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Seggern D. — CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces
Seggern D. — CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces

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Название: CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces

Автор: Seggern D.


CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces is a comprehensive illustrated catalog of curves and surfaces of geometric figures and algebraic, transcendental, and integral equations used in elementary and advanced mathematics. More than 800 graphics images are featured. Based on the successful CRC Handbook of Mathematical Curves and Surfaces, this new volume retains the easy to use "catalog" format of the original book. Illustrations are presented in a common format organized by type of equation. Associated equations are printed in their simplest form along with any notes required to understand the illustrations. Equations and graphics appear in a side-by-side format, with figures printed on righthand pages and text on lefthand pages. Most curves and surfaces are plotted with several parameter selections so that the variation of the mathematical functions are easily understandable. Coverage on algebraic surfaces and transcendental surfaces has been expanded by 30% over the original edition; material on functions in mathematical physics has expanded by 50%. New material on functions of random processes and functions of complex variable surfaces has been added. A complementary software program (see the next title listed in this catalog) enables you to plot all of the functions found in this book.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 405

Добавлена в каталог: 16.09.2014

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