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Best S. — Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques
Best S. — Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques

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Название: Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques

Автор: Best S.


Best, a senior software engineer at IBM's Linux Technology in Austin, Texas, presents debugging techniques and tools to make programming for Linux operating system kernel and applications problems easier to solve. Each chapter focuses on a specific tool/ set of tools, and how to build and install such in the event that a particular Linux distribution does not supply that tool or its latest release. The guide includes helpful summary charts and Web resources for crash dumps, defined as "a reliable method of detecting, saving, and examining system problems."

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 456

Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
netstat command      
network debugging tools      
network debugging tools, arp command      
network debugging tools, ethereal      
network debugging tools, ifconfig utility      
network debugging tools, netstat command      
network debugging tools, tcpdump program      
Networking support option (UML configuration)      2nd
nm command      
null modem serial cable setup      
o option (Omit Event Types), tracevisualizer program      
objdump command      
Oops messages (panic messages)      
Oops messages (panic messages), analysis      2nd
Oops messages (panic messages), applying gdb to display jfs_mount      
Oops messages (panic messages), generation of assembly code by gcc -s option      
Oops messages (panic messages), kernel mailing lists      
Oops messages (panic messages), kernel mailing lists, 2.5.1-pre5      
Oops messages (panic messages), kernel mailing lists, 3c59x network driver      
Oops messages (panic messages), processing using ksymoops      
Oops messages (panic messages), Web resources      
opannotate command      
opannotate utility      
opcontrol -init command      
opcontrol utility      
open dialog box (kprof)      
operations, gdb      
opgprof utility      
opreport utility      
oprofile kernel profiler      
oprofile kernel profiler, building the kernel      
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, aligning structures      
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, blocking technique      
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, cache misses      
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, loop grouping
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, packing arrays      
oprofile kernel profiler, hardware counters, padding structures
oprofile kernel profiler, oprof_start utility      
oprofile kernel profiler, profile steps
oprofile kernel profiler, reports
oprofile kernel profiler, saving data
oprofile kernel profiler, single executable profiles
oprofile kernel profiler, utilities      
op_help command      
overruns (memory)
p option (PID tracing), tracevisualizer program      
packing arrays, performance counters
padding structures, performance counters      
panic messages      [See Oops messages]
patch command      2nd
patching kernel      
patching kernel, kdb      
patching kernel, kgdb
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux)
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), configuration options      
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), gcov support
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), gprof support
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), Kernel hacking menu      
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), transports
patching kernel, UML (User-Mode Linux), UML Network Devices menu      
pcap transport, UML packet exchange      
Perens, Bruce
performance counters      
performance counters, aligning structures
performance counters, blocking technique
performance counters, cache misses      
performance counters, loop grouping
performance counters, packing arrays      
performance counters, padding structures      
performance tuning
performance tuning, profiling methods      
performance tuning, profiling methods, clock( ) function      2nd
performance tuning, profiling methods, date command      
performance tuning, profiling methods, gettimeofday( ) function      
performance tuning, profiling methods, gprof profiler      2nd
performance tuning, profiling methods, stopwatch method      
performance tuning, profiling methods, time command      
performance tuning, steps      
perror command      2nd
pg gcc option (gprof profiler)
pgrep -u root httpd (pgrep utility)
pgrep -u root,best (pgrep utility)
pgrep bash command
pgrep utility
PID 2, back trace
POSIX 1003.25 standard      
post_handler function
pre_handler function      
print array command
print array[0] command
Print command
Print Screen key      
printf( ) statements      
printk( ) messages
Probe Manager (Dprobes)
Process Analysis view (tracevisualizer program)
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries)
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), /proc/vmstat file      
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), /sys/kernel file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), /sys/vm file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), buddyinfo file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), bus directory      
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), cmdline file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), cpuinfo file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), dev/fs file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), diskstats file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), free file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), interrupts file      
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), kallsyms file      
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), kcore file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), kmsg file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), loadavg file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), lsdev file      
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), meminfo file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), mpstat
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), net directory
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), slabinfo file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), stat file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), statm
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), sys directory
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), sysrq-trigger file
process-specific subdirectories (/proc file system entries), vmstat
processes, task_struct data structure
processes, tools
processes, tools, pgrep utility
processes, tools, ps (process status) program      2nd
processes, tools, pstree
processes, tools, top utility
processor entry (cpuinfo file, /proc file system)
processors, hardware counters      
processors, hardware counters, aligning structures      
processors, hardware counters, blocking technique
processors, hardware counters, cache misses
processors, hardware counters, loop grouping
processors, hardware counters, packing arrays
processors, hardware counters, padding structures
profiling      2nd
Profiling support menu
profiling, clock( ) function      2nd
profiling, date command
profiling, gettimeofday( ) function
profiling, gprof profiler
profiling, gprof profiler, b option
profiling, gprof profiler, field descriptions
profiling, gprof profiler, for loops/if statements      2nd
profiling, gprof profiler, fprofile-arcs option
profiling, gprof profiler, ftest-coverage option
profiling, gprof profiler, kprof
profiling, gprof profiler, pg gcc option      
profiling, instrumentation profilers
profiling, sampling profilers
profiling, sampling profilers, oprofile
profiling, sampling profilers, Prospect
profiling, stopwatch method
profiling, time command      
profiling, Web resources
programs, compilation
programs, identifying crashes
Prospect profiler      
provider interface (event logging)
ps (List All Processes) kdb command      
ps (process status) program      2nd
ps (process status) program, displaying syscall currently executed
ps (process status) program, ps au option
ps (process status) program, starting a new process
ps au option (ps program)
ps command      2nd 3rd
pstree utility
pthread_mutex_lock( ) function
pthread_mutex_unlock( ) function
quit command      2nd 3rd
R (runnable) state of tasks
r option (syslogd daemon)
Raw Trace view (tracevisualizer program)
Real-time Clock option (UML configuration)
real-time performance
real-time performance, clock( ) function      2nd
real-time performance, date command      
real-time performance, gettimeofday( ) function
real-time performance, gprof profiler
real-time performance, gprof profiler, b option
real-time performance, gprof profiler, field descriptions
real-time performance, gprof profiler, for loops/if statements      2nd
real-time performance, gprof profiler, fprofile-arcs option
real-time performance, gprof profiler, ftest-coverage option
real-time performance, gprof profiler, kprof
real-time performance, gprof profiler, pg gcc option
real-time performance, stopwatch method
real-time performance, time command
realloc( ) function, memory management
receive (RX) errors, ifconfig utility      
recording data, LTT (Linux Trace Toolkit)
registering Kprobes
register_probe interface
remote logging
remote logging, event logging      
remote logging, syslogd daemon
reports, generation, crash dumps
reports, oprofile kernel profiler
resources (Web resources)
resources (Web resources), /proc file system
resources (Web resources), crash dumps
resources (Web resources), Dprobes
resources (Web resources), event logging
resources (Web resources), GNU Debugger      2nd
resources (Web resources), kdb debugger      
resources (Web resources), kgdb debugger      
resources (Web resources), LTT (Linux Trace Toolkit)
resources (Web resources), memory checkers      2nd
resources (Web resources), Oops messages
resources (Web resources), profiling
resources (Web resources), system tools
reviewing data, LTT text tools
reviewing data, LTT text tools, traceanalyze filename
reviewing data, LTT text tools, tracedcore filename
reviewing data, LTT text tools, tracedump filename      
root file system (UML)
root images (UML)      2nd
rpm (UML)
rpm command
run 1 command      2nd
Run command      2nd 3rd
run-yamd command      
runq command
RX (receive) errors, ifconfig utility
S (sleeping) state of tasks      
s domainlist option (syslogd daemon)
sampling profilers
sampling profilers, oprofile
sampling profilers, oprofile, building the kernel
sampling profilers, oprofile, hardware counters
sampling profilers, oprofile, profile steps
sampling profilers, oprofile, reports      
sampling profilers, oprofile, saving data      
sampling profilers, oprofile, single executable profiles
sampling profilers, oprofile, utilities
sampling profilers, Prospect
sampling profilers, Web resources
sar utility
segmentation fault - core dumped messages      
selector field (syslog.conf configuration file)      
Separate Kernel Address Space support option (UML configuration)
separate loops, performance counters
serial cable setup      
serial console port      
serial lines, UML (User-Mode Linux)      
server requirements, Netdump
set array=0 command
set array[0]=0 command
severity code (syslog.conf selector field)
Seward, Julian, Valgrind
sharp profiles
shutting down UML (User-Mode Linux)
single executable profiles
slabinfo file (/proc file system)
SLIP transport, UML packet exchange      
SLiRP transport, UML packet exchange
slog_fwd command
sourcename files
sqrt function      
SRAM (static RAM)      
stack frames      
starting OpenOffice
stat command
stat file (/proc file system)
static RAM (SRAM)
statm entry (/proc file system)
Steinberg, Udo A
step command      
steps, crash dumps      2nd
steps, profiling      2nd
strip command      
stty command      
Support for host-based filesystems option (UML configuration)
Support for USB Keyboard in KDB option      
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, LKCD functionality      
swap partition, UML (User-Mode Linux)
swap_fs swap partition      
symbols (debugging)
Symmetric multi-processing support option (UML configuration)
sys command      
sys directory (/proc file system)      
sysctl functions      
syslog( ) messages      
Syslog, changing messages
Syslog, debugging using messages
Syslog, disk space
Syslog, klogd
Syslog, log file management
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