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Adam N.K. — The Physics And Chemistry Of Surfaces |
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-hydroxystearic acid, films of 51 64 96
'Activated adsorption 265—270
'Aerofloat' collectors for flotation 195
Ablett 180 183
Abramson 351 352 353
Accommodation coefficient 6 261 274—275
Activation, for heterogeneous catalysis 275
Active patches 233 275—297 418
Adam 4 19 26 27 29 33 34 38 40 41 42 43 45 48 51 52 55 56 58 59 61 70 72 74 77 78 80 85 86 93 96 98 100 120 123 128 129 160 181 182 183 185 187 188 196 201 335 355 382 385 414
Adams, B.A. 141.
Adams, J.C. 10 365 367 368 369 373 374 381 382
Adams, R. 284
Addison 113
Adhesion between molecules in films 18 39—46 60—70 79 93—100 117—121
Adhesion between solids 201 220 357
Adhesion number 203
Adhesion tension 179 189 200—201
Adhesion, work of 7—8 153 178 209—212 224—225
Adhikari 217 244
Adions 312—314
Adler 165
Adsorption see "Surface excess"
Adsorption at gas-solid interfaces Chapter VII
Adsorption at liquid-gas interfaces Chapter III
Adsorption at liquid-gas interfaces, from concentrated solution 122—124
Adsorption at liquid-gas interfaces, from dilute solution 98 115—122
Adsorption at liquid-gas interfaces, from organic solvents 137
Adsorption at liquid-gas interfaces, from vapours 130—133
Adsorption at liquid-liquid interfaces 137—138 147
Adsorption at liquid-solid interfaces 139—142 249—251
Adsorption at mercury-gas interfaces 130—133
Adsorption from organic solvents 137
Adsorption isotherm, discontinuities in 263—265 420
Adsorption isotherm, Freundlich's 121 260
Adsorption isotherm, Langmuir's 117 260—263
Adsorption of dyestuffs at air-liquid interfaces 113 408
Adsorption of dyestuffs at solid-liquid interfaces 141 190 249—251
Adsorption of ions at air-liquid interfaces 134
Adsorption of ions at interfaces between organic liquids and water 359—362 423
Adsorption of ions at mercury-water interfaces 339
Adsorption potentials 134—136 301 340 360 423
Adsorption, at liquid-gas interfaces, of ions on colloids 357
Adsorption, heat of 235 260 273 288
Adsorption, hydrolytic 138—140 408
Adsorption, measurement of 113 258 263—265 311—314 420
Adsorption, negative 124—126
Adsorption, use of, for separation of mixtures 141
Adsorption, work of 121—122
Advancing contact angle 180 186 189 193 198 224
Aitken 105
Alcohols, lubrication by 228—289
Alcohols, monolayers of 24 50 55 104
Alcohols, surface tension of 162
Alexander A.E. 96 394
Alexander, Jerome 65 234 356
Aliphatic substances, monolayers of 24—78 95 397
Allen 22
Allmand 235 263 264 265 270
Allotropic changes in monolayers 55
Almquist 238
Alty 6 216 274
Amides, monolayers of 50 64 100
Amines, monolayers of 50 64 72
Aminos, surface tension of 162
Ammonia oxidation 232
Ammonia synthesis 238 258 269 419
Amontons 221
Amorphous states in solids 170 232
Anchorage, of film molecules to water 18 77 93
Andauer 34
Anderson, A. 309
Anderson, C.O. 186 193 209
Andrade 245 246
Andress 204
Andrew 227
Andrews 44
Angle of contact, electrocapillary effect 343
Angle of contact, liquid against liquid 209—212 214—215
Angle of contact, liquid against solid 10 178 343 369—370 384 413
Angle of contact, measurement 180
Angle of contact, of lubricants 224
Angle of contact, two liquids and solid 188
Angstrom 19
Antonow 7 214 215
Antonow's rule 7 214
Antropoff 244
Applebey 238
Archbutt 223
Archer 274
Area of surfaces, estimation 204 246—250
Armstrong 233 234
Arrhenius 276
Askew 58 80 84 92 98 99 398
Astbury 89 400.
Attraction, inward, on surface molecules 1—3 106
Attractive forces, nature and range of 5 15 219 252 302—303 309 334
Baars 322 325 326 327
Bachmann 226 249
Bacteria, reactions on surfaces 292—297
Baker 157
Bakker 4 16 153 389
Bakr 259
Ballo-electricity 302
Bancelin 113
Bancroft 207
Bangham 179 206 254 336 420
Bannister 247
Barium, films on tungsten 312—314
Barker, J.T. 113
Barker, T.V. 175
Barnard 227
Barophoresis 4
Barrer 420 421
Barrett, H.M. 420 421
Bartell 132 137 139 140 181 184 189 190 191 203 204 205 215 250 387
Bartsch 143 195
Bashforth 10 365 367
Batyl alcohol, determination of constitution by monolayers 101
Baumguertel 124 128
Baur 359 361
Bawn 257 263 269
Beare 223 230
Becker 313
Beebe 235 236
Beeck 419
Behrend 243
Beilby 170 172 173 176 177 213 216 234
Bell, R.P. 331
Bell, S.H. 191 290
Belton 316
Benjamin 217
Bennett 159 160
Benton 240 264 265 267 268 269 417
Berl 204
Bernal 79 81
Berry, A.J. 274
Berry, W.A. 51
Bethe 307
Beutler 281
Beutner 359 360 361
Bevan 242
Bhatnagar 150 208
Bichat 133
Bierbrauer 194
Bigelow 119
Bikerman 358 414
Bilham 98
Bingham 203
Binne 131
Bircumshaw L.L. 163 164 379 387
| Bircumshaw, Mrs. 227 229 230
Bleakney 268
Blench 235 288
Blodgett 185 274 414
Blondlot 133
Boas 171 244 245
Bodenstein 278 279
Bohr 386 388
Boltzmann 332 353 357
BOM 161 253 277 279
BOND 424
Bonhoeffer 278 281 332
Bosanquet 183 369
Boswall 225
Bosworth 131 132 217
Bouhet 27 35 36 45
Bowden 173 220 230 246 325 326 327 328 330 332
Bowen 242 243
Boyle 246
Boys, C.V. 144 382
Bradley 131 210 258 259 270
Bragg, W.L. 247
Brandes 327
Brattain 313
Bray 240
Breath figures 175
Bredig 244
Brewster 19
Brieger 226 249
Briggs 150 207
Brill 101
Brillouin 311
Brinkman 213
Briscoe 404
Bromo-acids, monolayers of 39 50 53 60 64
Bronsted 305
Brown, F.E. 369 377 378 379
Brown, H. 215
Brown, R.C. 129 385 386
Brownsdon 221
Brunauer 238 249 258 269
Bruns 347
Bryce 255
Bubbles, sessile 184 382
Bubbles, stability of 143
Buchner 78
Buckley 250 251
Budgett 221
Bull 198 358
Bunn 250 251
Burdon 102 131 163 214 382
Burk 278
Burrage 263 264 270
Burwell 268 270
Butler, J.A.V. 124 316 320 326 327 331 334 336 338 340 350
Caesium, films on tungsten 312—314
Cammen 226
Cantor 384
Capacity of double layer 327—330 348—349
Capillarity, fundamental equation 8—10 365
Capillary constant 363
Capillary constant, penetration into 190
Capillary electrometer 336—338
Capillary tubes, ascent in 10 364
Capillary, height method 10 364 367
Capillary, height method, variants of 371 409
Carbohydrates, monolayers of 85
Carman 84
Carnot 12
Carter 184 215
Carver 183 369 370
Cary 102 213
Casbois 185
CASE 215
Caspari 323 324
Cassel 120 130 131 132 133
Castor oil, monolayers of 77
Catalysis and overpotential 332
Catalysis, heterogeneous Chapter VII 233—244 275—280 284—297 417
Cataphoresis see "Electrokinetic phenomena"
Chaplin 263 270
Chapman 356
Charcoal, adsorption by 137 139 254 288
Charcoal, catalytic action of 279 289
Chariton 217
Chemical reactions in monolayers 95
Chemisorption 235 252 265
Chimyl alcohol, monolayers of 100—101
Chlorophyll, monolayers of 85
Chromatographic analysis 141
Cirves 348
Clapeyron 260
Clark, A.R. 216
Clark, G.L. 127 150 156 416
Clarke 270
Clausing 271
Clayton 147 152 207
Cleanliness of solid surfaces 174 181 185 250—260 270 308—314
Clemmensen 83
Clowes 150 399
Cockbain 98 399 412
Cockcroft 216
Coghill 186 193 209
Cohesion in surface films 18 39 43 55 71—72 93—95 100 117—121 130 137—138
Cohesion, work of 8 155
Collectors, for flotation of minerals 195—197
Compton 274 310 311 313
Condensation coefficient 6 261 271—275
Condensation in monolayers 43
Condensed films 46 396
Condensed films with close—packed chains 48—52
Condensed films, importance for stability of emulsions 148 412
Constable 233 234 247 278 285 286 287
Contact angle see "Angle of contact"
Contact potential 303 308
Contractile skin, evidence against see "Surface tension"
Contraction in surface layers of crystals 298
Contraction of liquid surfaces 1
Contraction of solid surfaces 169—170
Cook 131 164
Coombs 369
Coper 172
Copper, catalytic action of 232—236 241 285—288 417
Cosine law, for scattering of molecules 271
Coulomb 221 222
Courant 161
Cox 196 197
Craxford 338 411
Crotigno 315
Csesch 312 332
Curvature of liquid surfaces 1 8—10 13 253 365—367 382
Cutter 191
Cutting 130
Dahlstrom 205
Danielli 43 51 58 80 92 99 138 147
Daniels 201
Danilewski 141
Davidson 280
Davies 150
Davisson 307
De Boer 310 314
de Broglie 271 272 273
de Bruyn 423
de Saussure 266
Debye 161 351 353 355
Deeley 223 225
Deformation of molecules by adsorption 140 241 275—279
Dehydrogenation of alcohols, by copper surfaces 285
Del Giudice 195
Denaturation of proteins at surfaces 90 403.
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