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Kirk R. E. (ed.), Othmer D. F. (ed.) — Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Volume 26: Supplement
Kirk R. E. (ed.), Othmer D. F. (ed.) — Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Volume 26: Supplement

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Название: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Volume 26: Supplement

Авторы: Kirk R. E. (ed.), Othmer D. F. (ed.)


An unrivalled library of information for the chemical industry. The Fourth Edition is a complete revision of the previous edition and includes many new subjects reflecting the growth and changes in chemical technology through the 1990s. It consists of 27 volumes. In addition to updating traditional subjects, the new edition includes expanded coverage of biotechnology, materials science, computer technology, energy sources and conversion techniques, and environmental issues such as pollution control, toxicology, and recycling technology. "The Fourth Edition brings together over 1200 articles In-recognized experts in their areas of chemical technology, and deals with industrial products, natural materials, and processes in such fields as: agricultural chemicals, biotechnology, chemical engineering, coatings and inks, composite materials, computers in chemical technology, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, dyes, pigments and bnghteners, ecology and industrial hygiene, energy cоnservation and technology, tats and waxes, fermentation and enzyme technology, fibres, textiles and leather, tood and animal nutrition, fossil fuels and derivatives, glass, ceramics and cement, industrial inorganic chemicals, industrial organic chemicals, metals, metallurgy and metal alloys, plastics and elastomers, semiconductors and electronic materials, surfactants, detergents and emulsion technology, water supply, purification and reuse, wood, paper, and industrial carbohydrates. It also includes miscellaneous topics: instrumentation and quality control, information retrieval, maintenance, market research, material allocation and supply, legal issues, process development and design, product development and technical service, research and operations management (systems management, networks etc.), and transportation of chemical products.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4-th

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 446

Добавлена в каталог: 06.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aerogels      1
Aquaculture      12
Bioremediation      24
Bioseparations      42
Chiral separations      59
Furan derivatives      74
High purity gases      87
Hormones, adrenal-cortical      93
Lithographic resists      113
Microbial and viral filtration      139
Microemulsions      147
Molecular modeling      157
Molecular recognition      174
nanotechnology      199
Nitriles      217
Recycling, plastics      229
Semiconductors, organic      236
Smart materials      249
Solvent recovery, condensation      254
Sonochemistry      255
Surface and interface analysis      268
Thermography      290
Urea      297
Water-soluble polymers      312
Weighing and proportioning      324
Welding      341
Wheat and other cereal grains      351
Wine      363
Wood-based composites and laminates      377
Xanthene dyes      398
Xylenes and ethylbenzene      410
Xylylene polymers      427
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