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Название: Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgement to Calculation
Автор: Weizenbaum J.
This book is only nominally about computers. In an important sense, the computer is used here merely as a vehicle for moving certain ideas that are much more important than computers. The reader who looks at a few of this book's pages and turns away in fright because he spots an equation or a bit of computer jargon here and there should reconsider. He may think that he does not know anything about computers, indeed, that computers are too complicated for ordinary people to understand. But a major point of this book is precisely that we, all of us, have made the world too much into a computer, and that this remaking of the world in the image of the computer started long before there were any electronic computers. Now that we have computers, it becomes somewhat easier to see this imaginative transformation we have worked on the world. Now we can use the computer itself—that is the idea of the computer—as a metaphor to help us understand what we have done and are doing.