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O'Loughlin J. — The Real Warren Buffett: Managing Capital, Leading People
O'Loughlin J. — The Real Warren Buffett: Managing Capital, Leading People

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Íàçâàíèå: The Real Warren Buffett: Managing Capital, Leading People

Àâòîð: O'Loughlin J.


Investors around the globe worship Warren Buffett, the "Oracle of Omaha," and British businessman O'Loughlin is no different. Buffett, after all, jostles with Bill Gates for the title of richest man in America and has built Berkshire Hathaway from a small textile concern into a multi-billion-dollar corporate mammoth. So how does he do it? O'Loughlin tackles the question enthusiastically, laying out Buffett's investing strategies, his management techniques and his unconventional wisdom. Much of it is already well known, of course, from Buffett's love of the cash-generating insurance business, to his hands-off managerial style, to his early passion for the ideas of value-investing guru Benjamin Graham. But the book is a useful distillation of everything business buffs know about the inscrutable Buffett. After the dot-com years, during which his plodding investing style went out of favor, it was he who emerged from the bust relatively unscathed. As O'Loughlin fawns, "We may never see the like of Warren E. Buffett again."
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. — This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 275

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.11.2006

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Acting like an owner      4—5 21 24 27—28 33 53 59 90 108 200
Alger, Horatio      177
American Express      85 135
Bainbridge, Stephen      228
Bak, Per      151
Becker, James      xii
Ben Bridge Jeweler      144
Benjamin Moore Paint      144
Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates      40
Berkshire Hathaway, acquisition of General Re      131—148
Berkshire Hathaway, acquisition strategy      81—108
Berkshire Hathaway, as compounding machine      6—9 15
Berkshire Hathaway, compensation      68—76 78
Berkshire Hathaway, contracts of employment      76
Berkshire Hathaway, corporate strategy      51—55 149—150
Berkshire Hathaway, development of      5—6 13—15 33—42 44—46
Berkshire Hathaway, future of      24 229 230—238
Berkshire Hathaway, growth in value      1 6 22 186—192
Berkshire Hathaway, insurance operations      7—11 14 24 89 109—128 169—170 191 215—218 220
Berkshire Hathaway, margin of safety      169—170 171
Berkshire Hathaway, market efficiency in stock price      181—186
Berkshire Hathaway, operating principles      62—80
Berkshire Hathaway, reinvesting excess cash      6—9 11 68 70—72 74 81
Berkshire Hathaway, remuneration      186—190
Berkshire Hathaway, textile operations      34—39 78 84—85 202 205
Berkshire Hathaway, volatility in results      192—195 199—200
Blumkins, the      89 177 180
Boids      66—67
Borsheim's      86 93 161
Bottle, Harry      146
Brandon, Joe      137 147
Bridge family      95
Buffalo Evening News      69 86 88—89 146 172
Buffett Partnership      1 13 14 32—33 42—44 79 167 200
Buffett, Howard      230
Buffett, Roberta      32
Buffett, Susie      230
Buffett, Warren E., acquisition strategy      4 11 24 81—108 136 138 203
Buffett, Warren E., acting like an owner      4—5 21 24 27—28 33 53 59 90 108 200
Buffett, Warren E., allocation of capital      1—3 7 11 18—22 27—28 30—50 54—59 65 79 90—91 149—173 177—178 180 192 200 205 209 211 227
Buffett, Warren E., as CEO      2 23 57—80 195—200
Buffett, Warren E., assessment of performance      72—73
Buffett, Warren E., cash flows      8 22 159
Buffett, Warren E., cigar butt investing      39—40 44—45 155
Buffett, Warren E., Circle of Competence      3—4 18—22 24 149—173 177—178 180—181 191—192 198 200—201 202 204 207 212 215 217—219 221 228 235
Buffett, Warren E., corporate governance      4—5 11—12 17—18 23 28 63 180 228—229
Buffett, Warren E., corporate strategy      4 51—55 59 149—150
Buffett, Warren E., decision making      2 4—5 20—22 24 149—150 152 200 209 210—211 215 227
Buffett, Warren E., definition of competitive advantage      86—89
Buffett, Warren E., equation for value      9 21 158—159 161 162 170 189
Buffett, Warren E., evolution of investment principles      12—15 19 30—50
Buffett, Warren E., explosion of cognition      ix 1 22 24 46 49 140 155
Buffett, Warren E., first conclusion bias      210—212 213
Buffett, Warren E., franchises      85—86 90
Buffett, Warren E., hindsight      208—209
Buffett, Warren E., inaction      121—122 164
Buffett, Warren E., influence of Charlie Munger      44—48 85
Buffett, Warren E., inverting arguments      155—156 201
Buffett, Warren E., investment principles      22—23 45 61—62
Buffett, Warren E., leadership      2—4 17—18 28 60—80 89 145—148 204
Buffett, Warren E., legacy      144—145
Buffett, Warren E., letters to shareholders      ix 95—99
Buffett, Warren E., loss aversion      119
Buffett, Warren E., loyalty      2 75 77—78
Buffett, Warren E., management of change      142—148
Buffett, Warren E., management style      17—18 24 60—80 218
Buffett, Warren E., mathematical ability      31 112 162
Buffett, Warren E., mindset      2 18 179
Buffett, Warren E., mistakes      18 21—22 24 34—41 50 55 78 131—148 149 157—158 198—200 203—204 210 214
Buffett, Warren E., motivation      17 60 63 76—77 79 89—90
Buffett, Warren E., objectivity      3 21 166—167 215—219
Buffett, Warren E., prior commitments      4 44 120
Buffett, Warren E., psychological security      3 21 150 165—167 200
Buffett, Warren E., rules of behavior      3—4 17 61 67—75 132
Buffett, Warren E., selection of people      99—103
Buffett, Warren E., standing out from the crowd      118
Buffett, Warren E., stock options      11 73—74 189—190 226—227
Buffett, Warren E., succession planning      230—238
Buffett, Warren E., trust      17 21 77 91—93 198—200 201
Buffett, Warren E., value creation      29 41
Buffett-Falk and Co.      12—13 31
Burlington Industries      38
Burr Williams, John      158
Byrne, Jack      147
Cabrera, Clara      xi
Calvin, William      46
Capital Cities      198
Capital markets      2
Chace, Ken      33—34 92 202—205
Chater, Nick      xiii
Child, Bill      60 100 102
Cialdini, Robert      63 98 100
Cigar butt investing      39—40 44—45 155
Circle of Competence      3—4 18—22 24 149—173 177—178 180—181 191—192 198 200—201 202 204 207 212 215 217—219 221 228 235
Circle of Doom      225—227
Circle of Illusory Competence      21—22 24 201 202—229
Clerk, Duncan      xi xii
Clinton, Bill      141
Coca-Cola      85 118 135 147 148 160 181
Columbia University      12 30
Committed, The      99—101 104
Corning      219
corporate governance      4—5 11—12 17—18 23 28 63 180 228—229
CORT Business Services      144
Courier Express      146
Crowther, David      ix xiii
Cypress Insurance Company      146
Daft, Douglas      147
Danley, Don      31
Darwin, Charles      210
Davidson, Lorimar      111
Demosthenes      212
Dempster Mills Manufacturing      13 32—33 40 92 146
DeNardo, Frank      146
Desforges, Linda      xii
Dexter Shoe      78
Dow Jones      42—43 151
Efficient market hypothesis      49 187 222
Emerson, Henry xi Enron      224
Equation for value      158—159 161 162 220
Executive Jet      86 144 161 231
Exxon Mobil      6
Fechheimer Bros. Co.      86 89 146
Feedback      157—158 210 217
Ferguson, Ron      133—139 147
First conclusion bias      210—212 213
Fisher, Phil      92 162
FlightSafety International      77 86 144
Foundly, Neal      xii
Franchises      85—86 90 160 203
Franklin, Benjamin      121 128 177
Franks, John      xii
Freedman, Jonathan      63—64
Friedman family      89 93
Fruit of the Loom      144
Garan      100 144
Gates, Bill      2 181 212
GEICO      86—87 111—112 123 144 147 161—163 212 230
General Electric (GE)      15—20 29 67 70 77 111 139 233
General Re      18 112 128 131—139 141—143 145 147 164 169 214
Get-evenitis      116
Gillette      85 135 148 160 181 225
Goldberg, Mike      42 89 140
Graham — Newman      13 31
Graham, Benjamin      12—15 30—32 39 41 44—45 51 112 162 169 188
Graham, Donald      148
Greenspan, Alan      23
Guerin, Rick      45
Guinness      141
Gutfreund, John      139
H.H. Brown Shoe Co.      86
Hacking, Ian      236
Hagstrom, Robert      xii
Hathaway Manufacturing      40
Hawley, Michael      148
Heldmans, the      89
Helzberg's Diamond Shops      97
Helzberg, Barnett      97 106
Highly Probables, The      161
Hilton, Denis      xiii
Hirst, Chris      xii
Home and Auto      146
Huggins, Chuck      54 65 79 89—90 93 101
Immelt, Jeff      233
Inevitables, The      160
Institutional imperative      28—50 54—57 74 78 102—103 179 186
Intel      211
Intelligent Investor, The      30
International Dairy Queen      86 118
Ivester, Doug      147
Jacobi, Carl      201
Jain, Ajit      112 217—218 220 231 233
James, W.      131
JDS Uniphase      219
Jensen, Michael      122
Jett, Joseph      139
Johns Manville Corp.      144
Johnson, Norman      149
Jordan's Furniture      92 93 144
Justin Industries      144
Justin's Brands      100
Justin, John      95
K&W Products      146 227
Kidder Peabody      18 139
Kiewit, Peter      45
Kilpatrick, Andrew      xi
Kilts, James      225
Kinstler, Brad      146
Kirby      89
Langevoort, Donald      63
Lao Tzu      51 80
LeDoux, Joseph      165
Lewis, Michael      49
Lichtenstein, Seymour      100
Liesche, Phil      118—119
Lipsey, Stan      89 146 172
Lowenstein, George F.      167
Lowenstein, Roger      xi—xii
Lucent      219
Mack, Chris      xii
Marconi      178—180
Margin of safety      169—170
Mauboussin, Mike      xii
McBride, Mark      xii
McCann, Frank      xii
Memes      16—18 61 94
Microsoft      211—212
MidAmerican Energy      144
Min specs      68—75 78
MiTeklnc.      144
Montross, Tad      137 147
Motivation      63—64
Mozer, Paul      139
Mr. Market      189 224
Munger, Charlie      xi 5 7 14—15 19 35 37 44—50 54—55 60—62 64 85 89 95 101 103 106 115 118 124 131 139 145—146 150—151 153 155—156 162—165 170 182—183 185—188 191—192 197 201—202 204 207 210 212 215 224
Muradoglu, Dr. Gulnur      xiii
National Fire and Marine      111
National Indemnity Co.      13 41 111 118 127 146 179
Nebraska Furniture Mart      86—87 89 161
Nicely, Tony      147 162 212
Nicholson, Nigel      109
Nortel      219
Olsen, Bob      xiii
Oskamp, Stuart      104—105
Outstanding Investor Digest      xi
Overconfldence      124 217
Owner's Manual      42 61—62 65 67 69 76
Pascal, Blaise      204
Peters, Edgar      xiii
Pinker, Stephen      xii 52 119
Psychological reactance      115
Quaker Oats      147
R.C. Willey Home Furnishings      60 86 100 102
Resnick, Mitch      66
Reynolds, Craig      66—67
Ringwalt, Jack      118
Rooney, Frank      89
Russell, Bob      31
S&P 500      1 131 142 184 196 199
Sagan, Carl      235
Sainted Seven, The      89—90 99—101
Salomon Inc.      139
Santulli, Rich      231 233
Schey, Ralph      62 79 89 227
Schkade, David      179
Schloss, Walter      99
Schneider, Stephen      52
Schroeder, Alice      xiii
Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group      79
See's Candies      54 64 69 79 86 88—90 93 118 162—163 179
September      11 2001 131—132 137—138 169
Seward, John      146
Shareholder-partners      167—169 195—198
Shaw Industries      144
Shefrin, Hersh      xiii 75 116
Shubik, Martin      120
Simpson, Lou      144 147 230—231
Smith, Adam      27—28 204
Snyder, Bill      87 147
SQUARZ      194—195
Stanton, Seabury      35—36 38
Sun Trust Banks Inc.      147
Super-catastrophe insurance      215—218 220
Tatelman, Barry      92
Tatelman, Elliot      92
Thomas, Mark      xii
U.S.Liability      144
Ueltschi. Al      77
Ustinov, Peter      121
Washington Post      148
Watson, Randy      100
Watson, Thomas J.Sr.      150
Waumbec Mills      35—36 136
Welch, Jack      15—20 29 58—59 67—68 70 89 92 111 139 146 233
Williams, James      147
Williams, Ted      161 163
Wood, Arnold      xiii
World Book      89
WorldCom      224
XTRA Corporation      144
Zeien, Alfred      148
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