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Название: Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Авторы: Soler F.J.P., Froggatt C.D., Muheim F.
It is just over 75 years since Pauli’s famous letter of 4th December 1930 proposing his “desperate remedy” to save the “exchange theorem of statistics and the law of conservation of energy”. He proposed that there “could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin 1/2”, which nowadays we call “neutrinos”. For more than 20 years, it was thought unlikely that neutrinos could be observed because they interacted so weakly with matter. However, about 50 years ago, Reines and Cowan detected them experimentally at the Savannah River reactor. The rest is, as the famous saying has it, “history”.