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Dean J., Pessanha B.G., Langfeldt N. — LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell
Dean J., Pessanha B.G., Langfeldt N. — LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

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Название: LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

Авторы: Dean J., Pessanha B.G., Langfeldt N.


LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell,
Second Edition is an invaluable resource for determining what you need
to practice to pass the Linux Professional Institute exams. This book
will help
you determine when you're ready to take the exams, which are
technically challenging and designed to reflect the skills that
administrators need
in real working environments.

As more corporations adopt Linux as the networking backbone for their
IT systems, the demand for certified technicians will become
even greater. Passing the LPI exams will broaden your career options
because the LPIC
is the most widely known and respected Linux certification program in
world. Linux Journal recognized the LPI as the best
Training and
Certification Program. The exams were developed by the Linux
Professional Institute,
an international, volunteer-driven organization with affiliates in a
dozen countries.

The core LPI exams cover two levels. Level 1 tests a basic knowledge of
Linux installation, configuration, and command-line
skills. Level 2 goes into much more depth regarding system
troubleshooting and
network services such as email and the Web. The second edition of LPI
Certification in a Nutshell is a thoroughly researched
reference to these exams. The book is divided into four parts, one for
each of the
LPI exams. Each part features not only a summary of the core skills you
need, but sample exercises and test questions, along with helpful hints
to let
you focus your energies.

Major topics include:

GNU and Unix commands

Linux installation and package management

Devices, filesystems, and kernel configuration

Text editing, processing, and printing

The X Window System

Networking fundamentals and troubleshooting

Security, including intrusion detection, SSH, Kerberos, and

DNS, DHCP, file sharing, and other networking infrastructure

Email, FTP, and Web services

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 978

Добавлена в каталог: 01.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
VI Improved      
video hardware for XFree86      
viewing or editing crontab files      
viewing packets on Ubuntu system (example)      
virtual consoles      
virtual hosts      
virtual interfaces, configuring      
virtual interfaces, configuring with ifconfig      
virtual memory partition      
Virtual Private Network (VPN), configured with ifconfig      
virtual users      
virtual users, checking      
VirtualHost container (Apache)      
virtusertable file      
virtusertable file (Sendmail)      2nd 3rd
volume groups      
VPN (Virtual Private Network), tunnel end-points configured with ifconfig      
vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon)      
w command      
wc command      2nd
web accelerator, Squid as      
web logs, fetching and processing      
web logs, fetching and processing with Perl      
Web Services      
Web site      
web site for this book      
Web sites      
web sites for LPI exams      
web sites, Linux-related      
well-known ports      
WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy)      
whatis command      2nd
which command      2nd
while command      
while loops      
who command      
window manager, installing and customizing      2nd
window managers      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Windows systems      
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service)      2nd
WINS client, using as      
wireless card, configuring      
Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP)      
wireless NIC card      
word boundaries, matching with regular expressions      
workgroup directory      
workgroup directory, setting up      
workgroups      2nd
workgroups, SGID      2nd
working in      
working on command line      2nd 3rd
write permission      2nd
wvdial command      
wvdial.conf file (examples)      
wvdialconf command      
X clients      
X fonts      
X libraries      
X Server      
X servers      
X terminals      
X window managers      
X Window System      
X11 forwarding      
Xaccess file, configuring access to xdm      
xargs command      
Xconfigurator tool      
xdm      2nd
xdm for      
xdm, configuring      
XDMCP (xdm Control Protocol)      
XF86Config file      2nd
XFree86 hardware      
xfs (X fonts server)      2nd 3rd
xhost command      
xinetd and access control      
xinetd.conf file      
xterm      2nd
YAST/Yast2 tools      
ypbind (NIS client)      2nd
ypcat tool      2nd
ypdomainname tool      
ypinit tool      
ypmatch tool      
yppasswd tool      
yppasswdd tool      
yppoll tool      2nd
yppush tool      2nd
ypserv tool      
ypwhich tool      
Zebra, dynamic routing support      
zImage kernel image      
zombie process      
zone entry      
zone transfers      
zones, creating and maintaining      
zones, DNS      
\ (backslash)      
\< and \>, matching word boundaries
^ (caret), beginning of line matching in regular expressions      2nd
{ } (curly braces), enclosing function body      
| (pipe character)      
|| (Boolean or)      
~ (tilde)      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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