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Sells C., Weinhardt M., Boulter M. — Windows Forms 2.0 Programming
Sells C., Weinhardt M., Boulter M. — Windows Forms 2.0 Programming

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Название: Windows Forms 2.0 Programming

Авторы: Sells C., Weinhardt M., Boulter M.


Windows Forms 2.0 Programming is the successor to the highly praised Windows Forms Programming in C#. This edition has been significantly updated to amalgamate the sheer mass of new and improved support that is encompassed by Windows Forms 2.0, the .NET Framework 2.0, and Visual Studio 2005. This is the one book developers need in order to learn how to build and deploy leading-edge Windows Forms 2.0 applications.
Readers will gain a deep understanding from Sells and Weinhardt's practical, well-balanced approach to the subject and clear code samples.
• Windows Forms 2.0 fundamentals, including forms, dialogs, data validation, help, controls, components, and rendering
• Static and dynamic layout, snap lines, HTML-style flow and table layout, automatic resizing, and automatic cross-DPI scaling
• Office 2003-style tool strip control coverage, including dynamic layout and custom rendering
• Design-time integration with the Visual Studio 2005 Properties Window and Smart Tags
• Resource management, strongly typed resources, and internationalization considerations
• Strongly typed application and user settings
• SDI, MDI, Single Instancing, Multiple-Instance SDI, Single-Instance MDI, database-centric, and document-centric applications
• Databinding data-source management, drag-and-drop databinding, the BindingSource, the BindingNavigator, and applied databinding
• Events, delegates, multithreaded UIs, long-running operations, simplified multithreading with the BackgroundWorker, and asynchronous web service calls
• ClickOnce application development publishing, shell integration, and partial trust security
• Best practices for developers transitioning from Windows Forms 1.0 and MFC

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1296

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
drawing, colors      
drawing, colors, known colors      
drawing, colors, translation      
drawing, controls      2nd
drawing, device units      
drawing, double buffering      
drawing, flicker      
drawing, graphics settings, saving and restoring      
drawing, images      
drawing, images, animation      
drawing, images, clipping      
drawing, images, cursors      2nd
drawing, images, flipping      
drawing, images, icons      
drawing, images, panning      
drawing, images, recoloring      
drawing, images, rotating      
drawing, images, scaling      
drawing, images, screen copying      
drawing, images, skewing      
drawing, images, transparency      
drawing, manually in inches      
drawing, optimizing      
drawing, page units      
drawing, Paint event      
drawing, Paint event, handling      
drawing, Paint event, triggering      
drawing, paths      
drawing, paths, fill modes      
drawing, pens      
drawing, pens, alignment      
drawing, pens, creating from brushes      
drawing, pens, dashes      
drawing, pens, joins      
drawing, pens, line caps      
drawing, regions      
drawing, regions, clipping      
drawing, regions, combination operations      
drawing, regions, constructing      
drawing, regions, filling      
drawing, shapes      
drawing, shapes, curves      
drawing, shapes, smoothing modes      
drawing, text      2nd 3rd
drawing, text strings      
drawing, text strings, formatting      
drawing, text strings, paths      
drawing, text, fonts      
drawing, text, TextRenderer      2nd
drawing, to images      
drawing, to printers      
drawing, to the screen      
drawing, transforms      
drawing, transforms, combining      
drawing, transforms, helpers      
drawing, transforms, paths      
drawing, transforms, rotation      
drawing, transforms, scaling      
drawing, transforms, shearing      
drawing, transforms, translation      
drawing, transforms, world coordinates      
drawing, Windows Forms 2.0, improvements to      
DrawItem event      
DrawMode property      
drawString( ) method      2nd
DrawText( ) method      
drop targets      
drop targets, COM (Component Object Model)      
drop targets, copy effect      
drop-down UI type editors      
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDX)      
Dynamic Data Validation (DDV)      
dynamic designer action items      
dynamic designer actions, smart tags      
dynamic page counting, printing      
ebents, PrintPage      
ebents, PropertyNameChanged events      
edge smoothing, fonts      
editing, application settings      
editing, resources      
EditorBrowsable attribute      
Ellis, Erick      
em units, fonts      
Embedded Resource      
embedding, native resources      
embedding, resources      
EnableVisualStyles( ) method      
EndPrint event      
environment variables, run-time settings      
environments, application settings      
ErrorProvider component      2nd
ErrorProvider component, Tool tips, combining      
Essential .NET      2nd
Events      2nd 3rd
events, Activated event      
events, applications      
events, asynchronous notification      
events, BeginPrint      
events, CellFormatting      
events, Click events, handling      
events, custom components      
events, custom controls      
events, Deactivate      
events, default event, handling      
events, delegation      
events, DrawItem      
events, EndPrint event      
events, handling      
events, HelpRequest      
events, KeyDown      
events, KeyPress      
events, KeyUp      
events, MouseDown      
events, MouseUp      
events, PagePrint      
events, Paint event      
events, Paint event, handling      
events, Paint event, triggering      
events, printing      
events, PrintPage      
events, PropertyChanged      
events, RunWorkerCompleted      
events, Shown event      
events, Tick      
exceptions, UI threads      
executing from worker threads      
exit( ) method      
expandable object converters      
expressions, regular expressions, data validation      
extender properties      
extender property      
extender property providers, design-time integration      
Extensible markup language (XML)      
F1 key      
F1 key, handling      
F1 key, Help, MFC      
families, fonts      
Farkas, Shawn      
Feiner, Steven K.      
file management, File Document component      
File Menu commands, handling, FileDocument component      
FileDocument component      
FileDocument component, document management      
FileDocument component, File menu commands, handling      
FileDocument component, MDI      
files, application files, ClickOnce deployment      
files, drag and drop operations      
files, dragged and dropped, opening      
FileTextBox control      
fill modes, paths      
filling regions      
Filter property      2nd
Filtering data      2nd
finalizers, components      
Find( ) method      2nd
FindForm( ) method      
flashing notification      
Flatten( ) method      
flipping images      
floating tool strips      
FlowLayoutPanel component      2nd
FlowLayoutPanel control      
FolderBrowserDialog component      
Foley, James D.      
Font class      
Font constructor      
Font families      
font property      
font styles      
Font.GetHeight( ) method      
FontDialog component      
FontFamily class      2nd
fonts, Arial Bold Italic      
fonts, characteristics      
fonts, Courier New      
fonts, creating      
fonts, design units      
fonts, edge smoothing      
fonts, edge smoothing, Graphics class      
fonts, edge smoothing, TextRenderer class      
fonts, em units      
fonts, families      
Fonts, font families      
fonts, font styles      
fonts, height      
fonts, measuring      
fonts, monospace fonts      
fonts, MS Sans Serif font      
fonts, pixels      
fonts, points      
fonts, scaling      
fonts, system fonts      
Fonts, typefaces      
Form class      
Format String dialog      
formatting, Graphics class, options      2nd
formatting, item UIs      
formatting, list UIs      
formatting, text strings      
formatting, TextRenderer      2nd
formatting, TextRenderer class, options      2nd
FormBorderStyle property      
forms, active forms      
forms, anchoring      
forms, as dialogs      
forms, background images, embedding      
forms, buttons      
forms, buttons, adding to      
forms, buttons, Click events      
forms, caption bar text, setting      
forms, clipping      
forms, closing      
forms, context menus, adding to      
forms, controls      2nd
forms, controls, anchoring      
forms, controls, arranging      
forms, controls, automatic resizing      
forms, controls, automatic scaling      
forms, controls, container controls      
forms, controls, copying and pasting      
forms, controls, custom layout      
forms, controls, docking      2nd
forms, controls, drawing      2nd
forms, controls, FlowLayoutPanel      
forms, controls, grouping      
forms, controls, layout optimization      
forms, controls, margins      
forms, controls, padding      
forms, controls, positioning      
forms, controls, sizing      
forms, controls, Space SnapLines calculations      
forms, controls, splitting      2nd
forms, controls, tab order      
forms, controls, TableLayoutPanel      
forms, controls, user controls      
forms, controls, z-order      
forms, deactivating      
forms, laying out      
forms, layout system      
forms, lifetime      
forms, locations, governance      
forms, main forms      2nd
forms, main forms, designating      
forms, MDI (Multiple Document Interface) forms      2nd
forms, MDI (Multiple Document Interface) forms, configuring      
forms, MDI (Multiple Document Interface) forms, MDI Parent project item template      
forms, MDI (Multiple Document Interface) forms, menu merging      
forms, MDI (Multiple Document Interface) forms, menus      
forms, menu strips, adding to      
forms, modal forms, displaying      
forms, modeless forms      
forms, modeless forms, data exchanges      
forms, nonclient adornments      
forms, nonrectangular forms      
forms, notification      
forms, notification, flashing      
forms, notification, system tray notification      
forms, opening      
forms, owned forms      
forms, owner forms      
forms, printing      
forms, re-sizing      
forms, reactivating      
forms, showing      
forms, sizes      
forms, sizes, restricting      
forms, transparency      
forms, visual inheritance      
forms, Visual Studio .NET      
forms, Windows Forms 2.0, improvements to      
Fosler, Jessica      2nd
FromPage property      
functions, Invalidate( )      
functions, Main( )      
Garbage Collector (GC)      
garbage disposal, components      
Garrett, Jesse James      
GC (Garbage Collector)      
GDI+ (Graphics Device Interface+)      
GDI+, Graphics class, integration      
GDI+, TextRenderer class, integration      
getHeight( ) method      
GetManifestResourceStream( ) method      
GetObject( ) method      
GetPropertyName( ) method      
GetRealMarginBounds( ) method      
GetSortedActionItems( ) method      
GetString( ) method      
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)      
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