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Carter E., Lippert E. — Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath
Carter E., Lippert E. — Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath

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Название: Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath

Авторы: Carter E., Lippert E.


Visual Studio Tools for Office is both the first and the definitive book on VSTO 2005 programming, written by the inventors of the technology. VSTO is a set of tools that allows professional developers to use the full power of Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework to put code behind Excel 2003, Word 2003, Outlook 2003, and InfoPath 2003.

VSTO provides functionality never before available to the Office developer: data binding and data/view separation, design-time views of Excel and Word documents inside Visual Studio, rich support for Windows Forms controls in a document, the ability to create custom Office task panes, server-side programming support against Office, and much more.

Carter and Lippert cover their subject matter with deft insight into the needs of .NET developers learning VSTO. This book

Explains the architecture of Microsoft Office programming and introduces the object models

Teaches the three basic patterns of Office solutions: Office automation executables, Office add-ins, and code behind a document

Explores the ways of customizing Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath, and plumbs the depths of programming with their events and object models

Introduces the VSTO programming model

Teaches how to use Windows Forms in VSTO and how to work with the Actions Pane

Delves into VSTO data programming and server data scenarios

Explores .NET code security and VSTO deployment

Advanced material covers working with XML in Word and Excel, developing COM add-ins for Word and Excel, and creating Outlook add-ins with VSTO.

The complete code samples are available on the book's Web page.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1120

Добавлена в каталог: 29.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Programming model, VSTO, removing controls      
Programming model, VSTO, saving/loading controls      
Programming model, VSTO, separating data and view      
Programming model, VSTO, startup/shutdown sequences      
Programming model, VSTO, summary      
Programming model, VSTO, workbook host item class      
Programming model, VSTO, worksheet host item class      
Programming model, VSTO, XMLNode and host control classes      
programming Outlook      
Programming Outlook, add-ins      
Programming Outlook, automation executables      
Programming Outlook, Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and      
Programming Outlook, custom property pages      
Programming Outlook, Outlook object model      
Programming Outlook, Persona menu Smart Tags      
Programming Outlook, Smart Tags embedded in HTMLformatted e-mail      
Programming Outlook, Smart Tags when Word is e-mail editor      
Programming Outlook, summary      
Programming Word      
Programming Word, automation executables      
Programming Word, COM add-in      
Programming Word, creating simple research service      
Programming Word, getting started with research services      
Programming Word, programming research services      
Programming Word, registering research service      
Programming Word, research service resources      
Programming Word, server-generated documents      
Programming Word, Smart Documents/XML Expansion Packs      
Programming Word, Smart Tags      
Programming Word, summary      
Programming Word, using research service      
Programming Word, VSTO code behind      
Programming Word, Word object model      
Programming, in Office      
Programming, in Office, advanced      
Programming, in Office, advantages of      
Programming, in Office, browsing PIAs      
Programming, in Office, collections      
Programming, in Office, declarative event handling      
Programming, in Office, dynamic event handling      
Programming, in Office, enumeration      
Programming, in Office, events      
Programming, in Office, installing PIAs      
Programming, in Office, methods      
Programming, in Office, object models      
Programming, in Office, objects      
Programming, in Office, parameterized properties      
Programming, in Office, PIA overview      
Programming, in Office, properties      
Programming, in Office, referencing PIAs      
Programming, in Office, summary      
Project, creating InfoPath project in VSTO      
Properties      [See also Parameters.]
Properties, Action task pane      
Properties, Action task pane, AutoScroll      
Properties, Action task pane, avoiding      
Properties, Action task pane, showing/hiding      
Properties, aggregation      2nd
Properties, application manifest      
properties, collections      
Properties, data binding and      2nd
Properties, DataMember      
Properties, Excel      
Properties, Excel, active/selected objects in Application objects      
Properties, Excel, active/selected objects in Workbook objects      
Properties, Excel, Address properties of Range object      
Properties, Excel, Application Object      
Properties, Excel, area of Range object      
Properties, Excel, Calculation/WorksheetFunction      
Properties, Excel, ChartObject      
Properties, Excel, collections in Application object      
Properties, Excel, collections in Workbook object      
Properties, Excel, Cursor property of Application Object      
Properties, Excel, CustomProperties for worksheets      
Properties, Excel, danger of EnableEvents property      
Properties, Excel, document properties of workbooks      
Properties, Excel, DocumentProperties of workbooks      
Properties, Excel, embedding Excel in another application      
Properties, Excel, file/printer properties      
Properties, Excel, formatting cell ranges      
Properties, Excel, Item/Count properties in workbook collection      
Properties, Excel, ListObject      
Properties, Excel, naming cell ranges      
Properties, Excel, OLEObject      
Properties, Excel, Range Object      
Properties, Excel, regions      
Properties, Excel, Save when quitting      
Properties, Excel, Save workbooks      
Properties, Excel, ScreenUpdating property of Application Object      
Properties, Excel, Shapes property      
Properties, Excel, StatusBar property      
Properties, Excel, Value property for ranges      
Properties, Excel, Window object      
Properties, Excel, Windows collections      
Properties, Excel, worksheet management      
Properties, Excel, worksheet protection      
Properties, implementing from PIA interface      
Properties, implementing using extenders      
Properties, in CDO object model      
Properties, InfoPath      
Properties, InfoPath, button events/view      
Properties, InfoPath, form properties      
Properties, InfoPath, OnBeforeChange event      
Properties, InfoPath, Site/Source properties in DataDOMEvent object      
Properties, list object host control      
properties, objects      
Properties, OLEObject/OLEControl      
Properties, Outlook      
Properties, Outlook, active/selected objects      
Properties, Outlook, additional properties associated with items      
Properties, Outlook, address books/entries      
Properties, Outlook, built-in/custom properties of items      
Properties, Outlook, changing items properties      
Properties, Outlook, Class property for identifying item type      
Properties, Outlook, collections in Application object      
Properties, Outlook, CommandBars property in Explorer window      
Properties, Outlook, CommandBars property in Inspector window      
Properties, Outlook, common to items      
Properties, Outlook, CurrentUser property of NameSpace object      
Properties, Outlook, custom property pages      
Properties, Outlook, Explorer object      
Properties, Outlook, Explorer window      
Properties, Outlook, Extended MAPI for changing readonly properties      
Properties, Outlook, finding items      
Properties, Outlook, Folders property of NameSpace object      
Properties, Outlook, getting item using ID properties      
Properties, Outlook, identifying MAPIFolder      
Properties, Outlook, Inspector window      
Properties, Outlook, items in MAPIFolder      
Properties, Outlook, iterating over items      
Properties, Outlook, mail properties of items      
Properties, Outlook, MailMerge object      
Properties, Outlook, MailSession property      
Properties, Outlook, Name object      
Properties, Outlook, Offline property of NameSpace object      
Properties, Outlook, retrieving NameSpace object      
Properties, Outlook, security dialog box and      
Properties, Outlook, selected folder/view/items of Explorer object      
Properties, Outlook, View properties of MAPIFolder objects      
Properties, parameterized      
Properties, Server data      
Properties, Server data, cached data object model      
Properties, Server data, cached data properties      
Properties, Server data, CachedDataHostItem collection      
Properties, Server data, CachedDataHostItem object      
Properties, Server data, CachedDataItem object      
Properties, Server data, ServerDocument object      
Properties, Smart Tag      
Properties, Smart Tag, action classes      
Properties, Smart Tag, Action events      
Properties, Smart Tag, Actions property      
Properties, Smart Tag, custom class      
Properties, Smart Tag, object      
Properties, Smart Tag, recognizer classes      
Properties, Smart Tag, wise use of      
Properties, Word      
Properties, Word, active/selected objects Application object      
Properties, Word, aggregated Document objects      
Properties, Word, Bookmarks property      
Properties, Word, Browser property      
Properties, Word, Cached property      
Properties, Word, collections associated with Document and Range      
Properties, Word, collections associated with only Document      
Properties, Word, collections in Application object      
Properties, Word, CustomizationContext property      
Properties, Word, DefaultTab property      
Properties, Word, dialog box fields      
Properties, Word, DisplayAlerts property      
Properties, Word, Document collection      
Properties, Word, document formatting in Application object      
Properties, Word, Document object      2nd
Properties, Word, document printing      
Properties, Word, Document windows      
Properties, Word, E-Postage Properties      
Properties, Word, File Dialog boxes in Application object      
Properties, Word, Find/Replace properties for Range objet      
Properties, Word, formatting Range object      
Properties, Word, grammar/spell checking      
Properties, Word, Mouse Pointer in Application object      
Properties, Word, NewDocument property      
Properties, Word, NextStoryRange property in Range object      
Properties, Word, Options property of Application object      
Properties, Word, properties that identify Range object      
Properties, Word, Properties window for adding event handlers      
Properties, Word, quit settings      
Properties, Word, Range object      2nd
Properties, Word, Saved property of Document object      
Properties, Word, ScreenUpdating property in Application Object      
Properties, Word, StatusBar property      
Properties, Word, Tables collection      
Properties, Word, templates      2nd
Properties, Word, text from Range object      
Properties, Word, user information in Application object      
Properties, Word, user interface      
Properties, Word, windows      
Property Page, using custom property pages for programming Outlook      
Protect method      
Protect method, Word documents      
Protect method, workbook      
Protect method, worksheet      2nd
Proxies, using binding sources      
Public keys      
Public-key cryptography      
Public-key tokens      
Publish Wizard      
Publish Wizard, for deploying VSTO solutions      
Publish Wizard, generating/updating deployment manifests with      
Publish Wizard, VSTO Outlook add-ins and      
Publisher certificates      
Publisher certificates, CA (Certificate Authority) and      
Publisher certificates, combining with stong names      
Publisher certificates, expiration of      
Publisher certificates, license to code      
Publisher certificates, obtaining      
Publisher certificates, overview of      
PublishURL, in InfoPath form registration      
Query method, Word research services      
Quitting, closing all open Word documents      
Quitting, Quit method for exiting Excel      
Quitting, Quit method for exiting Word      
Quitting, raising Quit event in Outlook      
Quitting, raising Quit event in Word      
R1C1-style references, in addressing      
Range object, Excel      
Range object, Excel, addresses      
Range object, Excel, areas      
Range object, Excel, cells      
Range object, Excel, copying/clearing/deleting ranges      
Range object, Excel, creating new ranges      
Range object, Excel, editing range values      
Range object, Excel, finding text in ranges      
Range object, Excel, formatting range of cells      
Range object, Excel, getting Range object for cell or range of cells      
Range object, Excel, object model and      
Range object, Excel, Range.Locked property for worksheet protection      
Range object, Excel, regions      
Range object, Excel, rows/columns      
Range object, Excel, selecting and activating range of cells      
Range object, Word      
Range object, Word, changing ranges      
Range object, Word, collapsing ranges      
Range object, Word, collections associated with      
Range object, Word, find and replace      
Range object, Word, formatting      
Range object, Word, getting a range      
Range object, Word, identifying ranges      
Range object, Word, inserting nonprinting characters/breaks      
Range object, Word, moving ranges      
Range object, Word, navigating ranges      
Range object, Word, overview      
Range object, Word, stories and      
Range object, Word, text from      
Range object, Word, text in      
Range parameter      
Range parameter, Change events      
Range parameter, Double-Click/Right-Click events      
Range properties      
Range properties, parameters of      
Range properties, Smart Tag Action events      
Range properties, Word Tables collection      
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper)      
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper), COM add-ins and      
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper), role in button failure issue      
Read only properties, using Extended MAPI to change      
Reading pane, Smart Tags in HTMLformatted Outlook e-mail displayed in      
RecentFiles property, Excel file/printer properties      
Recipient object, NameSpace object      
Recognize method      
Recognize method, creating recognizer classes      
Recognize method, custom Smart Tag class      
Recognizers, adding to PIAs      
Recognizers, creating recognizer Class      
Recognizers, in Excel      
Recognizers, in Word      
Recognizers, registering Recognizer class      
Redo method, in Word Document object      
References, addressing      
References, Range object      
References, service for mapping cookies onto host objects      
RefersTo properties, Name object      
Reflection, work around for locale issue      
Regions, Range Object      
RegisterSolution method, InfoPath forms      
Registration method, Word research services      
Registry, Automation add-ins in      
Registry, COM add-ins      
Registry, finding Outlook add-ins in      
Registry, installing COM add-ins      
Registry, location of COM add-ins      
Registry, Smart Tag classes      
Registry, VSTO add-ins      2nd
Registry, Word research services      
Regular expression, using to add Smart Tags      
Relative address, compared with absolute address      
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