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Moeller K. — Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Maple, MathCad®, Matlab®, Mathematica®, and Maple® (Undergraduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)
Moeller K. — Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Maple, MathCad®, Matlab®, Mathematica®, and Maple® (Undergraduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)

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Название: Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Maple, MathCad®, Matlab®, Mathematica®, and Maple® (Undergraduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)

Автор: Moeller K.


If you are a student of optics, this rather expensive text is not really going to help you that much considering the price. The best combination is Optics (4th Edition) for comprehension and Schaum's Outline of Optics for basic practice of what is covered in the textbook. Both books are written by the same author, and the first book might have been better if the author had incorporated more examples from his Schaum's outline into it. This book really glosses over explanations. The best part of the book are the programs that demonstrate various optics principles. These are included on the accompanying CD and are named at the different places in the book. Thus be careful if you buy a used copy, because without the CD you really don't have much. Students might want to look at the first edition, because besides branching out into other languages besides Mathcad, there really isn't that much difference between the two editions except price. For the instructor of college-level optics, I think this book is really useful. You can incorporate some of the programs into demonstrations and illustrate some difficult principles. For that purpose I highly recommend it.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 459

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Holography, different waves      405
Holography, hologram      404
Holography, product of real image      405
Holography, real image      404
Holography, recovery      404 405
Holography, size of hologram      406
Holography, transmission curve      404
Holography, under an angle      405
Holography, virtual image      404 405
Homogeneous equation      327
Huygens' principle      129 131
Huygens' wavelets      129 375
Image formation using wave theory      375
Image formation using wave theory, amplitude function      385
Image formation using wave theory, aperture function      385
Image formation using wave theory, circular lens      389—391
Image formation using wave theory, convolution      387
Image formation using wave theory, image formation      386 398
Image formation using wave theory, image forming process      382
Image formation using wave theory, impulse response      387
Image formation using wave theory, one bar, two bars as object      389
Image formation using wave theory, one round, two round as object      389 390
Image formation using wave theory, pair of Fourier transformations      385
Image formation using wave theory, resolution      399
Image formation using wave theory, spread function      386
Image formation using wave theory, summation process      383 384
Image formation using wave theory, transfer function      401
Image of one bar      388
Image of one round object      389
Image of two bars      388
Image of two round objects      390 397
Imaginary part      318
Imaging with coherent light      400
Impulse response      387
Incident intensity      113
Incident light under an angle $\psi$      158
Incoherent light      386
Induced absorption      275
Induced dipoles      316
Induced emission      275
inhomogeneous equation      327
Intensity      87 126
Intensity fringe patterns      187
Intensity pattern      387
Intensity, complex notation      87
Intensity, normalization      88
Intensity, time average      87
Interference      78
Interference, air gaps      100 101
Interference, factor      153
Interference, fringes      113
Interference, maxima, minima      83
Interference, pattern generated by two sources      83
Interference, pattern of N sources      124
Interferogram function S(y)      356
Interferograms      353
Interferometry      89
Interferometry, amplitude dividing      96
Interferometry, Fresnel double mirror      93
Interferometry, Lloyd      92
Interferometry, Michelson      103
Interferometry, model      89
Interferometry, Newton's Rings      101
Interferometry, plane parallel plate      99
Interferometry, wavefront dividing      89
Interferometry, wedge shaped      99
Interferometry, Young      90
Internally reflected components      244
Inverse transformation      342 344 346 347
Inverted image      2
Isotropic medium      81
Isotropic nonconducting medium      210
Jones matrices      244 245
Jones vectors      244
Kepler telescope      45 46 48
Kirchhoff — Fresnel integral      131 132 139 376
Kramer — Kroning model      325
Labels for energy levels      283
Laser beam expander      48
Lasers      273
Lasers, active medium      295
Lasers, amplification factor      293 294
Lasers, gain of the beam      294
Lasers, spontaneous transition      292
Lasers, stimulated emission      291 292 293
Lasers, stimulated transition      293
Lasers, two-level systems      292
Lateral magnification      17
Lateral spherical aberration      418 420
Law of reflection      2
Law of refraction      1 2 5 222 320
Left polarized light      237
Length of wavetrains      202
length units      12
Lens, negative f      31
Lens, plane-convex      67
Lenses      1
Less dense medium      229 317
Life-time      286
Lifetime $\tau$      286 288
Linear polarized light      240
Lloyd's mirror      92 95 96
Longitudinal modes      295
Longitudinal spherical aberration      415 417 419
Lorentz correction      320
Lorentzian line shape      286 288 290
Lorentzian line width      295
Lossless dielectrics      336
Low frequency region      327
M Wilson observatory      198
Magnetic field vector      206 316
Magnetic quantum number and degeneracy      282
Magnification      17 18 25 36 37 43 44 46 69
Magnifier      37 47
Magnifier, angular magnification      40
Magnifier, magnifying power      40
Magnifier, virtual image at infinity      39 41
Magnifier, virtual image nearpoint      39
Magnifying power      40 43
Many electron atoms      282
Mathcad, plotting a graph      435
Matrices      436
Matrix elements      53
Matrix method      49
Matrix method, application to two-and three-lens systems      47
Matrix method, glass sphere      58
Matrix method, hemispherical lens      58
Matrix method, principal planes      51
Matrix method, refraction matrix      49
Matrix method, thick lens      55
Matrix method, translation matrix      49
Matrix method, two lenses in air      59
Matrix method, two thick lenses      62
Maxima, but only N-2      125
Maxwell's equations      205 315 326
Meridional (vertical) plane      428
Michelson interferometer      106
Michelson interferometer, dependence on $\theta$      109
Michelson interferometer, nonnormal incidence      106
Michelson interferometer, nonnormal incident light      106
Michelson interferometer, normal incident light      103
Michelson interferometer, superposition of two cosine waves      352
Michelson's stellar interferometer      197 198 199
Michelson's stellar interferometer, two patterns      197
Microscope      42 47 48
Microscope near point configuration      41—43
Microscope, magnification      43
Microscope, magnifying power      43
Microscope, slides      100
Microscope, virtual image at infinity      43
Minimum deviation      8
Mirror equation      68
Mirrors      1
Mirrors for laser cavities      252
Mode in a dielectric waveguide      266
Mode, (TE) modes or s-polarization      215 262 265
Mode, (TM) modes or p-polarization      214 262
Mode, formation      262
Mode, number of nodes      250
Mode, propagation      249 261
Mode, rectangular box      251
Mode, restrictive conditions      261
Modes in a dielectric waveguide      266
Modes of the rectangular box      251
Monochromatic light      200
Multiple layer filters      258
Multiple lens system      49
Mutual orthogonal triad      209
Natural emission line width      289
Negative chromatic aberration      430
Negative coma      424
Negative crystal      232 236
Negative lens      33
Newton      7
Newton's rings      101 102
Newton's work      79
Node lines      250
Noncommutation of matrices      65
Nonconductive medium      210
Normal and anomalous dispersion      319
Number of nodes      250
Object amplitude function h(y)      385
Object focus      12 16 24 32
Object point      10
Object positions      37
Occupation rule      283
One electron atom      282
One oscillator      322
One round object      389
Optical axis      232
Optical axis is the fast axis      232
Optical constants      315 316 326 338 372
Optical constants n and K      370
Optical constants of metals      328
Optical constants of metals, high frequency region      330
Optical constants of metals, low frequency region      329
Optical constants of metals, skin depth      332
Optical instruments      1 35
Optical materials      231
Optical path difference, Fresnel's double mirror      94
Optical path difference, Lloyd's mirror      93
Optical path difference, Michelson interferometer      104
Optical path difference, Newton's rings      103
Optical path difference, plane parallel plate      98
Optical path difference, wedge      99
Optical path difference, Young's experiment      91
Optically denser medium      80
Order of interference      83
Ordinary index $n_{0}$      232
Oscillator expressions      322
Oscillator model      317 318
Oscillator model, damping term      317
Pair of Fourier transform integrals      356
Pair of Fourier transformation      385
Paraxial approximation      15
Paraxial theory      1 10
Paraxial wave equation      297
Pauli principle      283
Periodic arrangement      74
Periodic array      126 171
Periodic set of slits      152
Permittivity      206 316 317
Perpendicular case      214
PF-ray      15 36
Phase difference $\Delta$      111
Phase factor      80
Phase jump      80
phase velocity      210
Phase velocity in vacuum      81
Planar waveguide      259 263
Planck      273
Planck's radiation law      275 280 292
Plane mirror      67
Plane mirror, virtual image      67
Plane parallel plate      97 110 113 114
Plane parallel plate, normal incidence      114
Plane parallel plate, phase difference, $\delta$      111
Plane parallel plate, summation of the reflected amplitude      111
Plane parallel plate, transmission      113
Plane parallel plate, transmitted amplitudes      111
Plane parallel plate, transmitted intensity      114 116
Plane plate waveguide      270
Plane plate waveguide, characteristic determinant      271
Plane plate waveguide, traveling waves      259
Plane wave      206
Plane wave, depending on space and time coordinates      82
Plasma frequency      318 328
Poisson spot      135
Polarization      316
Polarized light      230
Polarized light, linear circular elliptical      240
Population inversion      291 292
Positive chromatic aberration      430
Positive coma      424
Positive crystal      232 234 236
Positive lens      25 28 30
Poynting vector in vacuum      209
Poynting vector S      222
Principal angle      321
Principal axis transformation      243
Principal planes      56 60 62 63 67
principal quantum number      282 283
prism      7
Prism, angle of deviation      7
Quality factor      288
Quantum emission      273
Quantum mechanical model      289
Quarter-wave plate      239 246
Quartz      232 234 236
Quasimonochromatic light      200
Radius of curvature      69 71 300 417
Radius of curvature p      417
Raleigh — Jean law      275
Random arrangement      169
Random arrangement of source points, array      125
Random arrangement of source points, grating      169
Random array      170 172
Random phase angles      126
Randomly distributed      126
Rate equations      292
Ratio $r_{s}/r_{p}$      322 335
Rayleigh criterion      164 395
Rayleigh distance      165 395
Rayleigh-Jeans law      274 276 280
Real Fourier transformation      349
Real image      29 404
Real object      16 29 32
Real object function      380
Real object point      11
Real objects      15 20
Recording of the interferogram      403
Recovery of image      404
Rectangular aperture      145 147
Rectangular-shaped mirrors      303
references      443
Reflectance R      226
Reflected intensity      114 116
Reflecting cavity      73
Reflection      113
Reflection coefficients      217 220 320
1 2 3
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