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Milutinovic V. — Computer Architecture: Concepts and Systems |
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Reduced instruction set computers (RISC), processors available 9
Reduced instruction set computers (RISC), silicon area freed up in 8
Reduction language 405
Reduction mechanism, definition 343
Redundancy 510 526
Redundancy, hybrid 518
Redundancy, masking 514—516
Redundancy, N-modular 515
Redundancy, reconfiguration 516—519
Redundancy, triple modular 514—516
Reference parameters, passing 65
Reference trees, storage management in FP machines 428
Referential transparency, definition 407
Register cell design, gallium arsenide 99—101
Register file 77
Register file design, gallium arsenide implementation 98—103
Register file optimizations, gallium arsenide processors 121—123
Register file partitioning, gallium arsenide 101
Register windows 63—67
Register windows, advantages 64
Register windows, complications 63—64
Register windows, role of compilers 65
Register windows, software issues 64
Reliability, classification 502
Reliability, definition 502
Remps vector multiprocessor 327—330
Remps vector multiprocessor, configuration 327 329
Remps vector multiprocessor, dynamic pipeline net in 329
Remps vector multiprocessor, purpose of 329—330
Remps vector multiprocessor, simulating Cray X-MP/4 330 334f
Remps vector multiprocessor, simulating HEP 330 334f
Remps vector multiprocessor, system architecture 328f
Reorganizer, definition 70
Replacement algorithms 112
Request generator, definition 266
Resource allocation, local computer systems 265—304
Resource scheduling 270—273
Resource scheduling schemes, examples 275
Resource scheduling, design methodology 276—277
Resource scheduling, Ethernet 276—277
Resource scheduling, single contention-bus network 276
Resource sharing, advantages of 267—268
Resource sharing, dataflow supercomputers 270
Resource sharing, dynamic task migration in 268—270
Resource sharing, generic model of 266—270
Resource sharing, load balancing in 268
Resource sharing, VLSI-systolic array multiprocessors in 268 269f
Resource, definition 265—266
Resource-allocation schemes 273—281
Resource-allocation schemes, design, single-contention-bus network 299t
Resource-allocation schemes, state-dependent 274
Resource-allocation schemes, state-independent 274
Resource-allocation schemes, taxonomy of 274—275
RETE algorithm 340—341
Retry techniques, error recovery 520
Ridge 32 18—20
Ridge, compare and branch instruction in 19
Ridge, cycle time 20
Ridge, instruction format 19f
Ridge, instruction set in 19
Ridge, no condition codes in 19
Ridge, Schlottky bipolar logic implementation 20
Ring network, FP multiprocessors 417
rollbacks 502 512
Routing networks, FP machines 419—420 420f
RP3 multiprocessor, parallel-serial control 142—143
Rumbaugh's dataflow machine, shared bus interconnection in 417
Scheduling in HEP machine 156
Scheduling in NYU Ultracomputer 158
Scheduling schemes, resource-allocation 274—275
Scheduling, levels of 155
Scheduling, multiprocessor 155—158
Scheduling, nature of 156
Scheduling-and-synchronization overhead, in multiprocessor architecture 149—151
Schema methods, definition 415
Schwartz and Barnwell method of transformation 480—481
SDFL logic circuits, D-MESFETs in 87—88
Semantic gap, definition 52
Semaphores, MIMD processing 188
Semisystolic array, definition 457
Sequencing hazard interlocks, delayed branching 117
Sequencing hazard interlocks, silicon CISC, RISC 116—117
Sequoia System 541—542
Sequoia System, architecture 541f
Sequoia System, fault recovery in 541
Serial model of computation 139
Serial multiplier, gallium arsenide implementation 105
Shared bus interconnection, FP multiprocessors 417
Shared memory tree, definition 213
Shared-variable synchronization 161
Shifter 77
Shorts, definition 509—510
Shuffle-exchange network 236—238
Shuffle-exchange network, definition 236
Shuffle-exchange network, MIMD mode 238
Shuffle-exchange network, SIMD mode 237
Sift 545—546
SIFT, example 546f
Silicon caches, placement policies in 111—112
Silicon, CISC vs. RISC implementation of multiplier/divider design 105
Silicon, compared with gallium arsenide 84—85 91—92
Silicon, hierarchical memory systems 111—112
Silicon, instruction pipeline 97f
SIMD algorithms 191—193
SIMD machine architecture 180—182
SIMD processing, associative processor 193—196
SIMD processing, languages for 188—190
SIMD, parallel mode 226
SIMD/MIMD algorithms 196—198
Simple operation model of computation 138
Single contention-bus network, resource scheduling in 276—277
Single-assignment languages, definition 407
Single-chip processor design, gallium arsenide 96
SISD machine architecture 180
Smooth module, computation with arrays 367—371
Smooth module, dataflow machine code for 370—371f
Smooth module, description tree for 379f
SNAP, architecture, applications 331t
Software recovery 529
Space Shuttle computer system, sanity check in 545
Space Shuttle computer system, software voting in 545
Stack architectures 25
Stanford MIPS 15—18
Stanford MIPS microprocessor 67—72
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, assembly instructions 68—69
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, compiler technology 67
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, instruction formats 72f
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, instruction set architecture 67—72
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, pipeline 70 71f
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, reorganizer 70
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, software instruction scheduling 71—72
Stanford MIPS microprocessor, word addressing 67
Stanford MIPS, architectural solutions in 18
Stanford MIPS, compact instruction formats in 107—108
Stanford MIPS, compare and branch instruction in 18
Stanford MIPS, cycle time of 18
Stanford MIPS, execution in 16
Stanford MIPS, pipelining in 16—18
Stanford MIPS, reorganizer in 16—17
Stanford MIPS, timing hazard interlocks in 119—120
Star 531—532
STAR, architecture 531
STAR, configuration 532
STAR, operation 532
STARAN associative processor 208—210
STARAN associative processor, components of 210
| STARAN associative processor, memory 208—209
STARAN associative processor, processing speed of 210
STARAN associative processor, structure 208 209f
STARAN, SIMD architecture 180
Static dataflow architecture 360—366
Static dataflow model 357
Static redundancy see "Masking redundancy"
Status FT 200, logical processors in 536—537
STL 87
Storage management, FP machines 427—428
Storage-reclamation scheme, G-machine 437
Stratus FT 200 536—537
Stratus Link 536
Supercomputers 307—353
Supercomputers, applications 313—315
Supercomputers, architectural classes of 309
Supercomputers, Cray 317—320
Supercomputers, efficiency of 309—310
Supercomputers, future perspectives 344—347
Supercomputers, multiprocessing 315—330
Supercomputers, predictions for 356—357
Supercomputers, speed performance of 310t
Supercomputers, value of 308
Supercomputing, numerical 309—311
Symbol Programming Language, Fairchild/ISU Symbol 39
Symbolic processing vs. numeric processing 309—313
Symbolic processing, computers for 311—313
Symbolic processing, requirements for 310—311
Symbolics 3600 345
Synapse N + 1 537—538
Synapse N + 1, checkpointing in 537—538
Synapse N + 1, fault detection in 538
Synchronization, control graphs 159
Synchronization, control-level 159—160
Synchronization, data-level 160—166
Synchronization, multiprocessor 159—166
System reliability see also "Fault-tolerant computers"
System reliability, fault-avoidance 501—502
System reliability, fault-tolerance 501—502
System reliability, methods of increasing 497
System reliability, reconfiguration increases 516—519
Systolic array, definition 454
Systolic arrays, algorithmically specified, design approaches 454—494
Systolic arrays, applications 455t
Systolic arrays, classification 457
Systolic arrays, transformational design approach 458—486
Systolic processing, definition 457
Systolic processing, design problems 457
Systolic processor 456f
Tagged token architecture 360—361
Tagged token machine, comparison with other multiprocessors 172t
Tandem 532—534
Tandem Systems, fault-tolerance in 534—535
Tandem Systems, system building blocks in 534
Tandem, architecture 533f
Tandem, data integrity in 532
Test&set 161
Texas reconfigurable array computer 211—213
Texas reconfigurable array computer, configuration 211
Texas reconfigurable array computer, data trees in 213
Texas reconfigurable array computer, instruction trees in 213
Texas reconfigurable array computer, memory capacity 213
Texas reconfigurable array computer, network operating modes 212—213
Texas reconfigurable array computer, network, SW-banyan network 212
Texas reconfigurable array computer, secondary memory in 213
THRISTLE, CMU, architecture, applications 332t
TI Explorer 345
TI-dataflow machine, ring network in 417
Time multiplexing 169—170
Time-series analysis, ARMA 295
Timed hazard interlocks, examples 119
Tolerant Systems 534—535
Transformation, functional program 415
Transformational systems, methodologies 460—461
Transformational systems, Y-chart for 459f
Translation look-aside buffer, NS32032 31
Transputer, compact instruction formats in 108
Tree structure, FP machines 417—418
Tricon-1, error detection in 548
Tricon-1, fault detection in 547
Tricon-1, high availability goal 547
Triple modular redundancy 514—515
UC Berkeley RISC 13—15 57—67
UC Berkeley RISC, compiler 15
UC Berkeley RISC, cycle time 15
UC Berkeley RISC, hardware features of 14—15
UC Berkeley RISC, history of 13
UC Berkeley RISC, implementation of RISC architecture 59 62
UC Berkeley RISC, instruction formats 62f
UC Berkeley RISC, large register file in 15
UC Berkeley RISC, pipeline 62—63
UC Berkeley RISC, register windows 57—59
UC Berkeley RISC, register windows in 14—15
UC Berkeley RISC-II, register cell design 101f
Uniprocessor approach, mapping process 429—430
Uniprocessor, array structure 524f
Uniprocessor, vector structure 523f
Uniprocessors 530—531
Uniprocessors, fault masking in 544
Uniprocessors, fault tolerance in 530—531
Uniprocessors, masking redundancy in 543—545
University of Reading RIMMS 22—24
University of Reading RIMMS, architecture 22—23
University of Reading RIMMS, microcomputer elements in 23—24
University of Reading RIMMS, multi-microprocessor 22
University of Reading RIMMS, registers 22
Up-level referencing 65
Val see also "Functional programming languages"
Val compiler 374—377
Val compiler, analysis of program structure 377—381
Val compiler, organization 375
Val compiler, requirements for 374—375
VAX, SISD architecture 180
VAX-11, caching scheme 168
VAX-11, serial, single-level control 142
Vector machines 136 see "Cyber-205" "Fujitsu
Vector machines vs. multiprocessors 137
Vector machines, program slicing 138f
Virtual memory 110
VLSI technology 345
VLSI-systolic array multiprocessors, resource sharing systems 268 269f
von Neumann model of computation 138—139
Watchdog timers, fault/error detection 514
Window control, approximate greedy 293—294
Window control, binary-divide 285—288
Window control, dynamic-programming 288—292
Window control, dynamic-programming, lookup-table method for 296—298 297f
Window control, Ethernet interfaces 296—298
Window control, load estimation for 294—295
Window control, optimal-greedy 292—293
Window-control algorithms 285—298
Window-search scheme 283—284
Write-through technique 112
ZAPP 443—444
ZAPP system, determining parallelism in 431
ZAPP system, mapping approach in 430
ZAPP, controlling parallelism in 444
ZAPP, operation mode 443
ZAPP, program execution 444
Zilog Z80000 31—33
Zilog Z80000, address space 32
Zilog Z80000, flexible on-chip cache 32
Zilog Z80000, performance 33
Zilog Z80000, pipelining 32—33
Zilog Z80000, register file 32
ZMOB, architecture, applications 332t
ZMOB, ring network in 417
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