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Shubert D., Leyba J. — Chemistry and Physics for Nurse Anesthesia: A Student Centered Approach
Shubert D., Leyba J. — Chemistry and Physics for Nurse Anesthesia: A Student Centered Approach

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Название: Chemistry and Physics for Nurse Anesthesia: A Student Centered Approach

Авторы: Shubert D., Leyba J.


"[A] welcome addition to the reference materials necessary for the study of nurse anesthesia....The textbook is divided into logical, easy to use sections that cover all areas necessary for the practice of nurse anesthesia....This is a text that is easy to read and able to be incorporated into any nurse anesthesia chemistry and physics course. I would recommend this textbook to any program director." — Anthony Chipas, PhD, CRNA Division Director Anesthesia for Nurses Program Medical University of South Carolina At last. . . a combined chemistry & physics nursing anesthesia text. This textbook offers combined coverage of chemistry and physics to help students learn the content needed to master the underlying principles of nursing anesthesia. Because many graduate nursing students are uncomfortable with chemistry and physics, this text presents only the specific content in chemistry and physics that relates to anesthesia. Written in a conversational, accessible style, the book teaches at a highly understandable level, so as to bridge the gap between what students recall from their undergraduate biochemistry and physics courses, and what they need to know as nurse anesthetists. The book contains many illustrations that demonstrate how the scientific concepts relate directly to clinical application in anesthesia. Chapters cover key topics relating to anesthesiology, including the basics of both chemistry and physics, fluids, a concentration on gas laws, states of matter, acids and bases, electrical circuits, radiation, and radioactivity. With this text, students will benefit from: A review of the math, chemistry, and physics basics that relate to clinical anesthesia A conversational presentation of just what students need to know, enabling a fast and complete mastery of clinically relevant scientific concepts Heavy use of illustrations throughout chapters to complement the text End-of-chapter review questions that help students assess their learning PowerPoint Slides available to qualified instructors.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 444

Добавлена в каталог: 18.06.2015

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