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Pedersen A. — cPanel User Guide And Tutorial
Pedersen A. — cPanel User Guide And Tutorial

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Название: cPanel User Guide And Tutorial

Автор: Pedersen A.


If you have web hosting requirements beyond the most basic, you should look for a host that offers cPanel. cPanel gives you tight control over every aspect of your web site, email accounts, and domain names. But once you've got a web site with cPanel support, how do you go about using it? While the documentation included with cPanel may provide a quick reference, to really get the most from it you need a more detailed, systematic tutorial.
Read this book to find out exactly how to get the most from cPanel in all aspects of your web site management: web, email, FTP, security, domains, back ups, and more.
This book will help you to:
- Learn how to find hosts that offer cPanel with their web hosting packages
- Discover how to access your cPanel account in several different ways, even behind a firewall
- Familiarize yourself with the standard cPanel layout so you can find what you are looking for quickly
- Discover what the information you see on the main cPanel interface means and how to use it to keep track of what is happening with your hosting account
- Create, manage and remove FTP accounts so you (or your web master) can upload, access and remove files from your website
- Set up, manage and learn how to access e-mail accounts, including e-mail aliases (forwarding), web mail access, e-mail quotas, mail filtering, spam blocking and mailing lists
- Create, manage and delete databases from within cPanel
- Learn how to protect and control access to information on your web site using the tools that cPanel provides
- Monitor site traffic using web stats
- Discover how to create an effective backup strategy using cPanel’s web site backup and restore features
- Explore some advanced tools that cPanel offers to help manage your web site
- Learn basic techniques to keep your web site safe from hackers and learn what to do if the worst happens
- Examine some common third-party add-ons and themes that your host may choose to offer
- Discover a wealth of external tools that make the aspiring web master’s job easier

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 208

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2006

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