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Hacker G., Gu J. — Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology (Advances in Pathology, Microscopy, & Molecular Morphology)
Hacker G., Gu J. — Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology (Advances in Pathology, Microscopy, & Molecular Morphology)

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Название: Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology (Advances in Pathology, Microscopy, & Molecular Morphology)

Авторы: Hacker G., Gu J.


Immunogold silver staining is one of the most sensitive techniques available for visualizing the location of antibodies and nucleotide probes that have been bounded to specific antigens or to nucleotide sequences. As gold and silver staining continues to advance research in molecular morphology, this book presents the information you need to know about the various staining methods, their useful applications, and the advantages and drawbacks of each process. Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology provides a timely description of approaches, methods, protocols, and applications. The contributors cover the latest developments and a wide range of applications from highly sensitive detection of antigens to single copy detection of DNA and RNA. Some of the authors are "living legends" in the field and bring their expertise and experience to this fine collaboration. Written in one consistent style, each chapter includes a concise, but comprehensive introduction, step-by-step protocols with technical hints, and a discussion of results and critical steps. What differentiates this book from all others like it, is the status of the editors, who have worked on this technique from its inception and have produced innumerable publications on the topic. The other distinguishing feature is that all of the contributors are amongst the absolute foremost leaders from the United States and Europe. Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology presents a complete overview and detailed descriptions of this technique that allows the visualization of molecules that have never been localized before and with hitherto unknown sensitivity. Not only does this book provide an excellent review of this field, but it also serves as a lab manual for those who want to carry out this technique in their laboratory and clinical work. Armed with this information, advances in this powerful field of research will ensue.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 264

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2014

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