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Kobayashi S., Mikoshiba S., Lim S. — LCD Backlights (Wiley Series in Display Technology)
Kobayashi S., Mikoshiba S., Lim S. — LCD Backlights (Wiley Series in Display Technology)

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Название: LCD Backlights (Wiley Series in Display Technology)

Авторы: Kobayashi S., Mikoshiba S., Lim S.


Research and development on liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight technologies are becoming increasingly important due to the fast growth of the LCD business. Backlight technologies contribute to functional improvements of LCDs in terms of wide colour reproduction, uniformity improvements of luminance and colour temperature, high luminance, long life, less power consumption, thinner backlight unit, as well as cost. As LCD panel technology progresses, the lighting technology that provides the illumination for the panel must similarly evolve.
LCD Backlights is written by a global panel of leading researchers and practitioners in this field from both academia and industry.  The first part of LCD Backlights details the variety of applications of backlights including those in LCD-TV, PC monitors and mobile devices. The second part is a full examination of the different light sources that are used including the latest technological trends in amongst others, cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs), mercury-free fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes (LEDs). The final part of the book analyses the optical component of backlights such as diffusers and brightness enhancement films.
Key features:
Provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest status of LCD backlight research and development.
Discusses the design considerations and technical requirements for the multiple applications of LCD backlights.
Considers techniques used for power saving and picture quality improvement.
Examines the requirements for backlight units used for TVs, PC monitors and mobile phones.
LCD Backlights is of significant interest to practising electronics and display engineers as well as scientists working on the development of liquid crystal displays. This book is also of value to graduate students and researchers involved in display technologies.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 292

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2014

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