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Almirall J.R., Furton K.G. — Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence
Almirall J.R., Furton K.G. — Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence

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Название: Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence

Авторы: Almirall J.R., Furton K.G.


• Introduces the techniques applied in the examination and interpretation of fire scene evidence
• Details ASTM consensus standards
• Compares the effectiveness of canines with that of emerging instrumental field tests
• Provides guidance in the interpretation of analysis and highlights ways to generate the resulting reports
• Summarizes recent developments in extraction and analysis that can be used to improve the detection of ILRs
• Describes quality assurance methods in fire debris analysis

Ongoing advances in arson detection tools and techniques increase the importance of scientific evidence in related court proceedings. In order to assemble an airtight case, investigators and forensic scientists need a resource that assists them in properly conducting the chemical analysis and interpretation of physical evidence found at scenes of suspected arson.

Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence introduces the techniques that determine the presence of ignitable liquid residues (ILRs) at fire scenes. It bridges the disciplines of investigation and forensic chemistry, enabling effective communication during critical periods of evidence detection, collection, packaging, and transport.

The initial chapters are written from an investigator's perspective, allowing forensic specialists to understand fire dynamics, ignition, heat transfer, and investigations. Later chapters include a comparison of the use of canines versus new detection techniques, and an examination of laboratory facilities, equipment, and procedures that are essential to organizing a new lab or upgrading an existing one.

By detailing the methods used to identify potential evidence at the scene of suspected arson fires, this volume also benefits attorneys and judges in preparing for prosecution and defense of arson cases.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 260

Добавлена в каталог: 20.10.2006

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