) Price box      
Describe Your Item page, Selling section, Fixed-price pull-down menu      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Cost list      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Domestic Shipping Services list      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Estimated Weight list      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, International Shipping Services list      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Package & Handling box
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Package Size list      
Describe Your Item page, Shipping section, Shipping Discount box      
Describe Your Item page, Starting Price box      
Describe Your Item page, Store Inventory option      
Describe Your Item page, Supersize Picture links      
Describe Your Item page, titles/subtitles      
Describe Your Item page, Visitor Counter option      
DHL      2nd
Digital Image Standard website (Microsoft)      
Discussion Boards link (Community hub)      
Dispute Console page      2nd
disputes, handling      
disputes, handling, eBay fraud protection process      
disputes, handling, SquareTrade      
documentation, auction strategies      
documentation, bidding tips      
Domestic Shipping Services list (Shipping section)      2nd
donations (item listing options)      
drop-off locations (Trading Assistants)      
Duration list (Describe Your Item page)      
Dutch auctions      
early bids (bidding mistakes)      
eBay Blackthorne website      
eBay Express      
eBay Stores      
eBay Stores, accessing      
eBay Stores, browsing      
eBay Stores, buying from      
eBay Stores, final value fees      
eBay Stores, fixed-price auctions      
eBay Stores, opening      
eBay Stores, qualifications of      
eBay Stores, searches      
eBay Stores, subscription fees      
eBay, customer service      
eBay, customer service, Contact Customer Support page      
eBay, customer service, mail address      
eBay, customer service, phone numbers      
eBay, fees, list of      
eBay, market statistics      
eBay, mission statement      
eBay, Review Your Purchase page      
eBay, Toolbar, bidding tips      
eCheck payments (PayPal)      
Edit button (Turbo Lister)      
Edit Email Templates page (Selling Manager)      
editing, image files      
editing, image files, graphics editing software      
editing, image files, resizing files/pictures      
editing, invoices (Selling Manager)      
editing, item listings, HTML      
editing, item listings, HTML, bulleted list codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, color codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, font codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, graphics codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, line break codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, link codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, paragraph codes      
editing, item listings, HTML, rule codes      
Email Buyer page (Selling Manager)      
email, auctions      
email, auctions, end-of-auction notifications      2nd
email, auctions, international auctions      
email, auctions, search notifications      
email, auctions, strategies for      2nd
email, bidding      
email, bidding, notifications      
email, bidding, tips for      
email, bidding, unresponsive bidders      
email, bidding, winning bidder notifications      
email, buyer notifications (Selling Manager)      
email, item receipt notifications      
email, link codes (HTML)      
email, payment receipt notifications      
email, phishing scams      
email, shipping notifications      
email, spoofing      
email, templates (Selling Manager), customizing      
email, Trading Assistants, contacting      
End My Listing page      
end-of-auction notifications      2nd
ending auctions (auction strategies)      
enhancements list (item listings)      
Enter Information page      
Enter Information page, privacy policies      
Enter Information page, required information      
Enter Information page, user agreements      
Enter Multiple Items screen (Turbo Lister)      
Enter Page Content page (About Me page)      
envelopes (shipping & handling)
eSnipe website      
Estimated Weight list (Shipping section)      2nd
expensive items      
expensive items, auction strategies      
expensive items, bidding tips      
Express Mail      
extended durations (auction strategies)      
fast payments (bidding tips)      
Favorite Links section (Selling Manager)      
Favorites page (My eBay), adding items to      
Featured Plus! enhancement (item listings)      2nd
features versus benefits (item listing descriptions)      
FedEx (Federal Express)      2nd 3rd
Feedback scores (Member Profile page)      
feedback, bidding tips      
feedback, comments      
feedback, comments, leaving, guidelines      
feedback, comments, reading      
feedback, negative feedback      
feedback, ratings      2nd 3rd
feedback, Selling Manager      
fees, 10-day auction      
fees, authentication services      
fees, bold fees      
fees, border fees      
fees, Buy It Now      
fees, eBay Store      
fees, eBay Store, final value fees      
fees, eBay Store, subscription fees      
fees, Featured Plus! fees      
fees, final value fees      [See selling fees.]
fees, flat fees (shipping & handling)
fees, Gallery Featured      
fees, Gallery fees      
fees, Gift Services fees      
fees, handling fees (shipping & handling)
fees, highlight fees      
fees, Home Page fees      
fees, insertion fees      2nd 3rd
fees, insurance fees      
fees, item subtitle fees      
fees, listing designer fees      
fees, listing fees      2nd
fees, Media Mail      
fees, mediator fees (SquareTrade)      
fees, PayPal fees      
fees, Picture Services      
fees, refunds      
fees, reserve price auction fees      
fees, scheduled listings fees      
fees, Select How to Pay Selling Fees page      
fees, selling fees      2nd
fees, Selling Manager Pro subscription fees      
fees, Selling Manager subscription fees      
fees, Trading Assistants      2nd
fees, USPS      
fees, USPS, Priority Mail fees      
fees, USPS, tracking fees      
fees, variable fees (shipping & handling)
files, resizing      
filing claims (eBay fraud protection process)      
Fill in Buyer's Name and Address dialog (Selling Manager)      
filtering item listings (My eBay)      
final prices, calculating      
Find a Main Category page      
Find a Seller button (Trading Assistants hub)      
Find a Trading Assistant link (Trading Assistants hub)      
Find Contact Information page, contacting unresponsive bidders      
Find It Now page      
Find Items page      [See Find It Now page.]
Find Your Product window, adding product information      
fine print (item listings)      2nd 3rd
fine-tuning searches (bidding tips)      
First Class Mail      
fixed-price auctions      2nd 3rd
Fixed-Price pull-down menu (Describe Your Item page)      
flat fees (shipping & handling)
focus (item listing pictures)      
font codes (HTML)      
foreign currency (international auctions)      
framing (item listing pictures)      
franchising (Trading Assistants)      
fraud protection      2nd
Freight Resource Center      
Fridays (auction strategies)      
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)      
Gallery Featured enhancement (item listings)      2nd
Gallery icons      
Gallery Picture enhancement (item listings)      
General eBay Announcements section (My Summary view)      
Get It Fast option      
Gift Icon enhancement (item listings)      2nd
Gift Services fees      
glare (item listing pictures)      
Global Priority Mail (USPS)      
graphics codes (HTML)      
graphics editing software      
guides, browsing      
guides, rating      
guides, sorting      
guides, tags      2nd
guides, writing      
Half.com      2nd 3rd
HammerSnipe website      
HammerTap auction management software      2nd
handling fees (shipping & handling)
heavy items, shipping      
help, Buyer Protection Plan (PayPal)      
help, Dispute Console      
help, eBay process      
help, Purchase Protection Program      
hiding/displaying columns (My eBay)      
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