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Название: Growth Hormone in Adults: Physiological and Clinical Aspects, Second Edition
Авторы: Juul A., Jorgensen J.
This revised new edition reviews the substantial advances in our understanding of the vital role of growth hormone (GH) in maintaining adult health, and the resulting disorders from GH deficiency. The first edition, published in 1996, provided a pioneering overview of the subject; this new edition provides an even more comprehensive account, fully updated with the latest research, clinical applications, and references. The therapeutic benefits of GH treatment in GH deficiency are thoroughly evaluated, including effects on metabolism, cardiac function, exercise performance, psychosocial aspects, and aging and gender-specific effects. This compilation by the world's leading experts covers clinical investigation, diagnosis and treatment issues, and encompasses new knowledge of the control and action of GH secretion. This volume is the most authoritative, comprehensive, and detailed account available and will be an essential source of reference for all endocrinologists.