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Dror I. — Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition (Benjamins Current Topics)
Dror I. — Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition (Benjamins Current Topics)

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Название: Cognitive Technologies and the Pragmatics of Cognition (Benjamins Current Topics)

Автор: Dror I.


Technology has long been a helpful aid in human cognitive activities. With its growing sophistication and usage, technology is now taking a more intrinsic and active role in human cognition. The shift from an external aid to being an internal component of cognitive processing reflects a revolution in technology, cognition, and their interaction. The creation of such cognitive technologies transforms the traditional instrumental function of technology to a constitutive role that shapes and defines cognition itself. This book, which was originally published as a Special Issue of Pragmatics & Cognition (13:3, 2005), explores the new horizon of these cognitive technologies and their interactions with humans. Table of contents About the authors Introduction: Gold mines and land mines in cognitive technology Itiel E. Dror Articles Making faces with computers: Witness cognition and technology Graham Pike, Nicola Brace, Jim Turner and Sally Kynan Perceptual recalibration in sensory substitution and perceptual modification Juan C. González, Paul Bach-y- Rita and Steven J. Haase Distributed processes, distributed cognizers and collaborative cognition Stevan Harnad Robotics, philosophy and the problems of autonomy Willem F.G. Haselager Technology and the management imagination Fred Phillips Information and mechanical models of intelligence: What can we learn from Cognitive Science Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez Is cognition plus technology an unbounded system? Technology, representation and culture Niall J.L. Griffith Radical Empiricism, Empirical Modelling a

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 12th

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 186

Добавлена в каталог: 28.12.2014

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