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Yu J. — The Undergroundtrader.com Guide to Electronic Trading: Day Trading Techniques of a Master Guerrilla Trader
Yu J. — The Undergroundtrader.com Guide to Electronic Trading: Day Trading Techniques of a Master Guerrilla Trader

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Íàçâàíèå: The Undergroundtrader.com Guide to Electronic Trading: Day Trading Techniques of a Master Guerrilla Trader

Àâòîð: Yu J.


On his hugely popular Web site Undergroundtrader.com, Jea Yu tells traders how to stand firm, trust their instincts and knowledge, and grab the day trading profits they deserve. Traders trust Yu's hard core, just-the-facts perspective to cut through the fluff, hype, and misinformation, and deliver effective trading tips and strategies on techniques, order routing, technical analysis, market maker activity, and more.

Here, Yu dynamically transfers his methods for making daily, real-time recommendations to the printed page. Traders will derive instant benefit from Yu's straightforward, Web site-driven analyses including: *
Vital and detailed information on the different stock markets *
Techniques to profit from IPOs and Internet stocks *
A day in the life of a successful electronic trader

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2000

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 249

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.11.2006

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Open, short-term bottom      166
Open, short-term top      166
Open, strength open      161
Open, weak open      163
Order routing      57—89
Order routing, ECNs      67—76
Order routing, momentum ticks      83—87
Order routing, monster fill      58 66—67
Order routing, monster key      58 66
Order routing, most effective      76—78
Order routing, nature of      57
Order routing, order-routing systems      57 59—67
Order routing, panic momentum      78—83
Order routing, paring down lots      28 86 87—89
Order-routing systems      57 59—67
Order-routing systems, ARCA      58 63—67 77 78 159—160
Order-routing systems, Nasdaq      58 69—75
Order-routing systems, SelectNet      36 58—59 61—63
Order-routing systems, SOES (Small Order Execution System)      58 59—61 77 111
Oscillation      209—210
Oversubscribed positions      103
Panic momentum      78—83
Panic momentum, buying      79—81
Panic momentum, selling      81—83
Panic selling      30 34—35
Papertrading      114—116 119—122 135
Paring down lots      28 86 87—89
pause      157
Paying yourself      125
PIPR (Piper Jaffray)      33 105
Pivots      231—232
Positive money flows      17
Postmarket      170
Postopen      167—168
Premarket      91—92 97 159—160
Preparing to trade      114—125
Preparing to trade, learning curve      114 120—123 130
Preparing to trade, mental preparation      116—120
Preparing to trade, papertrading      114—116 119—122 135
Preparing to trade, paying yourself      125
Preparing to trade, simulators      114—115 119—120
Preparing to trade, tradejournal      123—125 201
Price exhaustion zone      229—230
Program trading: buy-sell programs      5 6—7
Program trading: defined      5
Program trading: futures and      4—5
Program trading: parameters      6
Program trading: spotting      7
PRU (Prudential)      105
Pullback, swing trading and      111
PUP (Power Uptik Productions) breakout      53
Quiet-period plays      108—109
RcalTick$^{TM}$      57 63—67 77 78
Recoil      158
Retail brokers      95—96
Rhythm: defined      154
Rhythm: gauging      154—156
Rhythm: patterns      156—158
Risk management: home run syndrome and      202
Risk management: importance of      198—201
Round number      83—84 86
Round-numberbreak      156—157
RSSF (Robertson Stephens)      25—26 104
Rumors      92 97
SBSH (Smith Barney Shearson)      33
Scalps: buy signals for      136—137
Scalps: momentum      162 203
Scalps: short signals for      139
Scanners      100
Seed wave      232—234
SelectNet      36 58 59 61—63 159
SelectNet, described      61—62
SelectNet, pros and cons of      62—63
Sell/short signals      137—140
Sell/short signals for intraday swings      139—140
Sell/short signals for scalps      139
Sell/short signals, moving averages chart      51 139—140
Sell/short signals, stochastics chart      47^18 139
Short sales: fading the trend      18—19
Short sales: momentum stocks and      155
Short sales: news stocks      140—142
Short sales: signals for      see Sell/short signals
Short sales: uptickrule      160
Short squeeze      142—152
Short squeeze, aftermarket      146—147
Short squeeze, anatomy of      142—147
Short squeeze, defined      142
Short squeeze, spotting      145—146
Short squeeze, straddles as defense against      148—152
Simulators, trading      114—115 119—120
Smartroute      78
SOES (Small Order Execution System)      58 59—61
SOES (Small Order Execution System), bandits      58 60 111
SOES (Small Order Execution System), limit orders      59—60
SOES (Small Order Execution System), market orders      59—60
SOES (Small Order Execution System), most effective order routing      77
SOES (Small Order Execution System), pros and cons of      60—61
Specialist systems      12 19
Speculating      117—118 122 201
Spin-offs, plays based on      98
Split announcements      10 97
Spread tightening      157
Spreads: 100-size inside bid-ask on (ISLD)      74—75
Spreads: defined      21 37
Spreads: importance of market maker      21
Spreads: making money on      22—23
Stacked deck      63
Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 index      5—6 9
Stochastics: 1-rninute Stochastics chart      42—48 132 134 136—137 139
Stochastics: 3-minute Stochastics charts      132—133 137 139—140
Stochastics: nature of      43—45
Stochastics: using      45
Stock indexes: as cash      4—6
Stock indexes: as laggard indicators      7
Stock market, tier system (see Tier system) Stock splits      10 97
Stops      116—117 207
Stormtracker      100
Straddles      22—23 148—152
Straddles, as defense against short squeeze      148—152
Straddles, defined      148
Straddles, momentum madness and      151—152
Straddling      151—152
Strength open      161
Support point      157
Swing trading      54 110—113
Swing trading, accounts      99—100
Swing trading, defined      111
Swing trading, double accounts      111—113
Tactics of market makers      23—25 26—27 30—31
Tactics of market makers, fadingthe trend      18—19 32 39—40
Tactics of market makers, head fakes      24 30—31 36 37—39
Tactics of market makers, panic selling and      30 34—35
Tactics of market makers, taking opposite side of trade on INCA      24 31 36 37—39
Tactics of market makers, ways of making money      35—36
Takeover rumors      92 97
Technology stocks: biotech      94—95 141
Technology stocks: contract plays      93—94
Technology stocks: IPO plays      107—108
Teenies      84—85
Three-price break method (3PB)      210—236
Three-price break method (3PB) in action      211—217
Three-price break method (3PB), consolidation periods and      217—218
Three-price break method (3PB), described      211
Three-price break method (3PB), market structure and      228—231 234—235
Three-price break method (3PB), natural trading unit      235
Three-price break method (3PB), number series in      218—232
Three-price break method (3PB), seed wave      232—234
Tier 1 generals      4 9—10
Tier 1 generals in initial basket of stocks      131 133 135
Tier 1 generals, examples      11
Tier 1 generals, stock splits      10
Tier 1 generals, tier divergence and      11
Tier 2 stocks      4 9 10
Tier 2 stocks in initial basket of stocks      131 133
Tier 2 stocks, examples      11
Tier 3 stocks      4 10 11
Tier system: components of      4
Tier system: described      3—4
Tier system: divergence in      11
Tier system: futures in      4—6 8—9
Tier system: synergy in      9—11 133
Time of sales report (Nasdaq)      16—19
Time of sales report (Nasdaq), block trades on      17—19
Time of sales report (Nasdaq), contents of      16
Time of sales report (Nasdaq), discrepancy between stock price and      17
Time of sales report (Nasdaq), trade summary report      17
Topping out      54
Trade journal      123—125 201
Trade summary report (Nasdaq)      17
Trading      118—120 122 201 205
Trading range (channel)      48—49
Trading simulators      114—115 119—120
Trading, sample trading days      171—194. See also Day trading
Trend reversal      47—48 88
Types of plays      90—101
Types of plays, Barron's effect      92
Types of plays, biotech alliances, trials, discoveries      94 141
Types of plays, Business Week effect      92
Types of plays, CNBC      90—91 93
Types of plays, contracts (tech stocks)      93—94
Types of plays, earnings announcements      98—99
Types of plays, earnings warnings      96—97
Types of plays, FDA approvals      94—95 141
Types of plays, flavor-of-the-moment movers      99
Types of plays, gap      99—100
Types of plays, Internet stock      101 143
Types of plays, IPO spin-offs      98. See also Initial public offerings
Types of plays, ISLD book      91—92
Types of plays, lawsuits      95
Types of plays, market scanners and      100
Types of plays, Nasdaq most active      91
Types of plays, split announcements      10 97
Types of plays, takeover rumors      92 97
Types of plays, upgrades and downgrades      95—96 143—144
UBSS (UBS Securities)      33
Underwriters: IPO      103—105. See also Initial public offerings
Upgrades by analysts, plays based on      95—96 143—144
Uptick rule      160
Weak open      163
whole number      83—84
Wiggle      27 56 157
Wiggle, defined      47 85
Wiggle, identifying      88
Wiggle, swing trading and      111
Wiggle, trend reversal versus      47—48 88
wire transfers      125
Zero band bounces      46
1 2
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