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O'Hara S. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Windows XP |
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commands, Arange Icons By command, sorting folders
commands, Arrange Icons by command (shortcut menu)
commands, Auto Arrange command (shortcut menu)
commands, Cascade Windows command
commands, Find command (Outlook Express)
commands, listing
commands, listing, Start menu
commands, menu commands
commands, menu commands, keyboard shortcuts
commands, Pint to Start menu command
commands, Print Preview command
commands, Run command
commands, Run command, starting programs 2nd
commands, selecting from menus 2nd
commands, selecting from toolbars 2nd
commands, Sharing and Security command
commands, Sharing and Security command, enabling file sharing
commands, Show in Groups command
commands, Show in Groups command, grouping files
commands, Show in Groups command, grouping folders
commands, Tile Windows Horizontally command
commands, Tile Windows Vertically command
commands, Undo Tile command
complete system backups
complex documents
complex documents, printing
components, deleting 2nd
components, installing 2nd
Compose tab (Outlook Express)
compressing, files 2nd 3rd 4th
computer administrators
computer performance
computer performance, hard disks, cleaning 2nd 3rd
computer performance, updates, installing
computers, hibernating
computers, logging on/off
computers, restarting 2nd 3rd 4th
computers, shutting down
computers, shutting down, Turn off Computer button
configuring, automatic updates 2nd 3rd
configuring, home network hardware 2nd
configuring, home networks
configuring, home networks, Network Setup Wizard 2nd
configuring, wireless networks 2nd
Confirm Multiple File Delete dialog box
Connection tab (Outlook Express)
connections, Internet connections
connections, Internet connections, cable Internet connections
connections, Internet connections, disconnecting
connections, Internet connections, DSL Internet connections 2nd
connections, Internet connections, exiting
connections, Internet connections, ISP (Internet Service Providers) 2nd 3rd
connections, Internet connections, modems 2nd
connections, Internet connections, network Internet connections
connections, Internet connections, New Connection Wizard 2nd 3rd
connections, Internet connections, starting 2nd
connections, Internet connections, wireless Internet connections
contact groups (Address Book) 2nd
contact lists (Address Book) 2nd 3rd
contacts, adding to Address Book 2nd 3rd
Content Advisor (Internet Options)
Content tab (Internet Options)
Content tab (Internet Options), Content Advisor
Control Panel
Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs icon
Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs icon, default programs, specifying 2nd
Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs icon, installing programs 2nd 3rd
Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs icon, uninstalling programs
Control Panel, mouses
Control Panel, mouses, customizing
Control Panel, use accounts, deleting 2nd
Control Panel, user accounts
Control Panel, user accounts, changing type
Control Panel, user accounts, computer administrators
Control Panel, user accounts, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
Control Panel, user accounts, modifying 2nd
Copy Items dialog box
copying, email between folders 2nd
copying, files 2nd
copying, files to CD 2nd
copying, files to floppy disk 2nd
copying, files, Copy command
copying, folders 2nd
copying, folders to CD 2nd
copying, folders to floppy disk 2nd
copying, folders, Copy command
copying, movies
copying, movies, Windows Movie Maker
copying, music files 2nd 3rd
copying, text in WordPad
copying, Web pages 2nd
Create Account button
Create New Folder button
creating, documents 2nd
creating, email 2nd 3rd
creating, folders 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
creating, subfolders
CSID, Fax Console
custom color schemes
custom color schemes, creating
Customize Desktop button
Customize Desktop button, desktop icons, customizing
Customize Start Menu dialog box
Customize Start Menu dialog box, Advanced tab
Customizing, desktop
customizing, desktop icons 2nd
customizing, desktop, color schemes 2nd
customizing, desktop, color settings 2nd
customizing, desktop, Customize Desktop button
customizing, desktop, resolution 2nd
customizing, desktop, themes 2nd 3rd 4th
customizing, desktops
customizing, desktops, screen savers 2nd
customizing, email accounts
customizing, fax notification
customizing, faxes
customizing, help topics
customizing, home pages
customizing, Internet Explorer
customizing, Internet Explorer, organizing favorites list 2nd
customizing, Internet Explorer, selecting home pages 2nd
customizing, Internet Explorer, setting privacy options 2nd 3rd
customizing, Internet Explorer, setting security options 2nd 3rd 4th
customizing, Magnifier
customizing, mouse pointers
customizing, mouses 2nd 3rd
customizing, Outlook Express 2nd
customizing, printer preferences 2nd 3rd
customizing, printer properties 2nd 3rd
customizing, program installation
customizing, sounds 2nd
customizing, Start menu 2nd 3rd 4th
customizing, Start menu, changing Start menu program order
customizing, Start menu, pinning programs to Start menu 2nd
customizing, Start menu, unpinning programs to Start menu
customizing, Taskbar 2nd
customizing, Taskbar, adding Web content
customizing, Windows Media Player
customizing, Windows Media Player, skins 2nd
customizing, Windows Media Player, visualizations 2nd
data, backups 2nd
data, backups, CD drive backups
data, backups, complete system backups
data, backups, floppy disk backups
data, backups, Windows XP backup program 2nd
date, setting
default printers
default printers, selecting
default programs, specifying 2nd
Defragment Now button
defragmenting, hard disks
defragmenting, hard disks, Disk Defragmenter 2nd
Delete Account button
Deleted Items folder (Outlook Express)
Deleted Items folder (Outlook Express), deleting all email
deleting, email
deleting, email, Deleted Items folder (Outlook Express) 2nd
deleting, faxes 2nd
deleting, files 2nd 3rd
deleting, files, Disk Cleanup Wizard 2nd 3rd
deleting, files, Recycle Bin
deleting, pictures
deleting, program shortcuts
deleting, scheduled task list items
deleting, shortcut icons
deleting, spyware 2nd
deleting, text in WordPad
deleting, user accounts 2nd
deleting, Windows components 2nd
Desktop 2nd
Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Desktop Items dialog box
Desktop Items dialog box, desktop icons
desktop, cleaning 2nd 3rd
desktop, cleaning, Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Desktop, customizing
desktop, customizing, color schemes 2nd
desktop, customizing, color settings 2nd
desktop, customizing, Customize Desktop button
desktop, customizing, resolution 2nd
desktop, customizing, screen savers 2nd
desktop, customizing, themes 2nd 3rd 4th
Desktop, icons
desktop, icons, adding
desktop, icons, creating
desktop, icons, customizing 2nd
desktop, icons, deleting
desktop, icons, removing
desktop, shortcuts
desktop, shortcuts, Unused Desktop Shortcuts folder
desktop, Start button
desktop, Start menu
desktop, Start menu, displaying
desktop, Start menu, folders
desktop, Start menu, listing commands
desktop, Start menu, listing programs
desktop, Start menu, Log Off button
desktop, Start menu, Turn Off Computer button
desktop, system tray
desktop, system tray, notification messages
desktop, system tray, viewing 2nd
desktop, taskbar
desktop, taskbar, viewing 2nd
Desktop, themes 2nd
desktop, themes, selecting backgrounds 2nd
Details view (file views)
Details view (file views), files, sorting
Details view (file views), folders, sorting
Details view (file/folder views) 2nd
Device manager
Device Settings tab (Printers and Faxes control panel)
Dial-up modems
Dialog boxes
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box (Accessibility Control Panel)
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box, Display tab
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box, General tab 2nd
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box, Keyboard tab 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box, Mouse tab
dialog boxes, Accessibility Options dialog box, Sound tab 2nd
dialog boxes, Advanced Appearance dialog box
dialog boxes, Advanced Appearance dialog box, creating custom color schemes
dialog boxes, Browse dialog box
dialog boxes, Browse dialog box, locating backgrounds (desktop themes)
dialog boxes, Choose Details
dialog boxes, Confirm Multiple File Delete
dialog boxes, Copy Items
dialog boxes, Customize Start Menu dialog box
dialog boxes, Customize Start Menu dialog box, Advanced tab
dialog boxes, Desktop Items
dialog boxes, Desktop Items, desktop icons
dialog boxes, Display Properties
dialog boxes, Display Properties, backgrounds 2nd
dialog boxes, Display Properties, color schemes
dialog boxes, Display Properties, resolution
dialog boxes, Display Properties, screen savers
dialog boxes, Display Properties, themes
dialog boxes, Find Message 2nd
dialog boxes, Folder Options dialog box
dialog boxes, Folder Options dialog box, File Types tab
dialog boxes, Folder Options dialog box, General tab
dialog boxes, Folder Options dialog box, setting folder options
dialog boxes, Folder Options dialog box, View tab
dialog boxes, Internet Options
dialog boxes, Magnifier Settings dialog box
dialog boxes, Magnifier Settings dialog box, exiting Magnifier
dialog boxes, Magnifier Settings dialog box, hiding
dialog boxes, Move or Copy
dialog boxes, New
dialog boxes, Open
dialog boxes, Organize Favorites 2nd
dialog boxes, Print
dialog boxes, Printing Preferences 2nd
dialog boxes, Save As
dialog boxes, Sounds and Audio Devices Properties
dialog boxes, Start Menu Properties
dialog boxes, Start Menu Properties, customizing Taskbar
dialog boxes, Voice Settings dialog box (Narrator)
Digital cameras
digital cameras, features 2nd
digital cameras, memory cards 2nd 3rd
digital cameras, pictures
digital cameras, pictures, organizing
digital cameras, pictures, previewing
digital cameras, pictures, quality
digital cameras, pictures, storing
digital cameras, pictures, transferring to computer 2nd
digital cameras, pictures, transferring to computer, Transfer Wizard
digital cameras, setup
digital cameras, setup, Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard 2nd
digital movies
digital movies, copying
digital movies, editing
digital movies, importing
directories (Internet)
directories, browsing
disabled users [See accessibility accessory programs Accessibility
disconnecting, email accounts
disconnecting, email programs 2nd
disconnecting, Internet connections
Discuss button (Internet Explorer)
Disk Cleanup button
Disk Cleanup tab
Disk Cleanup Wizard 2nd 3rd
Disk Defragmenter
Disk Defragmenter, Analyze button
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