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Card J., Benner T. — Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health: Evidence-Based HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Interventions
Card J., Benner T. — Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health: Evidence-Based HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Interventions

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Название: Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health: Evidence-Based HIV, STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Interventions

Авторы: Card J., Benner T.


Model Programs for Adolescent Sexual Health is a directory of the most promising and proven effective sexual education and prevention programs in the United States. The programs included in this volume were selected for their demonstrated positive impact on STI, pregnancy, and HIV/AIDS-related risk behaviors by a group of eminent HIV/AIDS expert scientists.

The programs also show effective prevention strategies aimed at a variety of ages (children, adolescents, college students); a variety of ethnic and cultural orientations (Latino, African-American, GLBT, and more); and for use in a variety of settings (schools, community settings, medical clinics, and more).

The following information is provided for each program listed in the directory:

  • The Program Abstract summarizes the program, including its target clientele, site, approach, components, length, staffing requirements, program materials, and implementation costs
  • The Program Rationale and History explains how the program was designed, and its underlying theoretical framework and assumptions
  • Program Schedule explains the goals and activities of each program session
  • Program Materials explains the necessary materials needed to implement the program (note that not all materials are included in this directory
  • How to Implement the Program explains the ground rules and other necessary steps prior to implementation
  • Evaluating the Program explains how the program was evaluated for its effectiveness

Also available as a companion guide: Adolescent Sexual Health Education - 978-0-8261-3822-4

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 409

Добавлена в каталог: 24.04.2014

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