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Simone K.G. — Hospitalist Recruitment and Retention: Building a Hospital Medicine Program
Simone K.G. — Hospitalist Recruitment and Retention: Building a Hospital Medicine Program

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Название: Hospitalist Recruitment and Retention: Building a Hospital Medicine Program

Автор: Simone K.G.


The Right Way to Build and Sustain a Successful Hospital Medicine ProgramThis first complete treatment of hospitalist recruitment and retention gives you all the tools and guidance needed to build a new hospital medicine program for your hospital. Moreover, it shows you how to reinvigorate and maintain an established hospitalist program, enabling your hospital to fully benefit from the improved clinical outcomes that a hospitalist approach can offer. All the key elements for building and maintaining an effective hospitalist program are covered, including:Developing a recruitment plan that attracts the right people and clearly sets forth expectationsHiring the best people to meet organizational objectivesImplementing an effective retention plan that keeps high-quality staff motivated and committed to excellenceBased on the author's extensive experience in both clinical practice and professional consultation with new and established hospital medicine programs, the book covers such critical topics as:Significance of current trends in hospital medicineKey factors in successful hospitalist recruitment and retentionRole of the hospitalist in recruitment, retention, and stabilization of physicians in their communitiesRecruitment and retention of physicians in all specialties is a national challenge, and it is expected to become even more difficult due to an impending physician shortage. As more and more healthcare organizations come to understand and embrace the hospitalist movement, this book will prove essential in recruiting and retaining the staff they need to implement and sustain an effective hospitalist program.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 209

Добавлена в каталог: 13.08.2014

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