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Davis M., Phillips J. — Learning PHP and MySQL
Davis M., Phillips J. — Learning PHP and MySQL

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Название: Learning PHP and MySQL

Авторы: Davis M., Phillips J.


he PHP scripting language and MySQL open source database are quite effective independently, but together they make a simply unbeatable team. When working hand-in-hand, they serve as the standard for the rapid development of dynamic, database-driven websites. This combination is so popular, in fact, that it's attracting many programming newbies who come from a web or graphic design background and whose first language is HTML. If you fall into this ever-expanding category, then this book is for you.

Learning PHP and MySQL starts with the very basics of the PHP language, including strings and arrays, pattern matching and a detailed discussion of the variances in different PHP versions. Next, it explains how to work with MySQL, covering information on SQL data access for language and data fundamentals like tables and statements. Finally, after it's sure that you've mastered these separate concepts, the book shows you how to put them together to generate dynamic content. In the process, you'll also learn about error handling, security, HTTP authentication, and more.

If you're a hobbyist who is intimidated by thick, complex computer books, then this guide definitely belongs on your shelf. Learning PHP and MySQL explains everything — from basic concepts to the nuts and bolts of performing specific tasks — in plain English.

Part of O'Reilly's bestselling Learning series, the book is an easy-to-use resource designed specifically for newcomers. It's also a launching pad for future learning, providing you with a solid foundation for more advanced development.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 376

Добавлена в каталог: 30.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
functions, strstr      
functions, strtolower
functions, strtoupper
functions, system calls      
functions, testing for
functions, unlink      
functions, URL wrappers
further reading
garbage collection, sessions
Global variables
global variables, automatic
global variables, PHP      
global variables, PHP, super global variables
hidden elements on forms
hijacking sessions
hosting, sharing      
htaccess file      
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)      
HTML, introduction
HTML, markup
HTML, PHP and      
HTML, PHP and, output      
HTML, PHP and, separating
HTTP authentication      
icons used in this book
If statement
implicit casting, operators
include files
include statement      
include statement, include_once
include statement, require      
include statement, require_once      
increment operators, PHP
indexes, multicolumn      
Infinite loops      
inheritance, classes      
inheritance, classes, extends operator      
inheritance, classes, parent operator      
insert command      
Installation Wizard, Apache
installation, Apache      
installation, local development      
installation, MySQL      
installation, PEAR
installation, PEAR, Unix      
installation, PEAR, Windows      
installation, PHP      
installation, remote login and      
installation, Smarty
is_exectuable function      
is_readable function      
is_writable function
JavaScript, user input validation      
joining tables      
LEFT JOIN ON clause      
length of string      
links, embedded, results display and      
local development, installation and      
logical operators      
logical operators, WHERE clause      
login details
loops, arrays
loops, breaking out      
loops, do...while      
loops, for
loops, infinite
loops, while      
lowercase strings
magic quotes
Many-to-many relationships
math, PHP
methods, static
mktime function
moving files
multicolumn indexes
multidimensional arrays
MySQL Command Line Client
MySQL, advantages
MySQL, command line
MySQL, command line, commands
MySQL, command line, prompt      
MySQL, database engines
MySQL, databases
MySQL, databases, creating
MySQL, features
MySQL, installation
MySQL, introduction      
MySQL, origins      
MySQL, php.MyAdmin      
MySQL, tables      
MySQL, tables, column data type
MySQL, tables, columns, adding
MySQL, tables, columns, deleting
MySQL, tables, deleting
MySQL, tables, renaming      
MySQL, users, creating
mysqldump command
naming guidelines      
negated character class
normalization, databases
normalization, databases, First Normal Form
normalization, databases, forms
normalization, databases, Second Normal Form
normalization, databases, Third Normal Form
numeric arrays
objects, databases, modifying
One-to-many relationships      
One-to-one relationships      
OOP (object-oriented programming)
OOP, classes      
OOP, classes, creating
OOP, classes, instances
OOP, constructors      
OOP, methods      
OOP, methods, static      
OOP, variables      
OOP, variables, references      
OOP, variables, static      
Open source      
operators, ? (question mark) operator      
operators, arguments      
operators, assignment      
operators, associativity      
operators, binary      
operators, categories      
operators, comparison      
operators, conditional      
operators, equality
operators, expressions and      
operators, implicit casting      
operators, logical      
operators, operands      
operators, operands, number of
operators, operands, types of      
operators, order of precedence      
operators, PHP      
operators, PHP, assignment      
operators, PHP, decrement      
operators, PHP, increment      
operators, relational      
operators, ternary      
operators, unary      
ORDER BY keyword      
order of precedence, operators      
organization of book      
output, HTML and      
padding strings      2nd
page framework, blog      
parameters, functions      
parameters, functions and      
parameters, functions, reference parameters      
parent operator, inheritance      
password storage      2nd
Pattern matching      
pattern matching, anchors      
pattern matching, character classes      
pattern matching, preg_match      
pattern matching, quantifiers      
PEAR, books example      
PEAR, closing connection      
PEAR, connections      
PEAR, error reporting      
PEAR, fetching      
PEAR, installation      
PEAR, installation, Unix      
PEAR, installation, Windows      
PEAR, packages      
PEAR, queries      
PHP tags      
PHP, advantages      
PHP, application components      
PHP, comments      
PHP, concatenation      
PHP, constants      
PHP, constants, predefined      
PHP, functions, queries      
PHP, HTML and      
PHP, HTML and, output      
PHP, HTML and, separating      
PHP, installation      
PHP, introduction      
PHP, math      
PHP, operators      
PHP, operators, assigment      
PHP, operators, decrement      
PHP, operators, increment      
PHP, origins      
PHP, server-side processing      
PHP, strings      
PHP, strings, combining      
PHP, strings, comparing      
PHP, strings, special characters      
PHP, templates      
PHP, variables      
PHP, variables, global      
PHP, variables, scope      
PHP, variables, static      
PHP, variables, super global      
PHP, variables, types      
PHP, variables, values      
precedence, operators      
precision, strings      
predefined constants, PHP      
primary keys      
printf function      
queries, databases, selecting      
queries, displaying      
queries, executing      
queries, fetching      
queries, forms and      
queries, login details      
queries, PEAR      
queries, PHP functions      
queries, results, displaying      
queries, SQL      
queries, SQL injection      
queries, SQL, aliases      
queries, SQL, ORDER BY keyword      
queries, SQL, SELECT      
queries, SQL, WHERE clause      
queries, steps for performing      
queries, subqueries      
Radio buttons      
records, databases      
reference parameters      
references, arrays      
references, variables      
Regular expressions      
Relational databases      
relational databases, foreign keys      
relational databases, primary keys      
relational databases, relationships      
relational databases, relationships, many-to-many      
relational databases, relationships, one-to-many      
relational databases, relationships, one-to-one      
Relational operators      
remote login, installation and      
renaming tables      
require function      
require_once function      
resources, further reading      
resources, web      
resources, web, chat forums      
resources, web, listservs      
resources, web, user groups      
resources, web, web sites      
restoring data      
scalar values, arrays      
scope, variables      
scope, variables, classes      
scope, variables, PHP      
scripting, cross-site scripting attacks      
searches, strings      
Second Normal Form, database normalization      
security, administrative pages      
security, authentication, HTTP      
security, cross-site scripting attacks      
security, databases      
security, databases, access      
security, databases, separate users      
security, global variables, automatic      
security, hosting, sharing      
security, include files      
security, magic quotes      
security, sessions      
security, sessions, fixation      
security, sessions, hijacking      
security, user data, trust      
Select command      
Select Query      
selecting databases      
server-side processing, PHP      
session identifiers      
session variables, serialization      
sessions, ending      
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