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Blendstrup A. — They Made It!: How Chinese, French, German, Indian, Iranian, Israeli and other foreign born entrepreneurs contributed to high tech innovation in the Silicon Valley, the US and Overseas.
Blendstrup A. — They Made It!: How Chinese, French, German, Indian, Iranian, Israeli and other foreign born entrepreneurs contributed to high tech innovation in the Silicon Valley, the US and Overseas.

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Название: They Made It!: How Chinese, French, German, Indian, Iranian, Israeli and other foreign born entrepreneurs contributed to high tech innovation in the Silicon Valley, the US and Overseas.

Автор: Blendstrup A.


Great leaders have been the stuff of many business books over the years with authors often promising to deliver THE key ingredients that can guarantee the readers success in their own careers. As we all know by now, there is no "secret sauce". But there are a number of "recipes for success" with specific ingredients that if applied, may smooth the path upward. These recipes are the result of conversations with foreign-born (as well as US) Silicon Valley/US entrepreneurs who tell it as it is. Each leader tells a unique, personal story of how s/he came to the US and ultimately made it. If you plan to immigrate to the U.S. and establish yourself in Silicon Valley, or if you are just curious to find out what make these extraordinary individuals tick, you can listen to these foreign-born professionals and gain personal insight into the fulfillment of their ambitions and dreams.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 304

Добавлена в каталог: 14.09.2014

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