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Lomax P., Petrusha R., Patrick T. (ed.) — Visual Basic 2005: In a Nutshell
Lomax P., Petrusha R., Patrick T. (ed.) — Visual Basic 2005: In a Nutshell

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Название: Visual Basic 2005: In a Nutshell

Авторы: Lomax P., Petrusha R., Patrick T. (ed.)


When Microsoft made Visual Basic into an object-oriented programming language, millions of VB developers resisted the change to the .NET platform. Now, after integrating feedback from their customers and creating Visual Basic 2005, Microsoft finally has the right carrot. Visual Basic 2005 offers the power of the .NET platform, yet restores the speed and convenience of Visual Basic. Accordingly, we've revised the classic in a Nutshell guide to the Visual Basic language to cover the Visual Basic 2005 version and all of its new features.

Unlike other books on the subject, Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition doesn't assume you're a novice. It's a detailed, professional reference to the Visual Basic language-a reference that you can use to jog your memory about a particular language element or parameter. It'll also come in handy when you want to make sure that there isn't some "gotcha" you've overlooked with a particular language feature.

The book is divided into three major parts: Part I introduces the main features and concepts behind Visual Basic programming; Part II thoroughly details all the functions, statements, directives, objects, and object members that make up the Visual Basic language; and Part III contains a series of helpful appendices. Some of the new features covered include Generics, a convenient new library called My Namespace, and the operators used to manipulate data in Visual Basic.
No matter how much experience you have programming with Visual Basic, you want Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition close by, both as a standard reference guide and as a tool for troubleshooting and identifying programming problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3-rd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 766

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
#Const directive      
#If...Then...#Else directive      
#Region...#End Region directive      
* (multiplication) operator      
+ (addition) operator)      
+ (unary) operator      
- (subtraction) operator      
.NET Framework, Visual Basic and      
<< (Shift Left) operator      
>> (Shift Right) operator      
abs function      
Acos function      
AddHandler statement      2nd
addition (+) operator      
address variables      
AddressOf operator      2nd
AllUsersApplicationData property      
AltKeyDown property      
and operator      
AndAlso operator      
AppActivate procedure      
Application class      
application deployment
application object      
Application.CompanyName property      
Application.DoEvents method      
Application.ExecutablePath property      
Application.ProductName property      
Application.ProductVersion property      
Application.Run method
ApplicationContext property      
applications, class libraries      
applications, console applications      
applications, entry points      
applications, types      
applications, Windows      
applications, Windows services      
AppWinStyle enumeration
arguments, attributes      
arguments, events      
arguments, introduction
arguments, optional
arguments, passing
arithmetic operators
Array class      2nd
array handling elements      
Array.BinarySearch method      
Array.Copy method      
Array.IndexOf method
Array.LastIndexOf method      
Array.Reverse method      
Array.Sort method
arrays, declarations
arrays, overview
arrays, parameter arrays      
ASC function
AscW function
ASIN function      
ASP.NET events
AssemblyName property      
AssemblyVersion attribute      
assignment operators
Atan function      
Atan2 function      
attributes, arguments
attributes, AssemblyVersion
attributes, AttributeUsage      
attributes, CLSCompliant      
attributes, COMClass      
attributes, custom
attributes, custom, defining      
attributes, custom, using      
attributes, DefaultMember      
attributes, Flags      
attributes, Guid      
attributes, introduction
attributes, language reference      
attributes, MarshalAs      
attributes, MTAThread      
attributes, Obsolete
attributes, Out      
attributes, ParamArray      
attributes, STAThread      
attributes, syntax
attributes, ThreadStatic
attributes, VBFixedArray
attributes, VBFixedString
attributes, WebMethod
attributes, WebService
AttributeUsage attribute
Audio object
AudioPlayMode enumeration
AvailablePhysicalMemory property
AvailableVirtualMemory property
BCL (Base Class Library)      
Beep procedure      
Bitwise operators
bitwise operators, VB.NET 2002 changes
block-level scope, variables
BOOLEAN data type
BuiltInRole enumeration
ButtonsSwapped property      
Byte data type      
Call statement
callbacks, delegates as
CallByName function
calling methods, delegates
calling routines from event handlers
CallType enumeration
CAPSLOCK property
CBool function
CByte function
CChar function      
CDate function      
CDbl function
CDec function      
Celing function      
centralized error handling
ChangeCulture method
ChangeUICulture method
CHAR data type
ChDir procedure
ChDrive procedure
Choose function
chr function
ChrW function      
CIL (Common Intermediate Langage)
CInt function
class libraries
Class...End Class statement
Classes      2nd
classes, Application      
classes, array
classes, Clipboard
classes, Collection      
classes, ColorDialog      
classes, ControlChars      
classes, Debug      
classes, Directory
classes, Exception
classes, File
classes, FontDialog      
classes, Hashtable
classes, language reference
classes, Main routine
classes, members      
classes, members, accessibility
classes, methods
classes, OOP
classes, OpenFileDialog      
classes, properties      
classes, Queue
classes, referencing      
classes, SaveFileDialog      
classes, Stack      
ClassesRoot property      
Clear method
Clipboard, class
Clipboard, language elements      
Clipboard, object      
CLng function      
CLR (Common Language Runtime)      2nd
CLR , CTS and      
CLS (Common Language Specification)
CLSCompliant attribute
CObj function      
code files
code files, declarations section      
code files, managed code      
code files, namespaces
code files, types
Collection class
collection objects, elements      
Collection.Add method
Collection.Count property
Collection.Item property
Collection.Remove method      
ColorDialog class
COMClass attribute      
Command function
command-line switches
Common Language Specification (CLS)      
common runtime environment      
Common Type System (CTS)      
CompareMethod enumeration      
Comparison operators      
compiler overview      
compiling, conditional
compiling, conditional, constants
compiling, conditional, elements
components, referencing      
concatentation operators
conditional compilation
conditional compilation, constants
conditional compilation, elements
console applications      
Const statement      
Constants class
constants, conditional compilation
constants, ControlChars class
constants, error constants
constants, intrinsic
constants, overview
constraints, generics
continue statement      2nd
ControlChars class
conversion, data types
conversion, data types, elements
conversion, elements      
Convert class, System namespace
CopyFile method      
Copyright property
cos function
Cosh functon
CreateDirectory method
CreatObject function
CSByte function
CShort function
CSng function
CStr function      
CtrlKeyDown property
CTS (Common Type System)
CTS, data types
CType function
CUInt function
CULng function
Culture property
CurDir function
CurrentConfig property
CurrentDirectory property
CurrentPrincipal property
CurrentUser property
CurrentUserApplicationData property
CUShort function      
custom attributes      
custom attributes, defining      
custom attributes, using      
custom events, VB 2005      
custom procedures
custom procedures, functions
custom procedures, properties
custom procedures, sub procedures      
CustomEvent statement
Data types
data types, boolean      
data types, byte      
data types, CHAR
data types, conversion
data types, conversion, elements      
data types, CTS      
data types, Date      
data types, DECIMAL      
data types, Double
data types, INTEGER      
data types, long      
data types, Object
data types, reference types      
data types, SByte
data types, short
data types, Single      
data types, string
data types, UInteger
data types, ULong
data types, user-defined
data types, UShort
data types, value types
data types, variables
data types, VB 2005      
data types, VB.NET 2002 changes      
date and time elements
Date data type
DateAdd function
DateDiff function      
DateFormat enumeration
DateInterval enumeration
DatePart function
DateSerial function
DateString property      
DateValue function
Day function
DDB function
Debug class      
Debug.Assert method
Debug.Listeners property
Debug.Write method
Debug.WriteIf method
Debug.WriteLine method
Debug.WriteLineIf method
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