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Figueiras J., Frattasi S. — Mobile Positioning and Tracking: From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques
Figueiras J., Frattasi S. — Mobile Positioning and Tracking: From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

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Название: Mobile Positioning and Tracking: From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques

Авторы: Figueiras J., Frattasi S.


This book presents the most recent state of the art in mobile positioning and tracking techniques.This book discusses mobile positioning solutions applied on top of current wireless communication networks. In addition, the authors introduce advanced and novel topics such as localization in heterogeneous and cooperative networks, providing a unified treatment of the topic for researchers and industry professionals alike. Furthermore, the book focuses on application areas of positioning, basics of wireless communications for positioning, data fusion and filtering techniques, fundamentals of tracking, error mitigation techniques, positioning systems and technologies, and cooperative mobile positioning systems.Key Features:Covers the state of the art of satellite- and terrestrial-based positioning systems, spanning from outdoor to indoor environments and from wide area networks to short-range networksDiscusses a whole range of topics related to mobile positioning: from fundamentals of positioning to the description of a wide spectrum of mobility models for tracking, from details on data fusion and filtering techniques to error mitigation techniques (including aspects of signal processing)Provides a solid bridge between research and industry envisaging a potential implementation of the presented solutionsFills the gap between positioning and communication systems, showing how features of communication systems can be used for positioning purposes and how the retrieved location information can be used to enhance the performance of wireless networks.Includes an accompanying websiteThis book will be a valuable guide for advanced students studying related courses. Professionals and practitioners in the field of positioning and mobile technologies, and software and service developers will also find this book of interest.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2010

Количество страниц: 298

Добавлена в каталог: 07.09.2014

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