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Ross J. — Trading the Ross Hook |
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1-2-3 High 37
1-2-3 High - what it means 36
1-2-3 High and Low defined 32
1-2-3 High and subsequent Ross hook 42 43
1-2-3 Low 35
1-2-3 Low - what it means 35
1-2-3 Low and subsequent Ross hook 44
1-2-3's - how they look 34
Acknowledgements 7
Advantages of natural stops 134
Anticipating correction 79
Anticipating correction length 79
Anticipating hooks 76 332
Anticipating trend resumption 79
Anticipation - trading anticipation 80
Automation - the need for 1 25
Avoid these hooks 311
Bollinger Bands for filtering hooks 258
Bonneville data feed 8
Bottom line in trading 14
capitalization 23
Capitalization - what to do if undercapitalized 330
Caution 11
Chart, 1-2-3 High and subsequent Ross hook 42 43
Chart, 1-2-3 Low and subsequent Ross hook 44
Chart, 1-2-3's look like this 34
Chart, 50% trailing stop to protect profits 159
Chart, A variety of congestions 64
Chart, Anticipating Ross hooks 76 77
Chart, CCI formula 173
Chart, Computing Typical price in a downtrend 170 171
Chart, Computing Typical price in an uptrend 168 1
Chart, Congestion - what it looks like 59 60
Chart, Congestion following a Ross hook 71 72
Chart, Congestion VS not congestion 60 62
Chart, Cost covering stop - the need for a cost multiple 150
Chart, Difficulties in daytrading 146 147
Chart, Dojis - what they look like 63
Chart, Engineered markets 89 90r
Chart, Formula for CCi 173
Chart, Gap openings - never take them 78
Chart, Inside bars - what they look like 63
Chart, Keltner Channel 222
Chart, Keltner channel VS moving average bands 247
Chart, M and W congestions 64 65
Chart, Market aberration - how to handle 153 154
Chart, Moving a stop up to protect profits 159 160
Chart, Natural support and resistance points 132
Chart, Natural support point 133 135
Chart, Reverse Ross hook 68
Chart, Reverse Ross hook, trading 70
Chart, Review 1-2-3, hook 282
Chart, Ross hook at end of trend and start of congestion 65
Chart, Ross hook self test 65 66
Chart, Ross hooks don't need a number 1 point 46
Chart, Second time through , trading example 325
Chart, Series - Anticipating Ross hooks 332 333 334 335 336 337
Chart, Series - changing the multiplier on a Volatility Stop Study 142 143 144
Chart, Series - crossover filtering and divergence 195 196 197 198 199
Chart, Series - differentiating pointy places 54 55 56 57 58 62
Chart, Series - Eurodollars, using the Study 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 21 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
Chart, Series - filtering trades with Keltner Channel 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
Chart, Series - filtering with Bollinger Bands 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277
Chart, Series - fine tuning vanilla hooks 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305
Chart, Series - hooks can be too far away 319 320 321
Chart, Series - identifying what we see 114 115 116 117
Chart, Series - plain vanilla stops 283 284 285 286
Chart, Series - rules for filtering with CCI 176 177 178
Chart, Series - showing too Jong a time period 322 323 324
Chart, Series - tick banking 249 250 251 253 254 255 256
Chart, Series - too much volatility 312 313 314 315
Chart, Series - Trader's Trick 93 94 95 96
Chart, Series - vanilla trading with Slaughterbeck entry 289 290 291 292 293 294 295
Chart, Series -filtering a TTE with CCI 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
Chart, Series -trading anticipation in Crude Oil 80 81 82 83 84 85 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
Chart, Setting Fibonacci expansion objectives 1 58
Chart, Stochastics formula - how to compute 190
Chart, Stochastics, crossover concept 194
Chart, Trading a second time through 325
Chart, Trading anticipation 80
Chart, Trend beginning 52
Chart, Trend identification rule 52
Chart, Two computers 129
Chart, Using a moving average stop 1 55
Chart, Volatility Stop Study - what it looks like 141 142 143 144
Chart, Volume can dry up 31 7 318
Commodity Channel Index 164—167 172—188
Conceptual processes 76 113
Cost covering objective stops 149
Data feed - Bonneville 8
Disadvantages of natural stops 134
Divergence with the Study 193
Engineering by insiders 88
Envelope filtering 222
Fibonacci - setting expansion objectives 157
Fibonacci expansion objectives 156
Filtering hooks with CCI 165
Filtering the Ross hook 162
Filtering with stochastics 189
Filtering with the Study crossovers and divergence 195 196 197 198 199
Filtering, another kind of filter 326
Filtering, using Bollinger Bands 258
Filtering, using the Study 192
Full profit stops 151
Hooks and 1-2-3's, conceptual processes 114
Hooks can come too close together 315
| Hooks to avoid 311
Hooks, anticipation of 332
Hooks, can be too far away 319
Hooks, too long a time period 322
Identifying a trend 51
Identifying congestion 59
Keltner Channel 222
Keltner Channel variations 246
Lane's Stochastics 192
Live data - Bonneville 8
Lot sizes 24
Management, Capitalization 23
Management, Conclusion 29
Management, Lot sizes 24
Management, Orders 25
Management, Overview 20
Management, Philosophy 26
Management, Prices - giving the correct price 24
Mechanical systems 124
Money management 309
Moving Average Bands - substitute for Keltner channel 246
Natural stops - advantages and disadvantages of 134
Natural support and resistance 131
Newspaper hooks 296
Objective stops - cost covering 149
Objective stops - small profit objective 150
Orders 25
Philosophy 26
Placing a profit protecting stop 159
Placing objective stops 149
Plain vanilla - money, trade, and risk management 306
Prices, Consideration given to price on trade entry 24
Prices, Giving the correct price 24
Profit - full profit stop 1 51
Profit objectives using points 156
Profit protecting stop - placement of 1 59
Resistance - natural 131
Reverse Ross hook - anatomy of 68
Risk management 308
Ross hook, confirmation filters 164
Ross hook, definition of 49
Ross hook, discovery of 38
Ross hook, evolution of 39
Ross hook, filtering 162
Ross hook, identification of 41
Ross hook, reverse Ross hook 68
Ross hook, what causes it 46
Ross hooks, an important concept 53
Ross hooks, occur only in trending markets 53
Ross hooks, plain vanilla - no technical studies 279
Rules for filtering trades with CCI 174
Small profit stop 1 50
Software, Ensign, Market Detective 8
Stochastics filtering 189
Stochastics, dictionary definition 48
Stop placement 119
Stops, advantages and disadvantages of natural stops 134
Stops, calculating volatility stop 138
Stops, cost covering stops 149
Stops, full profit stops 151
Stops, general considerations 11 9
Stops, getting stopped out as a daytrader 145
Stops, mechanical systems 1 24
Stops, other considerations 156
Stops, placing a loss protection stop 131
Stops, placing a profit protecting stop 159
Stops, placing objective stops 149
Stops, profit objectives using points 156
Stops, small profit stop 150
Stops, specific considerations 120
Stops, trailing 1 51
Stops, using Fibonacci expansion objectives 156
Stops, volatility stops 136
Support - natural 131
Systems - mechanical 1 24
The Study 193
Tick Banking - a neat trick 249
Tomorrow's price in a trend - how to figure 1 68
Tomorrow's price in an uptrend - how to figure 1 68
Tomorrow's price in congestion - how to figure 1 67
Trade management 306
Trader's Trick 87
Trader's Trick - finer points 96
Trading anticipation 80
Trading cycle 99
Trailing stops 151
Trend identification rule, chart of 52
Trend reversal - definition of 73
Trend reversals 68
Trend, identification rule 51
Trend, identifying a trend 51
True wealth principle 18
TTE 87
Typical price, "inserting" a Typical price 167
Typical price, calculating in a trend 1 68
Typical price, calculating in congestion 167
Typical price, tomorrow's price in a downtrend - how to figure 170
Uni-Channet - substitute for Keltner channel 246
Vanilla hooks 279
Vanilla hooks - fine points 298
Volatility stop calculation 138
Volatility Stop Study 139
Volatility Stop Study - changing the multiplier 142
Volatility stops 136
Volume can dry up 31 6
Wisdom - a word to the wise 330
Wrap-Up - services I can offer you 338
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