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Durand V.M., Hieneman M. — Helping Parents with Challenging Children Positive Family Intervention Parent Workbook (Programs That Work)
Durand V.M., Hieneman M. — Helping Parents with Challenging Children Positive Family Intervention Parent Workbook (Programs That Work)

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Название: Helping Parents with Challenging Children Positive Family Intervention Parent Workbook (Programs That Work)

Авторы: Durand V.M., Hieneman M.


Having a child with challenging behavior can be frustrating and affect the entire family. This workbook will help you take a more positive attitude toward your child and carry out effective steps to improve behavior. You will begin to feel more confident in your parenting skills and more optimistic about your child's future. The program outlined in this workbook will be tailored to your child's and family's needs and goals. It will teach you how to identify what sets off your child's problem behavior, as well as what your child gets or avoids from misbehaving. You will learn strategies to prevent problems, manage consequences, and teach your child new skills. With the help of your facilitator you will design a behavior support plan for your child. Finally, you will put the plan into effect and monitor the results. Throughout the program, you will be practicing how to think more positively, which can help you be a better parent. In addition to working with your facilitator in session, you will be completing homework assignments using the workbook. Each chapter provides the information and forms you need to assess your child's behavior, apply new strategies, and track your family's progress. As you support positive behavior step by step, you will be working towards improving the lives of your child and your family.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 144

Добавлена в каталог: 08.02.2015

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