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Miles R., Hamilton K. — Learning UML 2.0
Miles R., Hamilton K. — Learning UML 2.0

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Название: Learning UML 2.0

Авторы: Miles R., Hamilton K.


"Since its original introduction in 1997, the Unified Modeling Language has revolutionized software development. Every integrated software development environment in the world—open-source, standards-based, and proprietary—now supports UML and, more importantly, the model-driven approach to software development. This makes learning the newest UML standard, UML 2.0, critical for all software developers—and there isn't a better choice than this clear, step-by-step guide to learning the language." —Richard Mark Soley, Chairman and CEO, OMG
If you're like most software developers, you're building systems that are increasingly complex. Whether you're creating a desktop application or an enterprise system, complexity is the big hairy monster you must manage.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) helps you manage this complexity. Whether you're looking to use UML as a blueprint language, a sketch tool, or as a programming language, this book will give you the need-to-know information on how to apply UML to your project, While there are plenty of books available that describe UML, Learning UML 2,0 will show you how to use it. Topics covered include:
• Capturing your system's requirements in your model to help you ensure that your designs meet your users' needs
• Modeling the parts of your system and their relationships
• Modeling how the parts of your system work together to meet your system's requirements
• Modeling how your system moves into the real world, capturing how your system will be deployed
Engaging and accessible, this book shows you how to use UML to craft and communicate your project's design. Russ Miles and Kim Hamilton have written a pragmatic introduction to UML based on hard-earned practice, not theory. Regardless of the software process or methodology you use, this book is the one source you need to get up and running with UML 2.0. Additional information including exercises can be found at www.learninguml2.com.
Russ Miles is a software engineer for General Dynamics UK, where he works with Java and Distributed Systems, although his passion at the moment is Aspect Orientation and, in particular, AspectJ. Kim Hamilton is a senior software engineer at Northrop Grumman, where she's designed and implemented a variety of systems including web applications and distributed systems, with frequent detours into algorithms development.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 286

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
packages, accessing another package      
packages, dependencies between      2nd 3rd
packages, importing another package
packages, namespaces of      
packages, nested      2nd
packages, notation for      2nd
packages, target package      
packages, use cases in      
packages, using in software      
packages, visibility of elements in      
packages, visibility of imports in      
par fragment      
parallel actions      
parallel messages      
parameters of operations      
parent classes
parent use case      
parentheses (( )), annotations      
participants, diagrams showing
participants, in Communication diagram      2nd 3rd
participants, in Interaction Overview diagram      
participants, in Sequence diagram      
participants, in Sequence diagram, creating from interactions      
participants, in Sequence diagram, creation and destruction of      
participants, in Sequence diagram, creation of      
participants, in Sequence diagram, cross notation for destruction of
participants, in Sequence diagram, destruction of      
participants, in Sequence diagram, dropped title box for creation of      
participants, in Sequence diagram, lifelines of      
participants, in Sequence diagram, naming      
participants, in Sequence diagram, sending messages between      
participants, in Timing diagram      
participants, in Timing diagram, organizing
participants, in Timing diagram, state-lines for
participants, in Timing diagram, states of
partitions, Activity diagram      
physical view      2nd
pictures as modeling language      
PIMs (Platform Independent Models)      
Platform Independent Models (PIMs)      
Platform Specific Models (PSMs)      
plus symbol (+)      
plus symbol (+), public visibility      2nd
ports, for classes      2nd
ports, for components      
private import      
private visibility      2nd
process view      2nd
processes, forks representing      
Profiles      2nd
profiles, as meta-models      
profiles, constraints in      
profiles, creating      
profiles, reasons to use      
profiles, standard      2nd
profiles, stereotypes in      
profiles, using      
programming language, UML used as      
properties, in Composite Structure diagram      
properties, of attributes      
protected visibility      
protocol state machines      2nd
provided interfaces      
provided interfaces, of classes      
provided interfaces, of components      
PSMs (Platform Specific Models)      
public import      
public interface of class      
public visibility      2nd
publications, Agile Software Development (Prentice Hall)      
publications, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley)      2nd 3rd
publications, Head First Design Patterns (O'Reilly)      2nd
publications, Java 5 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook (O'Reilly)
publications, Java in a Nutshell      2nd
publications, Java Threads (O'Reilly)      
readOnly property of attributes      
realization relationship      
receive signals      2nd
recurring time events, Activity diagram      
ref fragment      2nd
region fragment      
region of states      
relative time indicators      
required interfaces      
required interfaces, of classes      
required interfaces, of components      
return messages      
return type of operation      
reuse, <<include>> relationships for
reuse, components for      
reuse, generalization for      
scalability of UML      
send signals      
sequence diagram      2nd
Sequence diagram, activation bars in      
Sequence diagram, compared to Communication diagram      2nd
Sequence diagram, creating from use case      
Sequence diagram, creating Timing diagram from      
Sequence diagram, events in      
Sequence diagram, fragments in      
Sequence diagram, in logical view      
Sequence diagram, incorporating into Interaction Overview diagram      
Sequence diagram, messages (signals) in      
Sequence diagram, participants in      2nd
Sequence diagram, time in      
Sequence diagram, when to create      2nd 3rd 4th
Sequence diagram, when to use      
sequence fragments      
shall requirements      
should requirements      
signals, between participants      
signals, between transitions      
signals, starting an activity      
Singleton Design Pattern      
sketch, UML used as      
software code      
software code, as artifact in Deployment diagram      
software code, as modeling language      
software code, nodes hosting      
software code, package dependencies and      
software code, packages used in      
software code, reuse of      
software code, reuse of, <<include>> relationships for
software code, reuse of, components for      
software code, reuse of, generalization for      
software code, states in      
software code, UML model as detailed as      
software development process      
software development process, methods of      
software development process, UML as part of      
source state      
standard for UML      
standard profiles      2nd
standard stereotypes      
State Machine diagram      2nd
State Machine diagram, final state of      
State Machine diagram, guards in      
State Machine diagram, in logical view      
State Machine diagram, initial pseudostate of      
State Machine diagram, pseudostates in      2nd
State Machine diagram, states in      
State Machine diagram, transition-oriented view of      
State Machine diagram, transitions in      
State Machine diagram, triggers in      
State Machine diagram, when not to use      
State Machine diagram, when to use      2nd
States      2nd
states, active and inactive      
states, composite states      
states, in software      
states, internal behavior of      
states, internal transitions of      
states, notation for      
states, regions of      
states, source state      
states, substates      
states, target state      
static classes or class elements      
stereotypes, creating new stereotypes      
stereotypes, for interfaces      2nd
stereotypes, icons associated with      
stereotypes, in profiles      
stereotypes, notation for      2nd 3rd
stereotypes, profiles for      
stereotypes, standard, list of      
stereotypes, tagged values for      
synchronous messages      
system boundaries      
system clock, as tricky actor      
system requirements      
system requirements, associated with use case      
system requirements, defining      
system requirements, shall requirements      
system requirements, should requirements      
tagged values      
target package      
target state      
Templates      2nd
templates, binding      
templates, for lists      2nd
threads, asynchronous messages used for      
threads, forks representing      
tightly coupled classes      2nd
tilde (~), package visibility      
time events, Activity diagram      
time, in Sequence diagram      
Timing diagram      2nd
Timing diagram, alternate notation for      
Timing diagram, complexity of      
Timing diagram, creating from Sequence diagram      
Timing diagram, events in      
Timing diagram, events in, alternate notation for      
Timing diagram, in logical view      
Timing diagram, incorporated into Interaction Overview diagram      
Timing diagram, messages in      
Timing diagram, participants in      
Timing diagram, participants in, organizing      
Timing diagram, participants in, state-lines for      
Timing diagram, participants in, states of      
Timing diagram, states in      
Timing diagram, states in, alternate notation for      
Timing diagram, time measurements in      
Timing diagram, timing constraints in      
Timing diagram, when to use      
transition-oriented view of State Machine diagram      
transitions      2nd
transitions, internal transitions      
transitions, notation for      
transitions, self-transition      
transitions, signals between      
tricky actors      
Triggers      2nd
tutorials for UML      
UML (Unified Modeling Language)      
UML, advantages of      2nd
UML, degrees of use of      
UML, documentation and tutorials for      
UML, executable      
UML, software development process and      
UML, version 2.0      
unique property of multiplicity      
Use case diagram      
Use Case diagram, actors in      
Use Case diagram, communication lines in      
Use Case diagram, in use case view      
Use Case diagram, system boundaries in      
Use Case diagram, use case relationships in      
Use Case diagram, use cases in      
Use Case Overview diagram      
use case view      
use cases      
use cases, base use cases      
use cases, behaviors shared between      
use cases, behaviors shared between, <<extend>> relationships
use cases, behaviors shared between, <<include>> relationships
use cases, behaviors shared between, inheritance      
use cases, creating Interaction Overview diagram from      
use cases, creating Sequence diagram from      
use cases, defining      
use cases, description for      2nd
use cases, extensions of      
use cases, failed end condition for      
use cases, notation for      
use cases, number of, guidelines for      
use cases, packages of      
use cases, participation with actors, showing      
use cases, preconditions of      
use cases, primary actor for      
use cases, requirements fulfilled by      
use cases, successful end condition for      
use cases, system boundaries enclosing      
use cases, trigger for      
visibility, of class elements      
visibility, of elements in package      
visibility, of operations      
visibility, of package import relation      
waterfall method of software development      
web site resources      
web site resources, about composite structures      
web site resources, Krutchen's 4+1 view model      
web site resources, Object Management Group      
white-box component views      
[ ] (brackets)      
[ ] (brackets), guard conditions      
[ ] (brackets), multiplicities on connectors      
{ } (curly braces), constraints      
~ (tilde), package visibility      
1 2 3
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