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Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16
Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.) — Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16

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Название: Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume 16

Авторы: Seitz F. (ed.), Turnbull D. (ed.)

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1965

Количество страниц: 451

Добавлена в каталог: 03.08.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Operator equivalents method, crystal field potential      249ff.
Operator equivalents, crystal field potentials, cubic      265ff.
Operator equivalents, matrix elements      256ff.(T)
Orbach, R.      273
Oriani, R.A.      326(19) 328
Ottmer, R.      123 130 203
Overhauser, A.W.      134 147
Ozawa, K.      194
Palm, J.H.      321
Panish, M.B.      337(25 28) 338(25 28 42) 339 340 344(20 22) 345(20 22 39) 346 347
Pappalardo, R.      273
Parkinson, D.H.      351(58) 352(58) 353 354 356 359 360 370(9 50) 372 373
Paskin, A.      371(104) 375
Patterson, D.      101 169
Paule, R.C.      337(4) 338(4) 339 344(7) 345(7) 346
Pauli susceptibility      362
Pauling coefficients      41
Pauling, ionic radii      80
Pauling, L.      2 3 5 31 32 35 38 40 41 42 60 78 80 81 84
Pautamo, Y.      45
Pearlman, N.      351(17 74) 352(107) 353 355 356 368 370(5 17 67) 371(91) 372 374
Pearson, K.      117
Pearson, W.B.      314(1) 315(1) 316 321
Pech, M.      352(105) 355
Pells, G.P.      351(22) 352(22) 353 370(22) 371(22) 372
Penneman, R.A.      130
Peters, C.      60
Petersen, R.G.      351(57) 354 370(49) 373
Peterson, D.T.      282(40) 284 289(29) 290 293(26) 294 326(15) 328
Petrashen, M.I.      75
Petroff, S.      124 125 130 177 178 179 182(11) 219(11)
Petrov, A.V.      363(4) 365
Phillips, N.E.      351(10 15 16 19 50 57) 352(19 106) 353 354 355 370(11 16 41 49 53) 371(53 93) 372 373 374
Pick, H.      122 135 136 146(30) 189(30)
Pickard, G.L.      360 370(63) 374
Pierce, C.B.      209 210
Piermarini, G.J.      68
Pitzer, K.S.      31 344(2) 345(2) 346 347 369(57) 377(57)
Pohl, R.W.      122
Point charge ionic model      227—273
Poisson's ratio      280
Poisson's ratio, elements      291ff. 388
Poisson's ratio, moduli relation      388
Poisson's ratio, rare-earth metals      296
Politov, N.G.      219
Ponyatonski, E.G.      306
Pope, D.F.D.      255 259 271
Post, B.      385
Post, E.J.      380(20) 381(20) 382 383
Potassium Bromide, $\alpha$ center      169
Potassium Bromide, color centers in      186
Potassium Bromide, F band      155
Potassium Bromide, M band      155
Potassium Bromide, M centers      214ff.
Potassium chloride, $\alpha$ Center      169
Potassium chloride, color band absorption      211ff.
Potassium chloride, color centers      176ff. 186
Potassium chloride, dichroism      212 216ff.
Potassium chloride, F band      124ff.
Potassium chloride, F band absorption      149
Potassium chloride, F centers      170
Potassium chloride, F-aggregate center equilibrium      192
Potassium chloride, F-aggregate centers, thermal behavior      190
Potassium chloride, F-M centers in      157
Potassium chloride, face energy      (001) 102
Potassium chloride, luminescence, M center      220
Potassium chloride, M band      199ff.
Potassium chloride, M band, absorption      143
Potassium chloride, M band, oscillator strength      164
Potassium chloride, M Centers      170
Potassium chloride, M Centers, concentration      172
Potassium chloride, M Centers, photoconductivity      203
Potassium chloride, M Centers, transition energy      196
Potassium chloride, R Band      159
Potassium chloride, R center, ESR      151
Potassium chloride, surface energy      94
Potassium chloride, vacancies, anion      192
Potassium cyanide, M centers      214ff.
Potassium salts, color centers      127(T)
Potassium salts, M bands      207
Powell, M.J.D.      273
Powers, J.A.      130
Prather, J.L.      237 238 240 241 247
Pratt, J.N.      345(43 44) 347
Preston, J.      351(70) 352(70) 355 360 370(62) 371(62) 373
Prince, M.Y.      276 420(5) 421(5)
Pringsheim, P.      130 209
Priselkov, Ya.A.      345(41) 347
Pritchard, H.O.      7
Prue, J.E.      47
Pryce, M.H.L.      272 273
Przibram, K.      122
Pulham, R.J.      326(33) 328
Quadrupole-quadrupole interaction, ionic crystals      33
Quarrington, J.E.      359 370(9) 372
Quinnell, E.H.      351(78) 355 370(70) 374
R Bands, alkali halides      126(T)
R Bands, luminescence polarization      145
R Bands, thermal bleaching      188
R Center, F center equilibrium      159ff.
R Center, fluorescence      201
R Center, luminescence      209
R Center, model      133
R Center, potassium chloride, ESR      151
Rabin, H.      130 154(59) 155 156 157(59) 159 160(59) 165 167 169(70) 173(71) 174(71) 175(59 71) 183 192 193 194(99) 199 200 208
Rajdev, D.      372 375
Ramanathan, K.G.      352(108) 355 371(92) 374
Rambach, F.      68
Randall, M.      55 344(2) 345(2) 346 347 369(57) 377(57)
Rapperport, E.J.      326(30) 328
Rare-Earth Ions, Stevens' multiplicative factors      252
Rare-Earth metals, atomic volume      318
Rare-Earth metals, boiling point      341
Rare-Earth metals, bulk modulus      296
Rare-Earth metals, cohesive energy      341
Rare-Earth metals, Debye temperatures      376
Rare-Earth metals, electronic specific heat      357
Rare-Earth metals, entropy of fusion      408
Rare-Earth metals, entropy of vaporization      408
Rare-Earth metals, Grueneisen constant      418
Rare-Earth metals, heat capacity      357
Rare-Earth metals, heat of fusion      330
Rare-Earth metals, melting point      330
Rare-Earth metals, Poisson's ratio      296
Rare-Earth metals, shear modulus      285
Rare-Earth metals, thermal expansion coefficient      318
Rare-Earth metals, Young's modulus      285
Rat'kovskii, I.A.      338(43) 340 345(42) 347
Rauh, E.G.      337(11) 338(11) 339 344(14) 345(14) 346
Ray, D.K.      228
RAYNE, J.A.      351(37 43 45 66 72) 352(66 83) 354 355 370(29 40 64) 373 374 380(8 14 16 17) 381 382 384(22) 385
Raynor, G.V.      420
Reddy, P.J.      281(30 31) 283 288(22 23) 290 292(20) 294 301(21) 304
Reich, M.      130
Reif, L.      337(25 28) 338(25 28 42) 339 340 344(20 22) 345(20 22 39) 346 347
Reitz, J.R.      36 59 60 67
Repucci, A.      208 209(134)
Repulsive energy, Born, pp.      35—42
Repulsive energy, second neighbor      42
Rey, C.      272
Reynolds, M.B.      281(4) 282(4) 283 288(2) 289(2) 290 292(2) 293(2) 294
Rice, M.H.      306 411 412(4) 413(4) 414(4) 415(4) 416
Richard's rule      401
Richard's rule, elements      407
Richards, T.W.      300(9) 304
Ridley, E.C.      81
Rieck, G.D.      321
Rigid ion model, lattice energy      70
Roach, P.R.      352(90) 355 371(78) 374
Roberts, L.M.      351(1 20) 352(20) 353(115) 356 370(1 20) 371(20) 372
Robson, H.E.      344(8) 346
Rogers, B.A.      282(40) 284 289(29) 290 293(26) 294
Rohde, H.      76
Rosenblatt, G.M.      337(22) 339 344(17) 345(17) 346
Rossini, F.D.      55
Rostoker, W.      281(14) 283 288(11) 290 314(14) 316 326(18) 328 337(14) 339
Rough, F.A.      327(40) 329
Roughton, N.A.      281(18) 283 288(15) 290 292(15) 294 301(19) 304
Roy, S.K.      27
Royce, B.S.H.      169
Rubidium Salts, color centers      128(T)
Rubin, T.      315(33) 316
Rudham, R.      182 192(95)
Rudy, E.      326(31) 328
Ruechardt, H.      134 147
Ruffa, A.R.      32 66(55) 88(55) 91(55)
Runciman, W.A.      251
Russell, G.A.      130
Ryabinin, Yu.N.      306
Rymer, T.B.      95
Sachs, M.      2
Sakamoto, Y.      20 59 63 65 91(90)
Salter, L.S.      382
Salutsky, M.L.      327(39) 329
Samoilov, B.N.      351(77) 355 370(69) 374
Sandenaw, T.A.      352(110) 356 371(95) 374
Sato, H.      351(33 35) 353(33) 354 359
Satterthwaite, C.B.      351(28 44) 352(44 81) 354 355 370(27 39) 371(39 74) 373 374
Savage, W.R.      345(29 33) 346
Savill, J.      327(36) 329
Sawhney, O.L.      337(6) 339 344(18) 346
Scarbrough, J.O.      351(25) 352(25) 353 370(25) 371(25) 373
Schaefer, C.      289(28) 290
Schissel, P.O.      344(5) 346
Schlesinger, M.      130 189 190 194(110)
Schnatterly, S.      159 160 161 172 175(66) 176
Schneider, E.E.      218 219
Schneider, E.G.      130
Schneider, I.      169 186 187
Schoknecht, G.      74
Schonfeld, F.W.      282(43) 284 289(31) 290 293(28) 294 315(38) 317 327(44) 329
Schottky, W.      59
Schottmiller, J.C.      326(14) 328
Schreiber, H.P.      94 101 102 106
Schreiter, W.      314(3) 315(3) 316 326(6) 328
Schulman, J.H.      122 130 200(7) 208
Schultz, L.G.      87
Scott, A.B.      152 188 192(56)
Screening parameters, ions      81
Searcy, A.W.      344(11) 346
Seidel, G.      351(18 56) 353 354 370(18 46) 372 373
Seidel, H.      150 187 215
Seitz model, color centers      133ff.
Seitz model, M center      195
Seitz, F.      2 59 122 123(3) 130 132 133 177 180(4)
Seitz, R.N.      36 59 60 67
Semenov, G.A.      338(43) 340 347(42) 347
Semiconductors      422(T)
Semiconductors, atomic volume      320(T)
Semiconductors, boiling point      337(T)
Semiconductors, cohesive energy      344(T)
Semiconductors, compressibility      300(T)
Semiconductors, electronic specific heat      350ff.
Semiconductors, entropy of fusion      405(T)
Semiconductors, entropy of fusion of vaporization      405(T)
Semiconductors, Grueneisen constant      412(T)
Semiconductors, heat capacity      363(T)
Semiconductors, heat of fusion      332(T)
Semiconductors, melting point      326(T)
Semiconductors, Poisson's ratio      292(T)
Semiconductors, shear modulus      288(T)
Semiconductors, Size factor      422(T)
Semiconductors, Young's modulus      281(T)
Shakhovskoi, G.P.      306
Shatalov, A.A.      182
Shchukarev, S.A.      338(43) 340 345(42) 347
shear modulus      280
Shear modulus, elements      287ff.
Shear modulus, rare-earth metals      285
Shear modulus, Young's modulus relation, elements      388ff.
Sherman, J.      14 42 55 60
Shinozaki, S.      351(33) 353 354 359
Shmit, O.A.      217
Shockley, W.      32 59 66(55) 75 88(55) 91(55)
Shuttleworth, R.      95 99 100 103
Sibley, W.A.      157 158 173 174(64 65) 175(64 65)
Siddal, R.      327(37) 329
Sieglerschmidt, H.      292(14) 294
Silsbee, H.B.      351(61) 352(61) 354 370(54) 371(54) 373
Silsbee, R.H.      150 151 209 210
Silver halides, cohesive energy      61
Silverman, J.      351(54) 354 370(47) 373 380(11 15) 381 382
Silvidi, A.A.      351(53) 352(102) 354 355 360 370(45) 371(89) 373 374 377(84)
Simon, F.E.      353(114) 356 360 369 370(63) 374
Sims, C.T.      282(38) 284 315(31) 316 327(35) 329
Sinke, G.C.      331 332(2) 333(2) 334 336 337(5) 338(5) 339 341 343 347 362 363(2) 364(2) 365 404 409
Sirdeshmukh, D.B.      314(24) 316 413(12) 416
Size factor, elements      419ff.
Size factor, metals      422(T)
Slater, J.C.      29 38 68 298 304 305 394 411 417
Slutsky, L.J.      380(4) 381
Smakula, A.      130 132 208
Smith, C.A.      281(6) 283 288(4) 290 292(4) 294
Smith, H.G.      353(112) 356 370(31) 373
Smith, J.F.      281(21 22) 282(21 40) 283 284 288(16 17) 289(17 29) 290 292(16 17) 293(17 26) 294 301(25) 304 315(35) 317 327(41) 329 351(21) 353 370(21) 372 380(2) 381
Smith, M.F.      326(30) 328
Smith, P.L.      351(3 4 13) 352(3 109) 353 356 370(3 13) 371(76 94) 372 374
Smith, W.A.      152 192(56)
Smith, W.T., Jr.      362
Smithells, C.J.      315(25) 316
Smoluchowski, R.S.      169 322 395(41) 169
Smuts, J.      384(21) 385
Smutz, M.      282(40) 284 289(29) 290 293(26) 294
Snider, J.L.      352(101) 355 371(88) 374
Sodium chloride structure, face energy      (001) 103
Sodium chloride structure, Madelung cell      99
Sodium chloride, electron density      4
Sodium chloride, F bands      123
Sodium chloride, F-aggregate absorption      219
Sodium chloride, F-M Centers in      156
Sodium chloride, face energy      (001) 98 102
Sodium chloride, M bands      123
Sodium chloride, M center, transition energy      196
Sodium chloride, Madelung constant      24
Sodium chloride, structure      10
Sodium chloride, surface energy      94
Sodium chloride, surface tension      95
Sodium salts, color centers      126(T)
Sonder, E.      148 149 157 158 173(64 65) 174(64 65) 175(64 65)
Sonder, W.      397
Spandau, H.      337(31) 339
Spangenberg, K.      43
Specific Heat, electronic, elements      350ff.
Spedding, F.H.      281(21) 282(21) 283 288(17) 289(17) 290 292(17) 293(17) 294 301(23 25) 304 314(12) 315(12 26) 316 319 332(10) 333(10 11) 334 337(10) 338(35 38 40 41) 339 340 344(13) 345(27 29 33 34 35 36 37 38) 346 347 352(93) 353(114) 355 356 360 363(6 7) 364(6 7 8 9) 365 370(100) 371(100) 374 384(7) 385
Speiser, R.      337(2 15) 339
Spherical harmonics      239(T)
Spherical harmonics, crystal field potential evaluation      237ff.
Spreadborough, J.      354(12) 385
Srinivasan, T.M.      352(108) 355 371(92) 374
Stafford, F.S.      344(3) 345(3) 346
Stern, O.      92 99 103 104 106
Stevens' multiplicative factors, rare-earth ions      252
Stevens' Rules      250ff. 266
Stevens, K.W.H.      244 248 250 251 252 253 255 257 264 265 272
Stewart, A.L.      197
Stimson, H.F.      324 326(32) 328
Stites, J.G., Jr.      327(39) 329
Stone, B.D.      327(39) 329
Stoner, E.C.      362
Stranski, I.N.      92 99 106
1 2 3 4 5
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