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Ichimaru S. — Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume I: Basic Principles (Frontiers in Physics, Vol 87) (v. 1)
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Название: Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume I: Basic Principles (Frontiers in Physics, Vol 87) (v. 1)
Автор: Ichimaru S.
Аннотация: The principal aim of this book is to present a coherent and self-contained account of the fundamental theories in plasma physics, not as an isolated subject, but as an integral part of statistical physics. Intended as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses on plasma and statistical physics, the presentation is self-contained and should be read without difficulty by those who have adequate preparation in classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, elementary quantum mechanics, and statistics. Major topics include: plasma phenomena in nature, kinetic equations, plasmas as dielectric media, electromagnetic properties of Vlasov plasmas in thermodynamic equilibria, transient processes, and instabilities. Statistical Plasma Physics, Volume II, will treat subjects in the field of condensed plasma physics, with applications to condensed matter physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1992
Количество страниц: 404
Добавлена в каталог: 20.04.2014
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Magnetic Reynolds number 347
Magnetic shear 221
Magnetic viscosity 354
Magnetic viscosity, anomalous 350 357
Magnetic viscosity, wavenumber-dependent 355
Magnetic well 214
Magnetic-field reconnection 346
Magnetic-field turbulence 348
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence 350
Magnetosphere 4
Markoff process 294
MCA scheme 259
Merging speed 346
Metal insulator transition 274
Metal-insulator boundary 272
Minimum-B geometry 214
Mirror ratio 192
Mixing-length theory 356
Modified convolution approximation (MCA) 258
Momentum average approximation 339
Multipole field 214
Navuer — Stokes equation 266
Neutron star 5
Nondecay type 332
Nonlinear decay rate 332
Nonlinear effect 167
Nonlinear mode-coupling term 256
Nonlinear polarizability 330
Nonlinear wave-particle interaction 331
Nonlocal effect 138
Nyquist criterion 180
Occupation-number operator 89
OCP 248
One-component (OCP) 9
One-sided Fourier transformation 45 56
Ordinary wave 138
Ornstein — Zernike relation 73 249
Parker's reconnection velocity 341
Parseval's theorem 247
Peculiar velocity 267
Penrose criterion 178
Plasma dispersion function 104
Plasma oscillation 19 117 120 145 172 189 333
Plasma turbulence 328
Plasma wave, large amplitude 161
Plasma, compensated 132
Plasma, definition of 1
Plasma, dense hydrogen 272
Plasma, electron and ion two-component 115
Plasma, gaseous 182
Plasma, in nature 2
Plasma, inhomogeneous 216
Plasma, laser-cooled pure ion 9
Plasma, Maxwellian 252
Plasma, multicomponent 6 230 266
Plasma, nonequilibrium 251
Plasma, one-component (OCP) 5
Plasma, solid-state 131 182
Plasma, strongly coupled 6 259 336
Plasma, strongly magnetized pure electron 9
Plasma, two-component (TCP) 250
Plasma, uncompensated 131
Plasma, weakly coupled 6 237
Plasma-wave echo 151
Plasma-wave echo, spatial 154
Plasma-wave echo, temporal 153
Plasma-wave instability 115
Plasmon 92
Plateau formation 166
Poisson equation 13
Polarization potential approach 70
Polarization vector 285
Ponderomotive force 171
Pressure ionization 8 272
Projection tensor transverse 76
Projection tensor, longitudinal 76
Propagation, spatial 149
Propagation, temporal 146
Pseudo-classical diffusion coefficient 341
Quantum-mechanical transport equation 49
Quasilinear approach 329
Quiescent state 332
r2 parameter 8
Radial distribution function 36 61 69 246 250
Radiative process 280
Random phase approximation (RPA) 22
Random walk 316
Random-phase approximation (RPA) 239
Reconnection rate 346
Relaxation function 59
Relaxation time 116
Relaxation time, ionic 310
Renormalization 336
Renormalization effect 261
Renormalization factor 261
Renormalized single-particle propagator 337
Resistivity, electric 267
Resistivity, thermal 267
Resonance 126
Resonant coupling 114 333
Rydberg energy 94
Schroedinger representation 362
Screened density-response function 71
Screened plasma frequency 119
Secular term 339
Self focusing 173
Self trapping 172
Self-motion 252
Semiconductor 3
Shear viscosity 274
Shear viscosity, BGL value 277
Shear viscosity, Landau value 276
Shear viscosity, reduced 277
Single Sonine-polynomial approximation 275 343
Solar flare 346
Solitary wave 167
Sonine polynomial 275
Space-time average 232
Spatial diffusion 311
Spatial inhomogeneity 313
Spectral distribution 336
Spectral distribution of turbulence 337
Spectral function 238 366
Spectral representation 59 237
Spectral tensor 238 240
Spitzer resistivity 340
Spitzer — Haerm value 343
Spontaneous emission 111
Stabilization, drift wave 220
Star, main sequence 4
Static correlation 280
Static dielectric function 110
Static local-field correction approximation 249 260
Static screening function 268
Static structure factor 246
Statistical operator 363
STLS excess internal energy 95
STLS scheme 258
Stopping power 65 91 111
Stress tensor 349
Strong Coulomb-coupling effect 248 260
Strong plasma turbulence 336
Strongly turbulent state 332
Structure factor, dynamic 60 69 247 250
Structure factor, RPA 251
Structure factor, static 60 69 249—250 268
Sun 3
Superposition principle 241 251
Symmetrized Coulomb interaction 257
Synchrotron radiation 282
System point 33
Temperature relaxation 307
Thermal ionization 3 272
Thermalization 328
Thermodynamic potential 59
Thermodynamic sum rule 59
Thomas scattering 284
Thomas — Fermi screening parameter 91
Three-wave process 331
Time-dependent Hartree equation 39
Transition probability 294
Transport equation 263
Transport process 265
Trapped particle 163
Turbulence energy 328
Turbulent heating 329
Turbulent heating experiments 344
Turbulent mixing 351
Turbulent viscosity 354 356
Ultrahigh pressure metal 9
Ultrarelativistic electron 282 288
Unified theory 49
Universal instability 220
Unperturbed trajectory 78 235
Vertex correction 339
viscosity 274
Vlasov dielectric function 46
Vlasov equation 38
Vlasov equation, linearized 42
Vlasov propagator 46
Vlasov — Maxwell equations 77
W function 104
Wave-particle interaction 114
Weakly turbulent state 332
Whistler 135
White dwarf 4
Wiedemann — Frantz relation 270
Wiener — Khinchine theorem 247
Wiggler 290
Wigner distribution 264
Wigner transition 19
X-ray stars 290
Ziman formula 269