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Virmani O. P., Narula A. K. — Applied Chemistry Practice
Virmani O. P., Narula A. K. — Applied Chemistry Practice

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Название: Applied Chemistry Practice

Авторы: Virmani O. P., Narula A. K.


Is an amalgam of Theory and Experiments. It serves as a Laboratory Manual of Examination, testing, characterisation and evaluation of a few materials of wide industrial and engineering application. The significance and practical utility of the various tests and the inferences drawn therefrom have been described in detail. The derivation of the formulas, where ever used, the introduction, theory and related discussion are quite elaborate and touch the level of a theory text.
The book has been designed to cover the laboratory courses in Applied Chemistry at the various Engineering and Technical Institutions. The book will be useful to the students where Applied Chemistry is taught at the M.Sc. level and to Public Health/Water Analysis Laboratories. It will also be useful to the students of Industrial Chemistry — a subject that is being introduced at the undergraduate level in some of the Universities.
Students of all levels of intelligence — from very weak to extremely brilliant — will find something of interest to them in the chapter on solutions to viva-voce questions — a striking feature of the book.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 331

Добавлена в каталог: 05.04.2015

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