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Shinder T.W., Shinder D.L., Grasdal M. — Configuring ISA Server 2000: Building Firewalls for Windows 2000
Shinder T.W., Shinder D.L., Grasdal M. — Configuring ISA Server 2000: Building Firewalls for Windows 2000

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Название: Configuring ISA Server 2000: Building Firewalls for Windows 2000

Авторы: Shinder T.W., Shinder D.L., Grasdal M.


The complete guide to implementing ISA Server in the Enterprise
Because security and network performance - the two pronged purpose of ISA Server - are so important in todays interconnected world, ISA Server plays a vital role in your overall network design. Configuring ISA Server 2000 will plan an equally vital role in helping you understand Microsoft's much-anticipated Web-caching, filtering, and connection-sharing software package, Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 - or more simply, ISA Server.
Learn ISA Server's features
Master the security, acceleration, and Internet connection sharing features of ISA Server.
Understand ISA's architecture
Get an overview of ISA Server's complex architecture and how the program components work at various layers of the network communications models.
Select proper authentication methods
Read about ISA's defferent authentication options, depending on the type of client.
Administer ISA with confidence
Master the unknown and undocumented components and features of ISA
Understand ISA's Firewall features
Now you'll understand multiplayer filtering, stateful inspection, intrusion detection, secure VPN, streaming media splitting, and more!
Recognize intrusion attcks
Set up ISA Firewall to detect all-ports scan, IP half scans, ping of deaths, land attacks, UDP bombs and other attacks.
Use ISA as a web caching server
Read about smart and scheduled caching, distributed caching, and hierarchical caching options
Save Time
Get complete coverage of wizards that guide you through common setup and management tasks.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 919

Добавлена в каталог: 18.10.2006

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