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Lipparini E. — Modern many-particle physics: atomic gases, quantum dots and quantum fluids
Lipparini E. — Modern many-particle physics: atomic gases, quantum dots and quantum fluids

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Название: Modern many-particle physics: atomic gases, quantum dots and quantum fluids

Автор: Lipparini E.


An important part of this book is devoted to the description of homogenous systems, such as electron gas in different dimensions, the quantum well in an intense magnetic field, liquid helium and nuclear matter. However, the most relevant part is dedicated to the study of finite systems: metallic clusters, quantum dots, the condensate of cold and diluted atoms in magnetic traps, helium drops and nuclei. The book focuses on methods of getting good numerical approximations to energies and linear response based on approximations to first-principles Hamiltonians. These methods are illustrated and applied to Bose and Fermi systems at zero and finite temperature.

Modern Many-Particle Physics is directed towards students who have taken a conventional course in quantum mechanics and possess a basic understanding of condensed matter phenomena.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 445

Добавлена в каталог: 05.09.2014

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Предметный указатель
Action integral      239 261 376
Addition energy      43 45
Adiabatic approximation      365
Aharanov — Bohm effect      165
Alkali metals      36 108 247 413
Anisotropic confining potential      102
B-dispersion of the dipole modes      319
Backflow      356 377
Background of positive charge      337 338 340
Baker — Hausdorff formula      141
BCs      63
Bethe — Goldstone equation      71
BHF effective interaction      69 72 88 344
BHF effective mass      94
Bogoliubov theory      255
Bogoliubov transformation      63
Bohr's magneton      22 107 132 290 404
Bose — Einstein condensation      3 52 255 383
Boson distribution function      12
Brueckner — Hartree — Fock equations      92
Bulk modes      205 291 328
CDFT      108
Central limit theorem      175
Charge density      121
Charge radius      121
chemical potential      12 15 43 52 59 61 104 125 143 160
Collective modes      231 353
Collective phonon state      252
Collision integral      25 226 232 233
Compressibility      15 28 114 210 218 220 231 253 297 348 377
Compressibility sum rule      210 347
Compression modes      378 381 396
Concentration      122
condensate      5 12 13 54 101 184 255 260 375 376 386
Condition of detailed balance      179 180
Conductivity      212
Confinement potential      38
Confinement potential of a jellium disc      152
Constant-interaction model      143
Continuity equation      376 380 395 417
Correlation energy      45 50 72 90 104 107 340
Correlation function      278 280 303
Coupling between electric dipole and spin excitations      316
Creation and annihilation operators      54 93
Creation and annihilation operators for the RPA states      265
Critical temperature      12 61 387 388
Critical temperature for Bose — Einstein condensation      13
Critical temperature of the BCS transition      65
Current density      364
Current response function      212
Current-current effective interaction      356
Cusp condition      190
Cyclotron frequency      290 301 327 417
Cyclotron resonance      290
Damping factor      79
Deformation      142 144 257 385—387 402 406 407 412
Density fluctuations      112 211 212 226 234 238 241
Density matrix      15 57 63 136 206 211 243 361
Density of states      381
Density operator      196 200
Density response function      208 217 303 339 364
Density-current response function      364
diamagnetic susceptibility      213
dielectric constant      44 131 298 352
Diluted Boson gas in a rotating trap      145
Diluted gas condition      53
Diluted gas of Bosons      101
Diluted gas of Fermions      343
Dipole excitation spectrum in quantum dots      391
Dipole excitations in quantum dots under magnetic field      311
Dipole operators      203 205 264 271 311
Dipole static polarizability      273
Dirac relation      201
Dispersion of the density and spin modes in quantum wells      300
Dispersion of the spin waves      286
Dynamic correlations and response function      337
Dynamic form factor      19 195 196 201 206 209 212 231 247 368
Dynamic polarizability      200 229 231 235 240 282 284 303
Dyson equations      104 281
Edge modes      205 291 299 322 328 416
Effective gyromagnetic factor      109 132
Effective interaction for the Boson gas      145
effective mass      48 113 229 364
Effective mass in the conduction band      44
Effective mass in the polarization potential model      362
Effective mass of ${}^{3}He$      113
Effective mass of nucleons      113
Effective mass of the diluted Fermion gas      343
Elastic mode      232 237 396 402 404
Elastic model      398
Elastic regime      25 225 392
Elastic vibrations      392
Electric dipole modes      145
Electric dipole RPAE response      270
Electron-phonon effective interaction      63
Elliptical quantum dots      140 144
Energy transferred per unit time      209
Energy-weighted sum rule at finite temperature      208
Ensemble Density Functional Theory      111
entropy      57 108
Equations of motion of the edge oscillations      417
Equations of motion of the surface oscillations      380
Equations of state      115
Estimator      191
Exchange energy      48 50 57 137
Exchange self-energy      48 94 296
Exchange-correlation energy      102 104 106 109 366
Exchange-correlation factor      354 365
Exchange-correlation vector potential      110
Excitation spectrum      18 196 274
Excitation spectrum and moment of inertia      407
Excitation spectrum and superconductivity      61
Excitation spectrum of a diluted Boson gas      258
Excitation spectrum of the electron gas      197
External forces      199 225
f-sum rule      209 230 248 250 270—272 308 312 353 358 362 398
Fermi gas      13 56
Fermi surface      14 23
Ferromagnetic state      29 106 158
Feynman approximation      355
Field factor      344
Filling factor      109 137 300
First sound      225 352 392 398
Fixed-node approximation      192
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      207
Fluctuations in the walker number      188
Fluidodynamic equations of motion      394
Fokker — Planck equation      189
Fractional filling factor      139
Fractional regime      111 137 420
Free response function (Lindhard function)      218
Fullerene      36
G matrix      69
g matrix expansion      86
g matrix for the 2D electron gas      78
g matrix for unidimensional systems      73
Galilean invariance      271
Gap      40 61 250 268 282 286
gap equation      64
Generalized Kohn theorem      291
Giant resonances      230 245 283 397
Grand potential      57 108
Green's functions      186
Gross — Kohn model      365
Gross — Pitaevskii equations      53
Group velocity of quasiparticles      24
Hall effect      131 139 292
Hall longitudinal resistivity      139
Hall transverse resistivity      139
Hartree — Fock equations      33 51
Hartree — Fock equations at finite temperature      59 60
Hartree — Fock Hamiltonian      35 261
HF grand potential      58
HF Green function      296
Hohenberg, Mermin and Wagner theorem      383
Hubbard theory      344
Hydrodynamic and fluidodynamic model for Fermions      390
Hydrodynamic equations      28 356 377 378 383
Hydrodynamic equations in the rotating reference      383
Hydrodynamic model and quantum dots      391
Hydrodynamic model for Bosons      375
Hydrodynamic regime      25 27 225 234 387
Hydrodynamic sum rule      230
Hypernetted chain approximation      348
Importance function      190
Independent-particle model      1
Induced particle-hole interaction      289
Induced polarization charge      299
Infinite-mass limit      187
Instability of charged metal clusters      415
Instability of the diluted Boson gas      254
Instability of the electron gas      300 306
Integration hyper-cube      174
interaction energy      73 337
Interaction energy between quasiparticles      24
Interaction self-energy      351
Invariance for time-reversal      207
Inversely energy-weighed sum rule and moment of inertia      384
Inversely energy-weighted sum rule      203 273 309 354 358
Irrotational fluid      376 380 417
Irrotational value of the moment of inertia      384
Isospin      1 75 113 126 158 201 222 230 282 392
Isospin density      391
Isospin density response function      283
Isospin excitations      329
Isospin polarization      22 329
Isospin waves      286
Jellium model      36 56 271 413
Kinetic equation      345
Kohn theorem      290
Kohn — Sham equations      102 117
Kohn — Sham equations at finite temperature      111
Kohn — Sham equations in a magnetic field      110
Kohn — Sham equations with an, angular-momentum constraint      405
Koopmans theorem      40 104
Kubo response function      207
Ladder diagrams      70
Lame constant      396
Landau damping      231 248 276 296 314 320 329
Landau equations      26 29
Landau equations under external field      226
Landau gauge      301
Landau levels      133
Landau parameters      28 228 231 235 238 352 363
Landau response function      225
Landau theory      24
Landau theory in 2D      29
Landau — Silin equations      234
Landau — Vlasov equations      346
Larmor frequency      286 292 310
Larmor theorem      292
Lennard — Jones potential      32 182
Lippman — Schwinger equation      69
Local density approximation      76 100 104 300
Local equilibrium      28
Local field theories      344 350 360
Local spin density approximation      105
Local vorticity      109 110
Long-wavelength limit      244 264 364
Longitudinal current response      213
Longitudinal response function under high magnetic field      301
Lorentz force      139 417
Lorentz transform      369
magic numbers      36 45 145 159
Magnetic length      109 136 302 419
Magnetic permeability      213
magnetic susceptibility      29 230 235
magnetization      28 107 126 165 285
Magneto-conductivity      292
Many-particle excitations      353 356 360
Mass formula of ${}^{3}He$      120
Mass formula of ${}^{4}He$      120
Mass formula of nuclei      121
Mass parameter      380 417
Mass renormalization      122
MDD      135 136 157
Mean energy of many-particle excitations      360
Mean polarization field      234 241 362
Metal clusters      36 270 387 391 399 411 413
Metastability of ${}^{3}He$      120
Method of the equations of motion      266
Metropolis algorithm      180
Microwave field      291
Mixed structure function      316
Mixed sum rules      204
Mixed sum rules and generalized Kohn theorem      204
Mixed systems      121
Moment of inertia for Bosons in a magnetic trap      383
Moment of inertia of quantum dots      405
Moments of the dynamic form factor      207
Momentum density      26
Momentum distribution      10 212
Nonlocal effects      26 112 272 352 377
Normal displacement of the Fermi surface      27 226
Nuclear effective interaction      113
Occupation number      2 54 109 112 350
One-body density of the MDD state      136 154
One-particle distribution function      345
Order parameter      255 256 259 376 388
Osmotic pressure      124
Pair correlation function      16 61 77 339 346 349 366
Pair correlation function for the MDD state      137
Parabolic confinement potential      44
Paramagnetic current density      109
Paramagnetic state      281 303 315 321
Particle number fluctuations      62 162
Particle-hole residual interaction      264 270 279 281 301 312 313 321
Particle-number conservation symmetry      62
Pauli exclusion principle      3 20 22 31
Pauli hamiltonian      131 310
Pauli theorem      338
Phase transition      12
Phonon dispersion      198 251 377
Phonon-roton dispersion      253 257 353 356
Phonons      30 198 243 251 381
Photo-absorption cross section      203 264 275
Plasmon      198 235 245 249 250
Plasmon dispersion      248 249 282 296 353
Plasmon dispersion and sum rules      359
Plasmon dispersion coefficient      248 282
Polarization      21 22 128 300
Polarization potential model      362
Polarized Fermi gas      21
Poles      219 221
Poles of the Landau response      231
Poles of the longitudinal TDLSDA response      305
Poles of the RPA response      242
Poles of the transverse TDLSDA response      285 311
Popov approximation      243 260
Popov equations      260
Positive charge background      56 154 413
Pressure      15 123 210 379
Principle of detailed balance      207
probability density      175 177 189
Probability per unit time      209
Propagation in imaginary time      185
Pseudo-dynamics      178
Pseudo-force      188
Pseudo-hamiltonian      42 272
Pseudo-jellium model      271 275
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