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Netscape 2nd
Netscape, history of Mozilla
Netscape, plug-ins Web site
Network & Internet category (Mandrakelinux Control Center)
Network command (Fedora System Settings menu)
Network Computer (Client) (Mandrake package group)
Network Computer Server (Mandrake package group)
network configuration
Network Configuration tool (Fedora)
Network Configuration tool (Fedora), Internet connection setup 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
network configuration, installing Linux distributions 2nd
Network Device Control command (Fedora System Tools menu)
network interface cards (NICs)
network interface cards (NICs), for wireless Internet connections
network interface cards (NICs), for wireless Internet connections, configuring 2nd
Network Proxy option (GNOME Control Center)
Network Servers command (GNOME menu)
networks, sharing Internet connections
Neverwinter Nights 2nd
Neverwinter Nights, game comparison chart
news readers
news readers, in e-mail programs
news readers, KNode 2nd 3rd
news readers, Pan 2nd 3rd
newsfeeds, in Evolution
Newsgroups 2nd 3rd [See also news readers]
NICs (network interface cards)
NICs, for wireless Internet connections
NICs, for wireless Internet connections, configuring 2nd
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Entertainment System, emulating 2nd 3rd
no-CD patches for games
Noatun 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Noatun, digital audio/video player comparison chart
Novell Evolution [See Evolution]
Number of Workspaces option (GNOME Workspace Switcher Preferences dialog box)
office suites
office suites, comparison chart
office suites, KOffice 2nd 3rd
office suites, OpenOffice.org 2nd 3rd
office suites, OpenOffice.org, Calc 2nd 3rd 4th
office suites, OpenOffice.org, Draw 2nd 3rd
office suites, OpenOffice.org, Impress 2nd 3rd
office suites, OpenOffice.org, Writer 2nd 3rd 4th
Office Workstation (Mandrake package group)
OGG tags
Ogle 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Ogle, digital audio/video player comparison chart
online, buying Linux distributions
OpenOffice.org 2nd 3rd
OpenOffice.org, Calc 2nd 3rd 4th
OpenOffice.org, Draw 2nd 3rd
OpenOffice.org, Impress 2nd 3rd
OpenOffice.org, office suite comparison chart
OpenOffice.org, Writer 2nd 3rd 4th
Opera 2nd 3rd
organization programs [See personal information managers]
Other Graphical Desktops (Mandrake package group)
Ownership 2nd 3rd
Package Manager (Fedora)
pager (KDE) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Palm Pilots [See PDA syncing]
Pan 2nd 3rd
panel icons
panel icons, customizing 2nd
panels, in GNOME 2nd 3rd 4th
panels, Kicker panel (KDE) 2nd 3rd
Partition Magic
partitions, creating 2nd 3rd
partitions, formatting
partitions, sharing files between 2nd
Password option (GNOME Control Center)
Passwords, changing
passwords, changing, in Fedora
passwords, changing, in Mandrake
passwords, choosing
passwords, root password
PDA syncing
PDA syncing, connections 2nd 3rd
PDA syncing, GNOME Pilot 2nd 3rd 4th
PDA syncing, KPilot 2nd 3rd 4th
PDA syncing, software comparison chart
PDF files
PDF files, creating
PDF files, viewing 2nd 3rd
Peripherals section (KDE Control Center)
Personal Desktop (Fedora install type)
personal information managers
personal information managers, comparison chart
personal information managers, Evolution 2nd
personal information managers, Evolution, Calendar screen 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
personal information managers, Evolution, Contacts screen 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
personal information managers, Evolution, Inbox screen
personal information managers, Evolution, Summary screen 2nd 3rd
personal information managers, Evolution, Tasks screen 2nd 3rd 4th
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KAddressBook 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KAlarm
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, Kandy
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, Karm
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KMail
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KNotes
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KonsoleKalendar
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, Kontact 2nd 3rd
personal information managers, KDE-PIM suite, KOrganizer 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
personal information managers, Sunbird
Phoenix [See Firefox]
Photos [See also digital cameras]
photos, organizing in albums 2nd
photos, organizing in albums, Digikam 2nd
photos, organizing in albums, gThumb 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
photos, retrieving from digital cameras
photos, retrieving from digital cameras, gtKam 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
photos, retrieving from digital cameras, Konquorer 2nd 3rd
photos, software comparison chart
Photoshop, comparison with GIMP
Photoshop, running in Linux
pictures [See graphics programs photos]
Pilot-Link 2nd
playlists, creating
playlists, creating, in Rhythmbox
plug-ins, for multimedia in Web sites
pop-ups, blocking
pop-ups, blocking, in Konqueror
pop-ups, blocking, in Mozilla
portable music players
portable music players, syncing with Linux
PowerControl section (KDE Control Center)
PowerDVD player
Preferences [See customizing]
Preferred Applications option (GNOME Control Center)
presentation programs
presentation programs, Impress 2nd 3rd
print management 2nd
print management, in Fedora 2nd 3rd
print management, in Mandrake 2nd 3rd
Print Manager command (Fedora System Tools menu)
| printers
printers, configuring
printers, configuring, in Fedora 2nd 3rd
printers, configuring, in Mandrake 2nd 3rd
printers, configuring,Printing command (Fedora System Settings menu)
Printing Notification Icon command (Fedora System Tools menu)
problems, avoiding
productivity suites [See office suites personal
programs, customizing settings
programs, defined
programs, Windows programs
programs, Windows programs, list of comparable Linux programs
prompts in terminal
protocols, for wireless Internet connections
Python-Fu menu (GIMP)
Quake 3 Arena
Railroad Tycoon 2
Railroad Tycoon 2, Gold Edition
RDF feeds
reading, e-mail messages
reading, e-mail messages, in Evolution
reading, e-mail messages, in KMail
reading, e-mail messages, in Thunderbird
reading, logs
reading, logs, in Fedora
reading, logs, in Mandrake
Real Player 2nd 3rd
Real Player, digital audio/video player comparison chart
Recent Documents command (GNOME menu)
Recent Documents command (K menu)
Red Hat distribution [See Fedora distribution]
Red Hat Network Alert Icon command (Fedora System Tools menu)
Red Hat Network command (Fedora System Tools menu)
Red Hat Network Configuration command (Fedora System Settings menu)
renaming, files and folders
renaming, files and folders, in Konqueror
renaming, files and folders, in Nautilus
Requirements [See system requirements]
Rhythmbox 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Rhythmbox, digital audio/video player comparison chart
ripping CDs
ripping CDs, Grip 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
ROMs [See game emulators]
root password
Root Password command (Fedora System Settings menu)
root passwords
root passwords, changing
root passwords, changing, in Fedora
root passwords, changing, in Mandrake
root user
root user account
root user, switching to
routers, configuring 2nd
RPM files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
RPMDrake (Mandrake)
RSS feeds
Run Application command (GNOME menu)
Run Command command (K menu)
saving, images
saving, images, in GIMP
Screen Resolution option (GNOME Control Center)
Screensaver option (GNOME Control Center)
Script-Fu menu (GIMP)
Search engines
search engines, setting
search engines, setting, in Mozilla
Search for Files command (GNOME menu)
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Secure Socket Layer (SSL), and instant messaging (IM)
Security category (Mandrakelinux Control Center)
Security Level command (Fedora System Settings menu)
Security section (KDE Control Center)
Security Tab (GDM configuration dialog box)
security, ownership [See ownership]
Security, permissions [See permissions]
security, wireless Internet connections
Select menu (GIMP)
selecting [See choosing]
sending, e-mail messages
sending, e-mail messages, in Evolution
sending, e-mail messages, in KMail 2nd 3rd 4th
sending, e-mail messages, in Thunderbird
Server (Fedora install type)
Server Settings command (Fedora System Settings menu)
services, starting
services, starting, in Fedora
services, starting, in Mandrake
services, stopping
services, stopping, in Fedora
services, stopping, in Mandrake
settings, customizing
sharing files between partitions 2nd
sharing, Internet connections
Show All Workspaces In option (GNOME Workspace Switcher Preferences dialog box)
Show Only the Current Workspace option (GNOME Workspace Switcher Preferences dialog box)
Show Workspace Names in Switcher option (GNOME Workspace Switcher Preferences dialog box)
Shutdown Tab (KDM configuration dialog box)
SimCity 3000
Sketch Web site
skinning, in Noatun 2nd 3rd 4th
Slackware distribution 2nd
Slashdot Web site
Sodipodi Web site
Software Management category (Mandrakelinux Control Center)
Software modems
software modems, versus hardware modems 2nd
Software, installing 2nd 3rd
software, installing, Apt and Synaptic 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
software, installing, from source code 2nd 3rd 4th
software, installing, Mandrake Update 2nd 3rd
software, installing, RPM files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
software, installing, Yum 2nd
Sound Card Detection command (Fedora System Settings menu)
Sound option (GNOME Control Center)
Sound section (KDE Control Center)
source code
source code, installing software from 2nd 3rd 4th
spam filtering
spam filtering, in Evolution
spam filtering, in KMail
spam filtering, in Thunderbird 2nd 3rd 4th
spatial mode (Nautilus) 2nd 3rd 4th
spoofkata, defined
spreadsheet programs
spreadsheet programs, Calc 2nd 3rd 4th
SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
SSL, and instant messaging (IM)
Standard Greeter Tab (GDM configuration dialog box)
Start Here icon (GNOME)
Start New Sessions command (K menu)
starting, services
starting, services, in Fedora
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