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Jahne B., Haubecker H. — Computer vision and applications
Jahne B., Haubecker H. — Computer vision and applications

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Название: Computer vision and applications

Авторы: Jahne B., Haubecker H.


Based on the highly successful 3-volume reference Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, this concise edition covers in a single volume the entire spectrum of computer vision ranging form the imaging process to high-end algorithms and applications. This book consists of three parts, including an application gallery, and is accompanied by an interactive CD-ROM.
* Bridges the gap between theory and practical applications
* Covers modern concepts in computer vision as well as modern developments in imaging sensor technology
* Presents a unique interdisciplinary approach covering different areas of modern science
* An accompanying CD-ROM provides full text with hyperlinks for quick searching and browsing along with reference material, interactive software components, code examples, image material, full-color figures, and references to Internet sources

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 702

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Simultaneous calibration      170
Smoothing filter      341
Smoothness factor      660
Snell’s law      36
SNR      130
Sobel operator      330
Solar absorptance      34
Solar reflectance      34
Solar transmittance      34
Solid-state photosensing      113
Source, extended      22
Source, point      22
Spatial domain      252
Spatial width      584
Spatiotemporal energy-based approaches      373
Spatiotemporal frequency domain      353
Spatiotemporal image      351
Speckle      193
Speckle interferometry      200
Spectral density      373
Spectral distribution      14 26
Spectral selective      34
Spectral volume scattering function      44
Spectrum      14 212
Specular illumination      47
Specular reflecting surface      48
speed of light      13
Spherical coordinates      23
SPLINE      321
Spline-based interpolation      321
Stability      287
Stable filter response      287
Staircasing      446
Staircasing effect      445
Statistical error      5 224
stereo      5 397
Stereo camera heads      409
Stereo heads      407
Stereovision      189
Stochastic approximation      590
Stopping time      449
Stretching      384
Structural theorem      509
Structure element      274
Structure tensor      366 375 376 447 648
Structure tensor technique      366 370
Structuring element      484 488 489 563
Structuring element, composite      488 504
Structuring element, decomposition      491
Structuring element, transposition      485
Subsampling      268
Successive overrelaxation      364
Sum-of-squared difference      381
Superposition principle      15 278
Supervised network      590
Supervisediearning      578
surface      340
Surface, reconstruction      620
Surface, roughness      202
Surface, texture      616
Surface-channel CCD      127
Surroundedness      550
Synapses      578
Synaptic vector      588
Synchronization      156
System calibration      155 167
Systematic error      5
Tangential distortion      160
Target function      324
Target vergence      403
Telecentric illumination      49
Temporal sampling theorem      355
Tensor representation      365
Tensorial signal      215
Tensors      374
Tesselation      216
Texture, layered      340
Texture, optical      616
Texture, oriented      340
Texture, surface      616
Theodolite      192
Thermal detector      20
Thermal noise      133
Thermoelectric effect      104
Thermoluminescence      45
Thermopile      104
Thick paraxial lenses      61
Thickness, transparent layers      616
Thin paraxial lens      60
Thinning      506
Threshold      485
Time series      212 285
Time-of-flight (TOF)      196
Time-of-flight measurement      178
TOF      178 196
Token tracking      356
Top-hat      495 496
Top-hat by closing      496
Top-hat by opening      496
Top-hat filter      660
Top-hat, black      496
Top-hat, white      496
Topographic      511
Topographic map      616
Total internal reflection      38
Tracking      2 628
Training      578
Transfer function      280
Transfer matrix      64
Transformation radial basis neural network      593
Translation vector      216
Transmissivity      32
Transmittance      32 42
Transparent layer thickness      616
Transport process      441
Transposition      485
Transversal spherical aberration      69
TRBNN      593
Triangulation      178 182 398
Tristimulus      140
TSA      69
Turbidity      41
Type I FIR filter      282
Type II FIR filter      282
Type III FIR filter      282
Type IV FIR filter      282
Ultrasound      182
Uncertainty relation      244 253 268 270
union      485
Unitary transform      233
Unsupervised learning      578
Unsupervised mode      589
Variance      214
Variational approach      461
Variational restoration methods      452
Vector quantization      588
Vector-valued model      451
Vectorial signal      215
Vergence      401
Version      401
Vertical disparity      398 404
Vieth — Mueller circle      402
Vignetting      94
Virtual image      77
Virtual reality      178
Vision, mesopic      28
Vision, photopic      27
Vision, scotopic      27
Volume element      219
Volume-conserving segmentation      660
Volumetric image      4 219
Voronoi quantizer      588
Vorticity      383
Voxel      219
Watershed      511
Watershed transformation      511
Wave-number domain      252
Wavefront, coherent mixing      179
Wavelength      13 212
Wavelet      253
Waves, electromagnetic      13
Weight kernel      584
Weight vector      586
Weighted averaging      311
Well-posedness      445
White light interferometry      201
White point      143
Wigner — Seitz cell      217 228
Windowed Fourier transform      254
Winning neuron      587
World coordinate system      154
XOR-problem      581
XYZ color system      142
z-transform      286
Zero-mean homogeneous noise      214
Zero-phase filter      297
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