Авторизация |
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Corciovei A., Costache G., Dederichs P.H. — Solid State Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Fischer, K. 65 117 118(16)
Fishbeck, H.J. 52
Fletcher, R. 90 95 107
Flinn, P.A. 200
Flood, D.J. 95 108 109(125)
Foldy, L.L. 184 185
Forsyth, J.B. 218
Foster, F.G. 276
Four-beam diffraction 164
Frait, Z. 340 341
Fraitova, D. 246 260 261(26) 262 340
Fraktovnikova, A.A. 95
Francis, N.C. 185
Franco, V. 185
Frank, N.H. 181
Frederikse, H.P.R. 83
Freedman, J.F. 247 253 341
Freeman, A.J. 202
Friedel, J. 116 117 118
Fritsche, L. 22
Fryer, R.E. 94 104
Fuchs, E. 283 284
Fujii, T. 285
Fujiwara, H. 278 279(125)
Fukuhara, A. 184
Fulkerson, W. 95
Fuller, H.W. 283 284(159)
Funatogawa, Z. 275
Galenov, P.S. 252 253(48) 254(48)
Galkina, O.S. 95
Galt, J.K. 239 247(2) 251(2) 266 281(2)
ge 220
Ge, thermoelectric power, phonon drag effect 83
Geballe, T.H. 83
Gemperle, R. 276
Gevers, R. 161
Ghezzi, C. 220
Ghika, G. 308
Giannuzzi, A. 95
Gibson, E.F. 94
Ginzburg Landau equations 133
Glauber, R.J. 53 185
Gold, A.V. 77 94 98 103 104(105)
Goldberger, M.L. 166 185(25) 197
Gondo, Y. 275
Goodenough, J.B. 282
Goringe, M.J. 161
Gorter, C.J. 79 124
Gorter, F.W. 94 104 111
Goto, T. 276
Gouault, J. 122 123
Gradmann, U. 305 306
Graves, R.S. 94
Green's function 167
Green's function method, magnetization 341ff
Green's function, advanced 168
Greig, D. 89 95 107 120(72 117)
Griffiths, D. 95
Griffiths, J.H.E. 246 262
Griffiths, R. 294
Gripshover, R.J. 94
Grueneisen parameter 102
Guenault, A.M. 84 89 94 120(68)
Gurevich, L.E. 81 108
Gutmann, A. 216
Gyromagnetic equation 268
gyromagnetic ratio 268
Haase, G. 95
Haecker, W. 99
Haen, P. 95
Hale, M.E. 283 284(159)
Hall effect 129
Hall, C.R. 207 208 227
Hall, R.O.A. 95 109
Ham, F.S. 99 173
Hampel, C.A. 95
Hanna, I.I. 81 82(46)
Hanson, M.M. 279
Harden, J.L. 94
Harmonic approximation 206
Harper, D.G. 52
Harrison, J.P. 95 107 120(117)
Harrison, W.A. 103 104(105)
Harte, K.J. 285 286 290
Hartwig, W. 184
Hasegawa, H. 46 98 99
Hashitsume, N. 46
Hau, N.H. 95 114
Haubenreisser, W. 257 305 312 332(210) 335 342 345 347 348 349(210 281)
Heeger, A.J. 118(14)
Heidenreich, R.D. 136 137(11) 156(11) 157(11) 255
Heine, V. 145 172
Heisenberg ferromagnet, two-dimensional 293
Heisenberg Hamiltonian 256ff
Heisenberg model, ferromagnetism 293ff
Heisenberg spin system, rf field interaction 337
Heisenberg spin system, two-dimensional 291
Hempstead, C.F. 124
Heno, Y. 184
Henry, W.G. 79 94 110 119
Herring, C. 151
Hexagonal metals, thermoelectric power 104
Hildebrandt, G. 184
Hirsch, P.B. 207 208 227
Hirsch, P.W. 136 137(12) 156(12) 157(12) 161(12)
Hodson, P.E. 185
Hoenl, H. 216
Hoffman, R.W. 254 311
Hoffmann, H. 286 287 290 340
Holmquist, W.R. 315 340(234)
Holstein, T. 261
Holwech, L. 94 103 122(106) 123(106)
Hongo, M. 129
Horner, P. 94
Horstmann, G. 208
Houston function 19—20 22
Houston, W.V. 19
Howie, A. 136 137(12) 156(12) 157(12) 161 204
Huber, E.E., Jr. 278 282
Hubin, M. 122
Huebener, R.P. 74 78 86 89 94 95 103 111 113 119 120 122 123 125 128 129 130(190) 131 132(207 208 210) 133(193 210) 134(210)
Hull, G.W. 83
Humphrey, F.B. 249 251(33)
Ignatchenko, V.A. 340
Impurity problem, semiconductors 13—17
Incident wave, effective 167
Interaction potential 186
Interstitial impurities 226
Iron, films, magnetic properties 348
Ishida, K. 204
Ising model, magnetic transitions 293ff
Isotropic panar stress, thin films 247
Iveronova, V.I. 228
Jacobs, I.S. 242 259(11)
Jacubovics, J.P. 276 277 278
James, R.W. 136 137(7 9) 156(7 9) 157(7 9)
Jan, J.P. 68 95
Jelitto, R.J. 296 299 301 315 323 324 326(200) 329(200) 330
Johansen, H.A. 94
Johansson, C.H. 68
Joko, T. 184
Jones, H. 64 72(1) 99 106(1)
Jones, P.B. 185
Justi, E. 122
Kaczer, J. 276 277
Kagan, Yu. 178 219
Kainuma, Y. 207
Kambe, K. 172
Kambersky, V. 276
Kammer, E.W. 113
| Kan, S.V. 252 256(51)
Kanamori, J. 259
Kane, E.O. 21
Kasteleijn, P.N. 303 304(206) 306
Kasuya, T. 98 99
Kats, E.I. 291
Katsnel'son, A.A. 228
Keesom, W.H. 68
Keffer, F. 259 314
Keller, D.V., Jr. 95
Kelley, E.M. 276
Kendall, P. 68 73 94
Kendall, P.W. 96
Kerman, A.D. 185
Ketterson, J.B. 103 104(105) 106 123
Kim, Y.B. 124
King, E. 95 109
Kirchner, R. 283
Kirenskii, L.V. 251 252 253(48) 254 256
Kirkwood method, magnetization 307ff
Kirkwood, J.G. 307
Kisin, V.I. 228
Kissinger, L.S. 185
Kittel, C. 2 5 13(3) 14(3) 17(10) 18 20(10) 23(10) 24 29(3) 43(10) 45(10) 238 239 247(2) 251(1 2) 261 262 266 275 276 277 281(2) 316 323(238) 340
KKR equations, structure constants 173
KKR equations, t-matrix version 173
Klein, M. 313
Klemens, P.G. 81 82 104 118
Kneer, G. 249
Koehler, J.S. 227
Kohler, M. 76 103 122
Kohn — Luttinger functions 29
Kohn, W. 2 26 33(4) 51(4) 145 173
Koikeda, T. 278
Kolomoets, N.V. 95 116
Komalov, A.S. 252 253(48) 254(48) 256(51)
Kondo effect 65
Kondo effect, thermoelectric power 97
Kondo, J. 65 118(15)
Kondorskii, E.I. 95
Kooi, S.F. 315 340 341(237)
Koppe, H. 296
Korenblit, I.Ya. 108
Kowker, H.V. 95
kq-representation 1 4—10
kq-representation, Bloch electrons in constant electric field, time dependent description 19—21
kq-representation, Bloch electrons in magnetic field 26—43
kq-representation, connection with other representations 9 54—55
kq-representation, coordinate matrix element 6
kq-representation, coordinate operator 7
kq-representation, effective Hamiltonian 29 31—32
kq-representation, effective Hamiltonian in magnetic field 29
kq-representation, expansion of Hamiltonian, general formula 58—62
kq-representation, impurity 13—17
kq-representation, impurity, corrected effective mass equation 15
kq-representation, momentum matrix element 6
kq-representation, momentum operator 7
kq-representation, periodic potential problem 10—13
kq-representation, Schroedinger equation 6
kq-representation, Schroedinger equation, electric field 18
kq-representation, Schroedinger equation, magnetic field 8 27 29
kq-representation, significance 52—54
Krashnina, L.B. 207
Krivoglaz, M.A. 228 231
Kropschot, R.H. 84 88 89
Kubo, R. 46 199 206(53)
Kunimune, M. 104
Kuriyama, M. 228
Kuwahara, K. 276
La Bonte, A.E. 281 283(139)
Lallement, R. 95 109
Lambeck, M. 284
Landau levels 52
Landau, L.D. 2 17(7) 18 23 27(7) 52(7)
Lander, J.J. 68
Langbein, D. 52
Lanthanides, thermoelectric power 109
Larson, B.C. 234
Lattice vacancies 225
Lattice vacancies, Thermoelectric power effects 78
Laubitz, M.J. 95
Lautz, G. 122
Lax, M. 184 193
Le Gall, H. 337
Le Ray, M. 131
Lead, thermoelectric power 68
Leaver, K.D. 267 284 285 289(166)
Lee, C.C. 94 104
Lee, E.L. 348
Lee, E.W. 245
Lee, J.A. 95 109
LEED 136 172
Leed, pseudokinematic theory 168
Legvold, S. 94 95 109
Leibfried, G. 206
Leonard, P. 117
Leonard, W.F. 122
Lesniak, L. 185
Levy, P. 260
Lifshitz, E.M. 2 17(7) 18 23 27(7) 52(7)
Lin, S.F. 122
Linde, J.O. 68
Lindenfeld, P. 94 98 119(83) 122(83) 123(83)
Lines, M.E. 292
Ling, D. 220
Lippmann — Schwinger equation 166 186
Lithium, thermoelectric power, theory 101
Lloyd, J.N. 95
Lo, D.S. 279
Lord Kelvin 67
Lorentz field 250
Lorentz force 126
Lorentz micrographs 286
Lorentz number 78
Lowell, J. 125 130 134(203)
Lucke, W.H. 112
Ludewig, J. 220
Ludwig, W. 199 200(53)
Luttinger, J.M. 261 262
MacDonald, D.K.C. 64 77 81 82(9) 84 85 93 94 96 97(9) 98
MacDonald, J.R. 246 254 262
Mackintosh, A.R. 95
Macmanns, H. 185
Magnetic anisotropy, thin films 247ff
Magnetic dipolar interaction, interionic 257
Magnetic domains, cross-tie walls 282
Magnetic domains, film, structure 275ff
Magnetic domains, films 266ff
Magnetic domains, single, film 267ff
Magnetic domains, stripe structure 278
Magnetic domains, transverse stripe structure 280
Magnetic domains, wall structure 280ff
Magnetic energy, single crystals 251ff
Magnetic flux motion, superconductors 123ff
Magnetic ordering effect, thermoelectric power 107ff
Magnetic transition 306ff
Magnetic transition, Bethe — Peierls — Weiss method 306ff
Magnetic transition, constant coupling approximation 303ff
Magnetic transition, Ising model 293ff
Magnetic transition, molecular field theory 292ff 295ff
Magnetic translation group 50
Magnetic translation operator 48
Magnetism, constraint energy 248
Magnetism, induced anisotropy 242
Magnetism, surface anisotropy 241
Magnetism, thermodynamic potentials 240
Magnetism, undirectional anisotropy 244
Magnetization ripple 283ff
Magnetization ripple, structure, stability 290
Magnetization, ferromagnetic films, spatial distribution 333ff
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