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Marmel E. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Quattro Pro X3 |
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spreadsheets, rows, borders 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, rows, deleting 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, rows, height 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, rows, hiding/showing 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, rows, inserting 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, rows, locking 2nd
spreadsheets, rows, swapping rows and columns 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, rows, unlocking
spreadsheets, sorting data 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, spell checking 2nd 3rd
spreadsheets, structure of 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, transposing rows/columns 2nd 3rd 4th
spreadsheets, what-if tables, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
swapping rows and columns 2nd 3rd
switching between predefined workspaces 2nd
TAB key
tables, criteria tables (queries) 2nd 3rd
tables, what-if tables, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
templates, creating notebooks from 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
text, alignment 2nd 3rd
Text, color 2nd
text, entering into spreadsheets 2nd
text, fonts
text, fonts, formatting 2nd
Thesaurus command (Tools menu)
Thesaurus tab (Spell Checker) 2nd
Tile Side to Side command (Window menu)
Tile Top to Bottom command (Window menu)
tiling windows 2nd
titles, charts
titles, locking 2nd
titles, unlocking
Toolbars 2nd 3rd 4th
toolbars, adding/removing buttons 2nd 3rd 4th
toolbars, Application Bar
toolbars, changing appearance of 2nd 3rd 4th
toolbars, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
toolbars, docking
toolbars, Experts and Numeric Tools
toolbars, floating
toolbars, hiding/showing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
toolbars, Notebook
toolbars, Notebook, Chart button
toolbars, Notebook, Copy button
toolbars, Notebook, Cut button
toolbars, Notebook, Formula Composer button
toolbars, Notebook, Function button 2nd 3rd
toolbars, Notebook, Paste button
toolbars, Notebook, QuickFormat button
toolbars, Notebook, Save button
toolbars, property bar
Tools menu commands
Tools menu commands, Auditing
Tools menu commands, Consolidate
Tools menu commands, Customize
Tools menu commands, Dictionary
Tools menu commands, QuickFilter
Tools menu commands, Sort
Tools menu commands, Spell Checker
| Tools menu commands, Thesaurus
totals, underlining 2nd 3rd
Trace Precedents command (Auditing menu)
Transpose Cells dialog box 2nd 3rd 4th
Transpose command (Numeric Tools menu)
Transpose command (Numeric Tools)
transposing rows and columns 2nd 3rd
transposing rows/columns 2nd 3rd 4th
tutors, CorelTUTOR
tutors, PerfectExpert 2nd
uattro Pro mode
underlining, totals 2nd 3rd
unlocking, rows/columns
Up Arrow key
variables, solving for 2nd 3rd 4th
View menu comamnds
View menu comamnds, Locked Titles 2nd
View menu commands
View menu commands, Formulas
View menu commands, Group Mode 2nd
View menu commands, New View
View menu commands, Page Break
viewing, formulas
views 2nd 3rd 4th
views, creating
views, Draft
views, Page 2nd
views, Page Breaks 2nd
What-If Expert
What-If Tables command (Numeric Tools menu)
what-if tables, creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
What-If window 2nd
width of columns 2nd 3rd
Window menu commands
Window menu commands, Cascade
Window menu commands, Tile Side to Side
Window menu commands, Tile Top to Bottom
Windows 2nd 3rd
windows, arranging 2nd 3rd
windows, cascading
windows, maximized 2nd
windows, maximizing 2nd 3rd
windows, minimized
Windows, minimizing 2nd 3rd
Windows, resizing 2nd
windows, restoring 2nd 3rd
windows, tiling 2nd
windows, window control buttons 2nd 3rd 4th
Workbooks [See notebooks]
Worksheets [See spreadsheets]
Workspace Manager
Workspace Manager, creating workspaces 2nd 3rd
Workspace Manager, switching between predefined workspaces 2nd
Workspaces 2nd 3rd
workspaces, creating 2nd
workspaces, restoring to default settings
workspaces, switching between predefined workspaces 2nd
[ open bracket)
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