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Liberty J., MacDonald B. — Learning C# 2005
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Название: Learning C# 2005
Авторы: Liberty J., MacDonald B.
Аннотация: If you're a novice programmer and you want to learn C#, there aren't many books that will guide you. Most C# books are written for experienced C++ and Java programmers.
That's why Jesse Liberty, author of the best-selling books Programming C# and Programming ASP.NET, has written an entry-level guide to C#.
Written in a warm and friendly manner, Learning C# assumes no prior programming experience, and provides a thorough introduction to Microsoft's premier .NET language. The book helps you build a solid foundation in .NET, and shows you how to apply your skills through the use of dozens of tested examples. You'll learn about the syntax and structure of the C# language, including operators, classes and interfaces, structs, arrays, and strings.
Better yet, this updated edition of Learning C# has been completely revised to include the very latest content and teaching techniques. Here's what's new:
A detailed explanation of C# 2.0
An introduction to Visual Studio 2005, a tool set for building Windows and web applications
More than 200 questions and programming exercises to help you better judge your understanding of the material
A greater emphasis on event handling
Information on generics and generic collections
By the time you've finished Learning C#, you'll be ready to move on to a more advanced programming guide that will help you create large-scale web and Windows applications.
Whether you have a little object-oriented programming experience or you are new to programming altogether, Learning C# will set you firmly on your way to mastering the essentials of the C# language.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2nd
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 552
Добавлена в каталог: 01.11.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
properties, Dictionary class
properties, encapsulating
properties, Exception class
properties, HelpLink
properties, Hour
properties, indexers, declaring
properties, Item
properties, Length 2nd
properties, List class
properties, Message
properties, Nodes
properties, offset
properties, Queue class
properties, Stack class
properties, StackTrace
properties, Status
properties, String class
properties, System.Array
protected modifiers
public interfaces
public modifiers
publishing events
push( ) method
Queue class
queues, applying
queues, generic
Quick Find
Quick Replace
QuickWatch, recalculations
RAD (Rapid Application Development)
RAD, Web Forms
radio groups
Read( ) method, IStorable interface
readLine( ) method
reassign operators
recalculations, QuickWatch
rectangular arrays
recursing through subdirectories
references, searching
references, types
references, types, delegates
references, values, passing types by
Refractor menu
Refractor View window
Regex class
regions, implementing interfaces
Regular expressions
regular expressions, searching
Relational operators
relationships, classes
relationships, generalization
relationships, has-a
relationships, implements
relationships, polymorphism
relationships, specialization
relationships, specialization, inheritance
removing warnings
renaming classes
replacing, Find and Replace options
replacing, Quick Replace
resizing, windows
returning multiple values
reverse( ) method
ReverseSort( ) method
root classes 2nd
root of virtual dispatch
rows, multidimensional arrays
run( ) method 2nd
running, applications
running, to breakpoints
runtime, specifying methods at
runtime, types
scope, .NET
scope, local
sealed classes 2nd
searching, exception handlers
searching, Find and Replace options
searching, Find in Files utility
searching, incremental searches
searching, options
searching, Quick Find
searching, references
searching, String class
searching, substrings
searching, symbols
SecondChangeEventHandler delegate
selecting fields
semicolon (;)
separation, code
Server Explorer window
server-side controls
servers, controls
sessions, state
set accessor
set( ) method
SetCheck( ) method
short-circuit evaluation
Show All Files button
signatures, constructors
signatures, delegates
signed numeric types
single-statement if blocks
sizing integers
slashes (///)
snippets (code)
Solution Explorer
solutions, Visual Studio 2nd 3rd
sort( ) method
Sort( ) method, adding
Sort( ) method, delegates
sorting, arrays 2nd 3rd
sorting, elements
sorting, files
sorting, integers
sorting, List class
source code 2nd
source code, compilers
source code, FileCopier utility
source code, Hello World
source code, HTML, viewing
source code, methods
spaghetti code
specialization, inheritance
specialization, inheritance, polymorphism
specialization, object-oriented programming
split( ) method 2nd 3rd
splitting strings 2nd 3rd
square brackets ([ ])
Stack class
stacks, applying
stacks, call
stacks, generics
stacks, unwinding 2nd
StackTrace property
Start Page (Visual Studio 2005)
starting programs
state, Web Form events
statements, braces ({}) 2nd
statements, branching
statements, branching, conditional
statements, branching, unconditional
statements, break
statements, case
statements, catch
statements, catch, dedicated
statements, continue
statements, expressions
statements, finally
statements, foreach, arrays
statements, goto, creating loops with
statements, if
statements, if, nested
statements, if, single-statement blocks
statements, if...else
statements, looping
statements, switch
statements, switch, strings
statements, throw
statements, try
statements, whitespace
statements, WriteLine( )
static fields, applying
static keyword
static members
static methods, invoking
status property
String class
String class, methods/properties
String.Compare( ) method
StringBuilder class
Strings, comparing
strings, concatenating
strings, copying
strings, creating
strings, equality, testing
strings, escape characters
strings, literals
strings, manipulating
strings, modifying
strings, Regex class
strings, regular expressions
strings, splitting 2nd 3rd
strings, substrings, searching
strings, switch statements
strings, verbatim
structs, creating
structure of applications
stubbing out methods
subdirectories, recursing through
Subscribe( ) method
subscribing events
substring( ) method
substrings, searching
subtraction operator (-)
SuppressFinalize( ) method
switch statements
switch statements, strings
symbolic constants
symbols, searching
System namespace
Tabbed Document window
Task List window 2nd
templates, Web sites
Ternary operator
tester class
TestFunc( ) method
testing strings for equality
text editors, navigating
text, files, inserting
text, fonts, editing
text, incremental searches
this keyword
throw statement
throwing exceptions
throwing exceptions, call stacks
throwing exceptions, finally statement
Time class, creating
TimeHasChanged( ) method
ToArray( ) method
Toolbox command
Toolbox window
Tools menu
toString( ) method
ToString( ) method, delegates
ToString( ) method, overriding
tracking, method calls
tracking, objects/variables
TreeNode objects
trees, root classes
TreeView controls, populating
TreeView objects, event handling
troubleshooting, debugging
troubleshooting, debugging, setting breakpoints
troubleshooting, debugging, viewing values
troubleshooting, debugging, Watch window
troubleshooting, delegates
try statement
Turbo Pascal
type safety
types, arrays
types, arrays, accessing elements
types, arrays, applying
types, arrays, declaring
types, arrays, default values
types, arrays, foreach statements
types, arrays, initializing elements
types, arrays, methods
types, arrays, multidimensional
types, arrays, params keyword
types, arrays, sorting
types, bool
types, boxing
types, Char
types, delegates
types, doublefloat type
types, errors
types, exceptions
types, float
types, generics
types, intrinsic
types, methods, defining behavior
types, non-numeric
types, numeric
types, polymorphic, creating
types, primitive, values
types, references 2nd
types, runtime
types, unboxing
types, values
types, values, passing by references
UI forms, creating
UML (Unified Modeling Language), specialization