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Robbins J.N. — Web Design in a Nutshell
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Название: Web Design in a Nutshell
Автор: Robbins J.N.
Аннотация: Are you still designing web sites like it's 1999? If so, you're in for a surprise. Since the last edition of this book appeared five years ago, there has been a major climate change with regard to web standards. Designers are no longer using (X)HTML as a design tool, but as a means of defining the meaning and structure of content. Cascading Style Sheets are no longer just something interesting to tinker with, but rather a reliable method for handling all matters of presentation, from fonts and colors to the layout of the entire page. In fact, following the standards is now a mandate of professional web design.
Our popular reference, Web Design in a Nutshell, is one of the first books to capture this new web landscape with an edition that's been completely rewritten and expanded to reflect the state of the art. In addition to being an authoritative reference for (X)HTML and Cascading Style Sheets, this book also provides an overview of the unique requirements of designing for the Web and gets to the nitty-gritty of JavaScript and DOM Scripting, web graphics optimization, and multimedia production. It is an indispensable tool for web designers and developers of all levels.
The third edition covers these contemporary web design topics:
Structural layer: HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 (9 chapters), including an alphabetical reference of all elements, attributes and character entities
Presentation layer: Ten all-new chapters on Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.1, including an alphabetical reference of all properties and values.
Behavior layer: JavaScript and scripting with the Document Object Model (DOM)
Web environment: New web standards, browsers, display devices, accessibility, and internationalization
Web graphics optimization: Producing lean and mean GIF, JPEG, PNG, and animated GIFs
Multimedia: Web audio, video, Flash, and PDF
Organized so that readers can find answers quickly, Web Design in a Nutshell, Third Edition helps experienced designers come up to speed quickly on standards-based web design, and serves as a quick reference for those already familiar with the new standards and technology.
There are many books for web designers, but none that address such a wide variety of topics. Find out why nearly half a million buyers have made this the most popular web design book available.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 3d
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 826
Добавлена в каталог: 06.11.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Asleson, Ryan
ASP (Active Server Pages) 2nd
Assistive technology
associative arrays
asterisk (*)
asterisk (*), as universal selector 2nd
asterisk (*), blogroll usage
asterisk (*), frames and
Asynchronous communication
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)
ATAG (Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines)
Atom publishing protocol
attaching images
attlist (attribute) declarations 2nd 3rd 4th
attribute minimization
attribute nodes 2nd 3rd
attribute selectors 2nd
attributes, authoring practices
attributes, case sensitivity
attributes, common 2nd
attributes, DTDs and
attributes, elements and
attributes, HTML DOM and
attributes, namespaces and 2nd
attributes, overview
attributes, quotation marks
attributes, well-formed documents
Audacity audio tool
audience, knowing your
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) 2nd
audio, adding to web pages
audio, basic concepts
audio, choosing formats
audio, copyright restrictions
audio, editing and format conversion
audio, file formats
audio, Flash integration 2nd
audio, overview
audio, recording
audio, royalty-free resources
audio, streaming 2nd
Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI)
Audition audio tool
auditory impairment
aural browsers
aural impairment
aural media type 2nd
author meta name
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)
authoring tools
authoring tools, browser variety and
authoring tools, fixed-width designs
authoring tools, Flash and 2nd
authoring tools, HTML/XHTML
authoring tools, standards recommendations
authoring tools, URL pathnames
authoring tools, web graphics 2nd
authoring tools, WYSIWYG
authors, style sheets and
auto keyword
autoplay attribute (embed) 2nd
AVI (Audio/Video Interleaved)
azimuth property (CSS)
b element 2nd
background attribute (body) 2nd
Background color
background color, animated GIFs
background color, borders and
background color, columns
background color, element boxes
background color, halos and
background color, margins and
background color, overview
background color, padding and
background color, printing text
background color, stacking order
background color, tables and
background color, transparency
background images
background images, accessibility and
background images, borders and
background images, columns and 2nd 3rd
background images, element boxes
background images, expanding box style 2nd
background images, future of
background images, margins and
background images, matching colors
background images, overview
background images, padding and
background images, rollovers
background images, tables and
background property (CSS)
background property (CSS), col/colgroup elements
background property (CSS), overview 2nd
background property (CSS), recommendations
background property (CSS), tables and
background sounds
background-attachment property (CSS) 2nd
background-color property (CSS) 2nd
background-image property (CSS)
background-image property (CSS), browser bugs 2nd
background-image property (CSS), overview 2nd
background-position property (CSS) 2nd 3rd 4th
background-repeat property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
backslash (\)
backward compatibility
Band Pass Filter
bandwidth negotiation
base attribute (embed)
base element
base element, content and
base element, defined
base element, frames and
base element, overview 2nd
basefont element 2nd 3rd
Baseline 2nd
Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) 2nd
bdo element 2nd 3rd
behavioral layer 2nd 3rd
Benkmann, Matthias
Berners-Lee, HTML language
Berners-Lee, Tim
Berners-Lee, World Wide Web and 2nd
bgcolor attribute
bgcolor attribute, body element 2nd
bgcolor attribute, deprecation of
bgcolor attribute, embed element
bgcolor attribute, object element
big element 2nd
binary files 2nd
bit depth 2nd 3rd 4th
bit rates 2nd 3rd
bitmapped images
bits per pixel (bpp)
blink element
blinking effect
block-level elements
block-level elements, browser bugs
block-level elements, clear property
block-level elements, content edge
block-level elements, inline tables
block-level elements, listed
block-level elements, normal flow
block-level elements, overview 2nd
blockquote element 2nd 3rd 4th
BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) 2nd
Body element
body element, background-image property
body element, centering pages
body element, color property and
body element, description
body element, initial containing block 2nd
body element, noframes element and
body element, overview 2nd 3rd
body, document
Boolean values 2nd
border attribute
border attribute, frameset element
border attribute, img element 2nd
border attribute, table element
border property (CSS)
border property (CSS), browser bugs
border property (CSS), col/colgroup elements
border property (CSS), overview 2nd
border property (CSS), tables and
border-bottom property (CSS) 2nd
border-bottom-color property (CSS) 2nd
border-bottom-style property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
border-bottom-width property (CSS) 2nd
border-collapse property (CSS) 2nd
border-color property (CSS) 2nd 3rd 4th
border-left property (CSS) 2nd
border-left-color property (CSS) 2nd
border-left-style property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
border-left-width property (CSS) 2nd
border-right property (CSS) 2nd
border-right-color property (CSS) 2nd
border-right-style property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
border-right-width property (CSS) 2nd
border-spacing property (CSS)
border-spacing property (CSS), cellspacing attribute and
border-spacing property (CSS), overview 2nd 3rd
border-style property (CSS)
border-style property (CSS), border conflicts and
border-style property (CSS), combining properties
border-style property (CSS), overview 2nd
border-top property (CSS) 2nd
border-top-color property (CSS) 2nd
border-top-style property (CSS) 2nd 3rd
border-top-width property (CSS) 2nd
border-width property (CSS) 2nd 3rd 4th
borders, box model and 2nd
borders, element boxes and 2nd
borders, floated elements
borders, frame
borders, images and
borders, internal elements and
borders, margins and
borders, padding and
borders, tables and 2nd 3rd
borders, three-column layouts
Bos, Bert
Bosak, Jon
bottom keyword
bottom property (CSS)
bottom property (CSS), absolute positioning
bottom property (CSS), fixed positioning
bottom property (CSS), overview 2nd
bottom property (CSS), relative positioning
bottom property (CSS), table captions
Boutell, Thomas 2nd
Bowman, Doug 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
box model
box model, borders 2nd
box model, margins 2nd
box model, overview
box model, padding and 2nd
box model, tables
box model, three-column layouts
box model, width and height 2nd
boxes, rounded corners for
bpp (bits per pixel)
br element
br element, empty element
br element, line breaks and 2nd 3rd
br element, nobr element and
br element, overview 2nd
brackets <>
Braille display 2nd
braille media type 2nd
Bray, Tim
Briggs, Owen
Brill, Ryan
Browser Cam screen capture service
Browser Object Model
Browser Wars
Browser Wars, background 2nd
Browser Wars, DHTML and
Browser Wars, embedded fonts and
Browser Wars, Mozilla and
Browser Wars, tags and
browsers, alternate style sheets
browsers, alternative text
browsers, attribute support 2nd
browsers, aural
browsers, block-level elements and
browsers, border-spacing property
browsers, box model and 2nd
browsers, Browser Object Model
browsers, canvas
browsers, CDATA section
browsers, chrome
browsers, color property support
browsers, CSS and 2nd
browsers, DHTML and
browsers, differences among
browsers, DOCTYPE switching 2nd
browsers, embedded fonts
browsers, embedding Windows Media
browsers, empty elements and
browsers, favicons
browsers, Flash format support 2nd
browsers, Flash printing
browsers, floating support
browsers, form controls
browsers, frame borders
browsers, frames and 2nd 3rd
browsers, hacks/workarounds
browsers, history of
browsers, ignoring markup 2nd
browsers, image loading
browsers, image resolution and
browsers, Java applets
browsers, JavaScript and
browsers, JPEG format and
browsers, listed
browsers, mobile
browsers, namespaces and
browsers, object element support 2nd 3rd
browsers, PDF files and 2nd
browsers, PNG format and 2nd
browsers, pop-up windows
browsers, positioning and 2nd
browsers, printing and
browsers, QuickTime plug-in support
browsers, row spans and
browsers, selector support 2nd 3rd
browsers, table layout calculations
browsers, testing sites
browsers, text formatting and
browsers, three-column layouts
browsers, transparency and
browsers, universal selector and