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Parashar R. — Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Synthesis
Parashar R. — Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Synthesis

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Название: Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Synthesis

Автор: Parashar R.


"This third edition gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. It reflects the enormous impact of microelectronics for the rapid calculation of chemometric procedures such as pattern recognition, optimization and numerical techniques." "Significant changes and updates to most chapters of the previous edition have been made, particularly in curvilinear regression methods, robust statistical methods, multivariate methods, outliers in univariate statistics and calibration methods, initial data analysis, and experimental design and optimization. Fully revised bibliographies are included at the end of each chapter, together with exercises and solutions." "Readership: Researchers and laboratory workers, including professional scientists in all areas of analytical chemistry. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of analytical chemistry, and their teachers." — BOOK JACKET. Read more... Content: 1. Introduction — 2. Errors in classical analysis — statistics of repeated measurements — 3. Significance tests — 4. Quality control and sampling — 5. Errors in instrumental analysis; regression and correlation — 6. Non-parametric and robust methods — 7. Experimental design, optimization and pattern recognition — Appendix 1: Summary of statistical tests — Appendix 2: Statistical tables Abstract: "This third edition gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. It reflects the enormous impact of microelectronics for the rapid calculation of chemometric procedures such as pattern recognition, optimization and numerical techniques." "Significant changes and updates to most chapters of the previous edition have been made, particularly in curvilinear regression methods, robust statistical methods, multivariate methods, outliers in univariate statistics and calibration methods, initial data analysis, and experimental design and optimization. Fully revised bibliographies are included at the end of each chapter, together with exercises and solutions." "Readership: Researchers and laboratory workers, including professional scientists in all areas of analytical chemistry. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of analytical chemistry, and their teachers." — BOOK JACKET

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 392

Добавлена в каталог: 12.08.2014

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