Ada 1-3
Ada OCI, not covered in this guide 1-4
Address parameters in COBOL 5-3
Address parameters in FORTRAN 6-2
Application server, connection 2-55
Application server, developing using the OCIs 2-53
Array, maximum size 2-30
Array, query example 4-70
Array, restrictions when using PL/SQL 2-52
Array, standard, use of skip parameter 2-46
Arrays of structures 2-44
Arrays of structures, determining skip parameter 2-45
Arrays of structures, fetch code example 4-41
Arrays of structures, indicator variables 2-47
Arrays of structures, insert code example 4-7
Arrays of structures, skip parameter 2-45
Arrays of structures, using OBINDPS and ODEFINPS 2-44
Bind operation 1-4
Bind operation for piecewise operations 2-40
Bind operations, for arrays of structures 2-44
Blank-padded strings see "Strings"
Blocking mode 2-20
C header files, listing of A-2
C++, sample program A-57
C/C++ 1-3
Canceling an OCI call, using OBREAK 2-30
Canceling OCI call, using the operating system interrupt 2-30
CDA see "Cursor data area"
cdemo1.c, listing of A-19
cdemo2.c, listing of A-27
cdemo3.c, listing of A-37
cdemo4.c, listing of A-43
cdemo5.c, listing of A-51, listing of A-57
cdemo6.h, listing of A-16
CHAR datatype, converting to numeric 3-16
CHAR datatype, external 3-16
CHAR datatype, internal 3-6
Character strings as special parameter 2-28
Character strings in COBOL 5-3
Character strings, length parameter for 6-3
Character strings, null-terminated 3-12
Character strings, passed as literal 2-28
CHARZ datatype, external 3-17
Coding rules 2-28
Compilers, avoiding problems 2-31
compiling 1-4 G-2
Connections, multiple 2-20
control statements see "Transaction"
Cursor see "Cursor data area"
Cursor data area 2-2
Cursor data area, description 2-4
Cursor data area, fields in 2-5
Cursor data area, flags field 2-9
Cursor data area, internal ROWID field 2-9 G-2
Cursor data area, length of fields varies 2-5
Cursor data area, OCI function code field 2-8
Cursor data area, OSD error code field 2-10
Cursor data area, parse error offset field 2-7
Cursor data area, return code field 2-8
Cursor data area, rows processed count 2-7
Cursor data area, size varies G-2
Cursor data area, SQL function code field 2-7
Cursor data area, system dependencies G-2
Cursor data area, V2 return code field 2-6
Cursor variable 2-50
CURSOR VARIABLE datatype, external 3-17
Cursor variables, sample program A-51
Cursors, closing 2-27
Cursors, opening 2-21
Data conversion table 3-19
Data definition language, executed when parsed 2-21 4-63 4-98 5-58 5-87 6-55 6-80
Data definition language, statements 2-11
Data Manipulation Language 2-21
Data manipulation language, statements 2-11 2-12
Data structures, defining 2-20
Data structures, system dependencies G-3
Datatype codes, external 3-3
Datatype codes, internal 3-2 3-3
DATE datatype, external 3-14
DATE datatype, internal 3-5
DDL see "Data definition language"
Deferred, mode linking 2-15
Deferred, parse 2-15
Deferred, statement execution 2-14 2-15
DEFFLG parameter 2-15
DEFFLG parameter of OPARSE 2-21 4-63 4-98 5-58 5-87 6-55 6-80
Define operation 1-4
Define operation for arrays of structures 2-44
Define operation for piecewise operations 2-42
Developing an OCI program 2-19
DISPLAY datatype, external 3-16
Distributed Transaction Processing 2-53
DML see "Data manipulation language"
DTP see "Distributed transaction processing"
Embedded SQL statements, not used in the OCI 2-13
External datatype code see "Datatype code"
External datatype, CHAR 3-16
External datatype, CHARZ 3-17
External datatype, CURSOR VARIABLE 3-17
External datatype, DATE 3-14
External datatype, DISPLAY 3-16
External datatype, FLOAT 3-12
External datatype, INTEGER 3-12
External datatype, LONG 3-13
External datatype, LONG RAW 3-15
External datatype, LONG VARCHAR 3-16
External datatype, LONG VARRAW 3-16
External datatype, MLSLABEL 3-18
External datatype, NUMBER 3-11
External datatype, PACKED DECIMAL 3-13
External datatype, RAW 3-15
External datatype, ROWID 3-14
External datatype, STRING 3-12
External datatype, UNSIGNED 3-15
External datatype, VARCHAR 3-14
External datatype, VARCHAR2 3-9
External datatype, VARNUM 3-13
External datatype, VARRAW 3-15
Flags field, in cursor data area 2-9
FLOAT datatype, external 3-12
Graphical User Interface 2-32
GUI see "Graphical user interface"
HDA see "Host data area"
Host data area 2-2 2-20
Host data area and OLOG call 2-38
Host data area, description 2-4
Host data area, initialization 2-4
Indicator parameter 2-30
Indicator variable with arrays of structures 2-47
Indicator variable, assigning value to 2-29
Indicator variable, definition 2-29
Indicator variable, interpreting value of 2-29
Indicator variable, used to insert null into database 2-30
Indicator variable, using to detect null 2-29
Indicator variable, using to detect truncated value 2-29
Input variables, binding address 2-22
Input variables, placeholders 2-22
INTEGER datatype, external 3-12
Integer parameters in C 4-2
Integer parameters in COBOL 5-3
Integer parameters in FORTRAN 6-3
Integer, use of literal as a placeholder in OBNDRN 2-23
Internal datatype code see "Datatype codes"
Internal datatype, CHAR 3-6
Internal datatype, DATE 3-5
Internal datatype, LONG 3-4
Internal datatype, LONG RAW 3-6
| Internal datatype, MLSLABEL 3-6
Internal datatype, NUMBER 3-4
Internal datatype, RAW 3-5
Internal datatype, ROWID 3-4
Internal datatype, VARCHAR2 3-4
Julian date 3-5
keywords H-3
LDA see "Logon data area"
length parameter 5-3
Linking 1-4 G-2
Linking, deferred mode 2-15
Linking, non-deferred mode 2-15
Linking, system dependencies G-3
Literal character strings 2-28
Literal, as parameter 4-3
Logon data area and OLOG call 2-38
Logon data area, defining 2-20
Logon data area, description 2-3
Logon data area, establishing connections with 2-20
Logon data area, system dependencies G-2
LONG column, maximum width of 3-4
LONG datatype, compared with CHAR 3-4
LONG datatype, external 3-13
LONG datatype, internal 3-4
LONG RAW datatype, external 3-15
LONG RAW datatype, internal 3-6
LONG VARCHAR datatype, external 3-16
LONG VARRAW datatype, external 3-16
MLSLABEL datatype, external 3-18
MLSLABEL datatype, internal 3-6
Mode of a parameter, in C 4-5
Mode of a parameter, in COBOL 5-5
Mode of a parameter, in FORTRAN 6-5
Mode, non-blocking 2-32
Multi-threaded applications, multiple connection example 2-37
Multi-threaded applications, must use olog() 2-38
Multi-threaded applications, programming in OCI 2-38
Multi-threaded applications, single connection example 2-36
Multi-threaded applications, three-tier architectures 2-34
Multi-threaded applications, typical uses 2-34
Multi-threaded development, basic concepts 2-34
Multi-threaded development, code example 4-102 4-106
Multi-threaded development, managing database access 2-35
Multi-threaded development, managing multiple threads 2-35
Multi-threaded development, serial access to connection 2-35
Multi-threaded development, single versus multiple connections 2-35
Multi-threaded development, using OLOGOF 2-38
Multi-threaded development, using OPINIT call 2-38
Multibyte character strings 2-43
Namespaces, reserved by Oracle H-6
National language support 2-7
NLS see "National language support"
Non-blank-padded strings see "Strings"
Non-blocking mode 2-20 2-32
Non-deferred mode linking 2-15
Non-deferred parsing 2-15
Null, ANSI requirement 2-30
Null, detecting 2-29
Null, inserting into database column 2-29
Null, using RCODE to detect when fetched 2-30
Null, when fetched from database 2-30
NUMBER datatype, external 3-11
NUMBER datatype, internal 3-4
OBINDPS, C description 4-6
OBINDPS, COBOL description 5-6
OBINDPS, FORTRAN description 6-6
OBINDPS, optimizing compilers 2-31
OBINDPS, supported in deferred mode 2-46
OBNDRA, C description 4-14
OBNDRA, COBOL description 5-12
OBNDRA, FORTRAN description 6-12
OBNDRA, optimizing compilers 2-31
OBNDRN, C description 4-22
OBNDRN, COBOL description 5-21
OBNDRN, FORTRAN description 6-20
OBNDRN, optimizing compilers 2-31
OBNDRV, C description 4-22
OBNDRV, COBOL description 5-21
OBNDRV, FORTRAN description 6-20
OBNDRV, optimizing compilers 2-31
OBREAK, C description 4-27
OBREAK, canceling an OCI call 2-30
OBREAK, COBOL description 5-26
OBREAK, FORTRAN description 6-25
OCAN, C description 4-30
OCAN, COBOL description 5-27
OCAN, FORTRAN description 6-26
OCI calls, obsolescent 1-6
OCI calls, obsolete 1-5
OCI data structures 2-2
OCI data structures, defining 2-20
OCI function code 2-8
OCI, definition 1-2
OCI, program structure 2-2
ociapr.h, listing of A-12
ocidem.h, listing of A-10
ocidfn.h, listing of A-8
ocikpr.h, listing of A-14
OCLOSE, C description 4-31
OCLOSE, COBOL description 5-28
OCLOSE, FORTRAN description 6-27
OCOF, C description 4-32
OCOF, COBOL description 5-29
OCOF, FORTRAN description 6-28
OCOM, C description 4-33
OCOM, COBOL description 5-30
OCOM, FORTRAN description 6-29
OCON, C description 4-34
OCON, COBOL description 5-31
OCON, FORTRAN description 6-30
ODEFIN, C description 4-35
ODEFIN, COBOL description 5-32
ODEFIN, defining select-list items 2-26
ODEFIN, FORTRAN description 6-31
ODEFIN, not used for PL/SQL block 2-48
ODEFIN, optimizing compilers 2-31
ODEFINPS, C description 4-40
ODEFINPS, COBOL description 5-37
ODEFINPS, defining select-list items 2-26
ODEFINPS, FORTRAN description 6-37
ODEFINPS, not used for PL/SQL block 2-48
ODEFINPS, optimizing compilers 2-31
ODEFINPS, supported in deferred mode 2-46
ODESCR, C description 4-48
ODESCR, COBOL description 5-42
ODESCR, defining select-list items 2-26
ODESCR, FORTRAN description 6-42
ODESSP, C description 4-54
ODESSP, COBOL description 5-49
ODESSP, FORTRAN description 6-47
ODSC, C description D-2
ODSC, COBOL description E-2
ODSC, FORTRAN description F-2
ODSC, replace with ODESCR D-2 E-2 F-2
OERHMS, C description 4-61
OERHMS, COBOL description 5-56
OERHMS, FORTRAN description 6-53
OERMSG, C description D-5
OERMSG, COBOL description E-5
OERMSG, FORTRAN description F-5
OERMSG, replace with OERHMS D-5 E-5 F-5
OEXEC 2-25
OEXEC, C description 4-63
OEXEC, COBOL description 5-58
OEXEC, fetching a single row 2-26
OEXEC, FORTRAN description 6-55
OEXFET, C description 4-65
OEXFET, COBOL description 5-59