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Ferguson A. — Creating Content Management Systems in Java
Ferguson A. — Creating Content Management Systems in Java

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Название: Creating Content Management Systems in Java

Автор: Ferguson A.


I usually try to find books that are focused on some specific topic, but in this book there was not much of about Content Management Systems. Most of chapters contained info about other topics: licensing, XML, XSLT, CSS. They where connected to building CMS, but I have very good knowledge in these topics, so there wasn't much to gain from this book for me, I should have chosen some other book.

But don't get me wrong, there is probably nothing wrong with this book. It is about creating content management system in Java, as is the name of the book. I spent half a day with this book and didn't find anything generally wrong with it, text was clearly written, there isn't much that is unexplained for novice user, an example CMS is on the accompanied CD, etc.

So the main point is:
*If You looking for advanced information about (Enterprise) CMS, then this book is not for You
*If You look to get some information on how to build a CMS system and learning related technologies, then this would be a good option.

About my rating (3 stars): if I would have put rating according to how much this book was useful to me or how much I enjoyed it, my rating would have been 1 or 2. But I feel this would have been too harsh, because I didn't find anything wrong with the book. I must pay more attention to the books I choose to buy in the future, more pre-work before sending an order. So I think 3 is fair rating.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 513

Добавлена в каталог: 06.06.2014

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