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Название: Economic equilibrium: Model Formulation and Solution
Автор: Manne A.
This Mathematical Programming Study is intended both for economists and for mathematical programmers who wish to become better acquainted with recent developments in the area of economic equilibrium. The authors have done their best to avoid jargon that is specific to one or the other discipline. Some of the papers are expository in nature; some contain contributions to model formulation; and others advance the state-of-art of computations.
The volume is centered around CGE (computable general equilibrium) models. The CGE framework provides a logically consistent way to look at problems involving more than one economic agent. For public finance applications, these agents may be located within a single country, and the model will then focus on
equity-efficiency tradeoffs between individuals in different income groups. For international trade models, the agents may consist of individual countries or regions.
Trade models may be concerned with capital flows, Third World debt issues and with tariff and nontariff barriers to trade. They may also refer to international trade in agriculture or in energy.
Read more at http://ebookee.org/Economic-Equilibrium-Model-Formulation-and-Solution_969520.html#yHzGSuoL8Y0HKWKG.99