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Velte T., Velte A., Elsenpeter R. — Green IT: Reduce Your Information System's Environmental Impact While Adding to the Bottom Line
Velte T., Velte A., Elsenpeter R. — Green IT: Reduce Your Information System's Environmental Impact While Adding to the Bottom Line

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Название: Green IT: Reduce Your Information System's Environmental Impact While Adding to the Bottom Line

Авторы: Velte T., Velte A., Elsenpeter R.


The subject of greening your data centre is topical and timely, and this book has some useful content and suggestions. It brings to the marketplace, an organized view of what green IT is all about, expands on many topics beyond the basics, and presents a number of examples of how organizations are attacking the hot topic. It make you think about data centre efficiency, and energy conservation in a way that most of us never considered before.

However, it is very uneven in its writing style and, perhaps in the rush to get this book out, there are several errors. At times the authors borrow heavily from giants like Dell, HP and Wal-mart; while instructive, many of these stories do not resonate with small or mid-sized companies that do not have the financial strength or the industry clout to impact our suppliers and supply chains .

On balance, it is worth reading for those who are serious about greening their data centres and their companies, but it is not very readable, especially if you like accuracy.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 338

Добавлена в каталог: 20.07.2014

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