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Sellers M., Walker S. — Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming
Sellers M., Walker S. — Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming

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Название: Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming

Авторы: Sellers M., Walker S.


Yes, there is some scope for improvement here. But it is ridiculous to criticize the author for not making the book longer. My shelves are groaning under the weight of huge computer books, bloated with information that is readily available elsewhere.

Instead of padding out his book, Mitchel tells you where to get the information you need.

What Mitchel does supply, that I haven't seen anywhere else (except his site), is a full treatment of the Web Application Projects (WAP) route to module development. WAP vs WSP is one of those stupid religious wars.

What Mitchel doesn't say (but probably should) is that the alternative Web Site Projects (WSP)route may not get you where you want to go. He merely observes that "there are ways to create compiled assemblies from WSP projects but they are very complex to complete". But, if you have a complex module or suite of modules, you may simply be unable to compile them as a WSP. I have learnt that the hard way.

His book is not just the best treatment of WAP development in DotNetNuke, but the only one. For that alone it is worth the bucks.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 340

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2014

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