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Seeley M.E., Hargreaves G. — Managing in the Email Office (Computer Weekly Professional)
Seeley M.E., Hargreaves G. — Managing in the Email Office (Computer Weekly Professional)

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Название: Managing in the Email Office (Computer Weekly Professional)

Авторы: Seeley M.E., Hargreaves G.


Managing the Email Office is for all people who feel email is taking over their lives. It provides practical help and guidance on how to manage both their own volume of email as well as their organization's. It will enable you to develop winning ways with email and to re-claim some of those valuable resources which email consumes.The authors offer solutions to managing email that will help you save time and use email to communicate effectively and send the right message, right first time. These solutions are based on personal preferred patterns of work and management styles. The authors show you how to use email to support you and your team, to become more productive and reduce stress. Case histories are included throughout, to help you understand and apply the contents to you own and your organisation's situation. This book addresses: * how time management and personal effectiveness can be improved through better use of email. * how to develop and implement an email best practice policy for the organization. * how email can be used constructively to support customer relationship management and knowledge management Tackles the issues of email best practice from a management perspectiveIncludes case histories which provide frameworks from which users can locate themselves and how they operateProvides help for both individuals and groups of users such as teams and business divisions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 256

Добавлена в каталог: 04.02.2015

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