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Stevens W.R. — Unix: Network Programming. Volume 1
Stevens W.R. — Unix: Network Programming. Volume 1

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Íàçâàíèå: Unix: Network Programming. Volume 1

Àâòîð: Stevens W.R.


Network programming involves writing programs that communicate with other programs across a computer network. One program is normally called the client and the other the server. Most operating systems provide precompiled programs that communicate across a network—common examples in the TCP/IP world are Web clients (browsers) and Web servers, and the FTP and Telnet clients and servers—but this book describes how to write our own network programs.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2-nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1011

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.04.2014

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.profile file      245
/dev/bpf device      713
/dev/console device      332
/dev/icmp device      764 784
/dev/ipx device      784
/dev/klog device      332
/dev/kmem device      441 443
/dev/log device      332
/dev/nspx2 device      784
/dev/null device      337 627
/dev/rawip device      784
/dev/tcp device      764 784 800 843 857 904
/dev/ticlts device      764 784
/dev/ticots device      764 784
/dev/ticotsord device      764 784
/dev/udp device      764 784 843
/dev/xti/tcp device      843
/dev/xti/udp device      843
/dev/zero device      740 746
/etc/hosts file      240
/etc/inetd.conf file      339—340 345
/etc/irs.conf file      240
/etc/netconfig file      784—785 796 800 904
/etc/netsvc.conf file      240
/etc/networks file      256
/etc/nsswitch.conf file      240
/etc/rc file      331 339
/etc/resolv.conf file      226 240 245 275
/etc/services file      51 251—252 277 345 945
/etc/svc.conf file      240
/etc/syslog.conf file      332 334 346
/local service      282—283 293 306 326 947
/unix service      282 306 947
/usr/lib/libnsl.so file      784
/usr/lib/resolv.so file      784
/usr/lib/tcpip.so file      784
/var/adm/messages file      338
/var/log/messages file      346
/var/run/log file      332 334
4.1cBSD      88
4.2BSD      19—20 60 68—69 88 90 95—96 154 241 358 374 475 477 533 763
4.3BSD      20 43 231 339 475
4.3BSD, Reno      20 58 62 194 356 358 445 532 637 657 673
4.3BSD, Tahoe      20
4.4BSD      20 25 32 62 65 87—90 93 117 123 155 188 192 196 198—199 202 225 250 357 376 382 398 426 437 446 453 458 504 537 657 704 739—742 799 896—897
4.4BSD-Lite      19—20 970
4.4BSD-Lite2      19—21 938
64-bit alignment      62 887
64-bit architectures      27 68 141 765 817 930 960
6bone (IPv6 backbone)      xx 21 662 685 901—902
6bone (IPv6 backbone), test address      893—894
<arpa/nameser.h> header      719
<net/if.h> header      439 463
<net/if_arp.h> header      440
<net/if_dl.h> header      446 534
<net/route.h> header      442 447—448
<netdb.h> header      243 255 274 299
<netinet/icmp6.h> header      660
<netinet/in.h> header      58 61 72 92 110 561 656
<netinet/ip.h> header      198
<netinet/ip_var.h> header      640
<netinet/udp_var.h> header      458
<poll.h> header      171
<pthread.h> header      605 621
<stdio.h> header      369
<string.h> header      69
<sys/errno.h> header      13 398 603 825 925
<sys/ioctl.h> header      426
<sys/param.h> header      251 534
<sys/poll.h> header      913
<sys/select.h> header      152 175
<sys/signal.h> header      590
<sys/socket.h> header      60 88 187 209 363—364 456
<sys/stat.h> header      82
<sys/stropts.h> header      171
<sys/sysctl.h> header      455
<sys/tihdr.h> header      856 858
<sys/types .h> header      155 175
<sys/ucred.h> header      390
<sys/uio.h> header      357
<sys/un.h> header      374
<thread.h> header      621
<unistd.h> header      426 642
<xti.h> header      764 767—768 839 873
<xti_inet.h> header      764 837
Abell, V.A.      914
Abortive release, XTI      774—775
Absolute name, DNS      237
Absolute time      630
Accept function      xvii 14—15 34—35 53 58 64 94—96 98—102 104—108 110 112 116—117 123—124 127 129—130 137 153 163 167 183 192 213 223 235 241 263—264 266 268 277 288 290 292 299 340 342 344—346 369 382 391 394—395 398 422—424 569 576—577 601 608—609 636 693 728—729 736 739—748 751—752 754—757 760 797—798 800 803 878 927 935 945—946 949
accept function, connection abort      129—130
accept function, definition of      99
accept function, nonblocking      422—424
Accept, lazy      798—799
ACK (acknowledgment flag, TCP header)      34 37 41 49
ACK (acknowledgment flag, TCP header), delayed      203—204 209 935
Acknowledgment flag, TCP header      see "ACK"
Active, close      36—38 40—41 51 926 928 933
Active, open      34—35 38 44 909
Active, socket      93 309
Addis, J.      xx
Addr member      765 769—772 777 788—792 799 809 820—821 825 860 873 880
Address request, ICMP      659 897
Address Resolution Protocol      see "ARP"
Address, 6bone test      893—894
Address, administratively scoped IPv4 multicast      490
Address, aggregatable global unicast      892—893
Address, alias      93 891
Address, broadcast      470—472
Address, classless      888—889
Address, determining, local host IP      250
Address, IPv4      887—891
Address, IPv4 destination      885
Address, IPv4 multicast      487—489
Address, IPv4 source      885
Address, IPv4—compatible IPv6      249 894—895
Address, IPv4—mapped IPv6      83 246—249 262—269 280 292 312 665 894
Address, IPv6      892—895
Address, IPv6 destination      886
Address, IPv6 multicast      489
Address, IPv6 source      886
Address, link-local      895
Address, loopback      100 309 333 395 538 891 895
Address, multicast      487—490
Address, multicast group      487
Address, provider-based unicast      892
Address, site-local      895
Address, subnet      889—890 968
Address, unspecified      891 895
Address, well-known      44
Address, wildcard      44 77 92 112 116 137 195 262—263 265 271 280 308 340 496 500 513 519 553 555—556 689 695 800 891 895
Address, XTI transport      791
Address, XTI universal      791
Address, XTIflex      880
Addrinfo structure      89 274—275 277 279 281—282 288 308 311—312 314—315 317 319—321 324—325 417 665 677 788
Addrinfo structure, definition of      274
Addrs structure      516 521 526
addr_fd member      516
addr_flags member      516
addr_i fname member      516 522
ADDR_length member      858 860
ADDR_offset member      858 860
addr_sa member      516 521
addr_salen member      516
Administratively scoped IPv4 multicast address      490
AF_INET constant      7—9 62—63 72 75 83 87 216 243 246—249 269—270 280 307 310 312 456 665 691 791
AF_INET6 constant      30 62—63 72 83 87 241 243 246—249 269 280 307 310—312 438 458 665 691 791 953
AF_ISO constant      87
AF_KEY constant      87—88
AF_LINK constant      63 456 461 535
AF_LOCAL constant      25 63 87 374 377—378 380—381
AF_NS constant      87
AF_ROUTE constant      87—88 197 425 445—446 451 455—456
AF_UNIX constant      25 87 374
AF_UNSPEC constant      226 274 280 285 288 290 297 306—308 441 456
AF_versus PF_      88—89
Aggregatable global unicast address      892—893
AH (authentication header)      645 963 967
aio_read function      148
AIX      xx 21—22 67 98 182 228 233 240 446 477 503 765 781 790 815—816 843 925 928 950
ai_addr member      274—275 279 324
ai_addrlen member      274—275 277—278 788
AI_CANONNAME constant      274—275 282 312 314 320
ai_canonname member      274—275 279 314 319
AI_CLONE constant      305 315 317 319 322
ai_family member      274—275 277 306
ai_flags member      274 319
ai_next member      274—275 319 321—322 325
AI_PASSIVE constant      274 277 280 282—283 288 308—309 324 563 953
ai_protocol member      274—275 277 325
ai_socktype member      274—275 277—278 317 319 322
Alarm function      349 351—352 372 395 478 480 486 548—549 551 563 584 717
Albitz, P.      238 256 963
Alias address      93 891
Alignment      140 287 640 647—648 695
Alignment, 64-bit      62 887
All-hosts multicast group      488
All-nodes multicast group      489
All-routers multicast group      488—489
Allman, E.      274
Almquist, P.      199 963
American National Standards Institute      see "ANSI"
American Standard Code for Information Interchange      see "ASCII"
Ancillary data      362—365
Ancillary data, object, definition of      363
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_DST0PTS      648
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_H0PLIMIT      560
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_HOPOPTS      648
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_NEXTH0P      560
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_PKTINFO      560
Ancillary data, picture of, IPV6_RTHDR      652
Ancillary data, picture of, IP_RECVDSTADDR      361
Ancillary data, picture of, IP_RECVIF      535
Ancillary data, picture of, SCM_CREDS      364
Ancillary data, picture of, SCM_RIGHTS      364
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)      7
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), C      xvi 7—9 15 27 60—61 69—70 366 426 608—610 690 922 957
Anycasting      469 968
API (application program interface)      xv
Application, ACK      190
Application, protocol      4 383 780
APUE      xvi 969
Argument passing, thread      608—609
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)      31 90 205 220 427 440 456—457 470 472 660 708
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), cache operations, ioctl function      440—441
arp program      441
arpreq structure      427 440
arp_flags member      440
arp_ha member      440
arp_pa member      440—441
AS (autonomous system)      893
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)      8—9 70 72 100 238 928
asctime function      611
asctime_r function      611
Asynchronous Transfer Mode      see "ATM"
Asynchronous, error      212 221 224 685—702 824—826 829
Asynchronous, events      XTI 774
Asynchronous, I/O      149 428 589
Asynchronous, I/O model      148
At program      332
ATF_COM constant      440—441
ATF_INUSE constant      440—441
ATF_PERM constant      440—441
ATF_PUBL constant      440—441
Atkinson, R.J.      xx 88 645 647 963 966—967
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)      192 968
atoi function      315 388
Attack, denial-of-service      99 167 423 945
Audio/video profile      see "AVP"
Authentication header      see "AH"
Autoconf program      67 919
Automatic tunnel      894
Autonomous system      see "AS"
AVP (audio/video profile)      507
Awk program      xx 24
Backoff, exponential      543 717
Baker, F.      688 964
Bandwidth-delay product      193
Basename program      24
Batch input      157—159
Bellovin, S.M.      99 637 964
Bentley, J.L.      xx
Berkeley Internet Name Domain      see "BIND"
Berkeley Software Distribution      see "BSD"
Berkeley-derived implementation, definition of      19
Bibliography      963—970
Big picture, TCP/IP      30—32
Big-endian byte order      66
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)      239—240 242—243 245—246 249 275 300— 305 458 941
Bind function      xvi 14 27 34—35 43—44 58 60—61 63 65 89 91—94 100—102 108 110 116 129 135 137 166 187 194—197 207—208 214 217 220 222 224 231 233 236 263 270—271 275 277—278 282 288 309 324 339—340 346 369 374—375 377—378 394—395 498—499 505 508—509 513 515 519—520 529 553—555 557—558 561 656 659 677 685 689 693 695 767 771 872 895 927 933 945 947 951 953
bind function, definition of      91
Binding interface address, UDP      553—557
bind_ack structure      860
bind_connect_listen function      197
bind_mcast function      518 521
bind_req structure      858
bind_ubcast function      517 519 953
Black magic      382
Blindheim, R.      xix
Blocking I/O model      144—145
BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol)      47 52 470—471
Bootstrap Protocol      see "BOOTP"
BOP (Border Gateway Protocol, routing protocol)      52
Border Gateway Protocol, routing protocol      see "BGP"
Borman, D.A.      35—36 43 48 95 99 544 671 838 964 966
Bostic, K.      19 968
Bound, J.      xix-xx 26 62 199 300 463 497 965
Bourne shell      24
Bowe, G.      xix
BPF (BSD Packet Filter)      30 32 87 703—706 708
Braden, R.T.      35—36 40—41 187 209 219 369 472 509 533 544 671 838 891 964 966
Bradner, S.      26 964
Briggs, A.      xix
Broadcast      183 469—486
Broadcast, address      470—472
broadcast, flooding      495
broadcast, IP fragmentation and      477—478
broadcast, multicast versus      490—493
broadcast, storm      473
broadcast, versus unicast      472—475
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)      19
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), networking history      19
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), Packet Filter      see "BPF"
BSD/OS      19—21 23 67 88 98—99 133 155 185 198 231 345 359 375 390 429 433—434 456 471 477 503 538—539 572 577 721 728—729 740 742 744 751 907 914 919 926 934 938 945 950—951
Buf member      769—770 790—791 854
Buffer sizes      46—50
Buffering, double      705
BUFFSIZE constant, definition of      918
BUFLEN constant      451
bufmod streams module      706
Butenhof, D.R.      xix 602 964
Byte manipulation functions      69—70
byte order, big-endian      66
Byte order, functions      66—69
Byte order, host      66 92 100 110 138 657 660 927
Byte order, little-endian      66
Byte order, network      59 68 70 100 141 251—252 277 657—658 660 930
Byte-stream protocol      9 29 32 83 87 360 378 397 580 766
C standard, C9X      15
Calloc function      437 618
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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